Trying to understand

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Trying to understand

Post by HumbleWanderer » Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:39 pm

For over a year, I've been having horrible nightmares about my death.  They're very realistic, in many ways, and I never realize that I'm dreaming until it is over.  I can smell everything, taste sea salt on my lips and tongue, wince at the sun and feel my clothes on my skin, but I can't hear anything.  It's just dead silent the whole time.  When I wake up from this dream, I feel exhausted, like I didn't sleep.  What makes me think I may be seeing myself in a past life, is that when I look down, it isn't me.  I mean, it isn't my arms or chest, or anything like that, it's a body that belongs to someone else.  This person and I have similar builds, but everything is just off with him.  Very hairy arms, differently shaped torsos, his skin is red, like it's sun burned, and a lot of other things are tipping me off that this isn't me.

After having the dream for such a long time, I've been able to piece it together bit by bit.  I wake up in a field, very green with very tall grass.  I'm wearing a very itchy robe-like garment that feels like really harsh wool.  It's very cold and I'm very hungry, so I start picking off bits of leaves off some plants.  The plants have purple and green leaves and thin stems.  I think that's what kills me, and it's some kind of poisonous plant.  After I eat enough so that my stomach stops hurting, I wander through some grass some more, and go about some kind of daily routine.  It feels very boring and familiar, but I'm gathering a bunch of rocks from a foul smelling swamp, and carrying them to a pile in the meadow I'd woken up in, which is maybe a mile or so away.  While I'm doing this, I suddenly feel like my body is on fire.  The pain is very weak at first and I'm trying to ignore it, but then it gets too bad, and I drop my rocks and fall over in pain.  It feels like I'm lying there for hours, gasping and choking for air.  Eventually, I fall asleep, and that's when the dream ends and I wake up again.  It's pretty horrifying, and I can never wake up while I'm lying there in agony, because I don't realize that I'm dreaming.

So, paging Dr. Freud.  Is my dream just a dream?  If so, does it mean something?  Or is it possible that this was a past life experience?  And if so, why am I experiencing it?

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Post by Crow » Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:25 pm


Paging Dr. Freud...that is sooo funny.  Wonder what he would be if he came back.  Do we come back?

K here is my interpretation for you.  Usually when we have something this vivid it usually means to be on the look out for something. So it is something to look into.  

Are you going to have to beware of certain foods in the future?  

I mean just don't eat those berries. ;) I joke, but really when it happens those vivid nightmares they are not so funny.  Just try not to get too carried away like I used to into the meaning.  Oh I drove myself nuts, which isn't hard to do. I have a VIP membership to the looney bin you know. :)

Something I am learning is not to chase the past but to learn from it.  So maybe it isn't as important as who or what as what the message was for you. And only you will know.  Past life?  Could be, dunno.

Also I found once I have found the root, the nightmares usually end.  So it takes a little self searching. What means something for me, will mean something different for you.

Hope that helps.

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:53 pm

Dreams, are our physical body's way of checking in with our soul.  Your dream is very dark sounding to be sure, but that doesn't necessarily  mean the mssage is 'dark'.  (You  may just be a stubborn and difficult learner...:) )  Are you living the life you want to live?  Happy & fulfilled?  Are you following your soul's desire?  Or are you constantly fighting it?

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