Akashic Records

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Vinay Jha
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Method of accessing Ākashic records

Post by Vinay Jha » Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:36 am

TheAlchemist has defined the ākashic records well. Here lies the answer.

There are three types of people. For the first set, only a gifted guru is needed to initiate him/her, and no training is needed. But such persons are rare.

For the second category, Kriyā-yoga is preferable. After passing through seven successive stages of Yoga (yama, niyama, āsana, prānāyāma, pratyāhāra, dhāranā, dhyāna or meditation), the last stage of Samādhi is reached. There are many types of Samādhi, with various attributes. After reaching there, the yogi attains the capability to read ākashic records.

There is a third category of persons, who are not interested in finishing the last stage of Samādhi and rejoice in various Vibhootis, one of which is the capability of reading ākashic records. By leaving the straight path of yoga and digressing into the Vibhootis, such a person loses the chance to reach the state of total enlightenment.

The capability to read ākashic records is a miracle for lesser mortals, but a hindrance for a yogi.

This capability is attained through meditation (dhyāna). Some persons have inborn capacity to undergo real meditatiom, others have to purify their minds by means of Kriyā-yoga.


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Post by landofshadows » Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:20 pm

Hi All,

I think I am getting the information I am seeing through Anan-Ael from this source... The reason I say this is I found a guy called Edgar Cayce to have had very similar experiences to my own, in the way he describes things.  He states he had a connection to these records... Also in the Language I have been shown/building Akas - means Abundence/Wealth/Vast/Universe/Infinite. and Ha -means Breath/Throat/Speach/Voice. Hic - means Bizzare/Chaos/Puzzle/Confussion But when placed along side Akas-Hic it would mean resolving Bizzare/Chaos/Puzzle/Confussion, so making sense of...

Now I know none of you will really understand the above or have any real answers for me...

I just want you to know that the Akas-Hic or Akas-Ha came to me, and not me to it.


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