People who know my thoughts from a distance...

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People who know my thoughts from a distance...

Post by adrift » Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:45 pm

Hello, I just have a question about people with psychic abilities. I have none whatsoever myself so pardon my ignorance!

Something happened to me recently where people who I thought were my friends starting joking among themselves about the very things I had been thinking about just the day before. This happened about three times and was very specifically about what I had been thinking about, so it wasn't a coincidence.

I just wondered how they are able to tap into your thoughts from a distance? Do they need a photograph to do this? Do they have to specifically tune in, or could it just come to them spontaneously?

And also if anyone knows - how can I protect my thoughts from being public viewing like this? I thought what I think about in my own head is supposed to be my business and no-one else's?

Thanks a lot.

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:40 pm

Hi, welcome to Mystic Board.

I think your thoughts were most probably private and not read or seen by anyone. Although it is very easy to come to that conclusion but there is often a simple reason for a one off coincidence, especially if people know you and spend long periods of time together. Sometimes our thoughts are just that obvious and expected. Please don't get too worried over it, instead put it behind you and move on learning from the situation Do you have any reason to believe that your friends are psychic or mind readers?

There are many ways to block you mind from others using shielding and blocking techniques though if you want to persevere with this :)


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Post by adrift » Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:52 am

Hi, thanks for the reply.

At first I assumed it was just a coincidence but it happened several times, and it was very specific to what I had been thinking about, not just sort of related. It became so I knew it must be too much of a coincidence. I know that there are people who can read your thoughts. And also the way the guy reacted when I questioned him on what he was saying - for example I said 'What makes you say that?' , and he looked like he'd just been caught stealing, when it was quite an innocent question and an innocent subject matter. I could tell something wasn't right.  I have started doing shielding, but I've no idea if it is working, I have no gifts for this sort of thing!

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