Share Your Psychic Reading Experiences

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Share Your Psychic Reading Experiences

Post by pageofcups » Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:38 am

I'm not psychic myself (although I'm interested in polishing my abilities--I know everybody has some to some extent). Anyone want to share their experiences with readings? The good and the bad.

What did the psychic say, was it accurate or off, did it come true, did you get a cold reading?

I've had 3 readings. The first when I was 19-21, then another when I was about 21, the last one I think was when I was around 25.

The first was about my soul mate. I asked the psychic what he would look like. I'm suspicious that it may have been a cold reading. It was done by a very high profile psychic who ran a mobile service and you could ask for a reading via text message. It was vague, he said "your soul mate will be tall and handsome". I'm not sure whether to think he said that because he didn't have time to go into detail/it was via text message or because he was a fraud.

The second reading was a prediction about what was about to happen to me in the next 1-2 years (I was in school at that time) and I was told what would happen to me (it was an uncommon thing to happen to someone in my position so for it to happen would be pretty impressive). And it came true. The psychic said that it would have to do with my work place, but it was actually about education. The psychic gave me details about what would happen in my old age, but the description she gave me actually sounded more like details of the lives members of my extended family rather than my future (I can't be sure). Like: how many children I would have, in what order, gender/twins, health issues. She read it from my palm.

My third reading was a little more detailed some parts were vague. I was told when (what age) I would meet my soul mate (although she wouldn't answer me whether I already know this person and would realize he's the one, or if this was someone entirely new). She also gave me advice and told me my tendencies which were true. I'm getting nervous in anticipation for what she predicted would happen to happen.

Anyone else want to share?

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:02 pm

Readings are intended to be personal to the sitter being read.  They are intended as guidelines, not done deals.  Readings are intended to aid the sitter make some decisions in their own life.  

As nothing is ever pre-determined, a reading can also mean the sitter can change any part of it by their own choices in life as they go along.  We all have experiences that we can choose to enter, experience, or learn from when they play out.  

Do not get stuck on a prediction that may or may not come true in your life.

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Sat Feb 26, 2011 10:07 pm

I absolutely agree with Spirit Talk.. predictions are fickle at best.

your fist experience was a silly game thing..them kinds of "readings" are random generations.. stick that in the just for fun pile.

Your second one sounds like a very good palmistry reading, I dont do these myself, but admire what I have seen our palmists here determine from the lines on peoples hands... I do respect a good palmists, but keep in mind that these are only as good as the skills and experience of the reader and their ability to interpret what they believe the lines to represent.
When I can get a fair scan of my palm I am going to ask for one here.. but honestly most palmists ( not the ones that read here, from what I have read they are very skilled, experienced and dedicated ) are a bit hit and miss dabbling.

The third one again was predictive, so dont get overly expectant, your future is what you make. She also read you quite well, but dont think this is any indication of the accuracy of a prediction.

Always remember that no matter what you are told by a working psychic that the directions you take are always your own. YOU choose.
Ill sometimes share an intuitive prediction in a reading, but when I do I make sure that the seeker is fully aware that they are in the drivers seat still and understand that the prediction is given from my interpretation of the likely outcome exactly as it is at the time of the reading given, it is still subject to influences that I may not have seen. Psychics rarely "see all".. often we get only what is necessary to assist the seeker in assessing their current situation so that they may determine what they should like to do for themselves to create the the future they want.

From my experience.. we are all psychic..  intuition is not gift given to only some.. Its impossible to be human without feelings .. it is something we all have. You can develop your intuitive understand just by practice.. just feel.

There are other "abilities" that are more prominent in some than others, .... Clairvoyant, medium, some have awesome audio or visual perceptions of energy or spirit..

OO the soul mate thing... dont get all funny with the hallmark rubbish of soulmates and destined lovers.. ahhh .. seriously the whole soulmate thing annoys me because too many people think it refers to some fantasy, Disney kind of stuff.
We in fact have many soulmates in our lives not all will be lovers..and not all compatible lovers fantasy soulmates.. in fact they rarely are.. This "the one", is the one you choose, or find yourself in sync with and find mutual respect and understanding with. Dont think for a moment that God made a guy, then he made a girl that and these two must meet to complete the plan.
You will choose who will fit the shoes of a compatible life partner, and then you will work together in the relationship, become one by mutual consent.

Soulmates come and go in our lives, some will stay forever. from these people, ( yes there are many ).. you will have shared a connection that enhances your wellbeing, this may have come as a lesson, sometimes a painful realization, oft long after the initial union... sometimes a welcome touch of comfort and security.

This explanation of soulmate is only brief, and I cant possible touch on the truth of it in just a paragraph or two.. I just bring it up here so that you may consider your expectations of a "soulmate" you feel coming into your life.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:49 pm

Just one other thought crossed my often do you get psychic readings?  They are not intended to be done more than 2 x per year.

Any more than that and you allowing others to make your decisions for you and giving away a great deal of your own personal power.  We have free will choice, by all means use  your own to its best possible level.  That is your own personal power.  Hold it, use, it and welcome it for all your choices.

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