talk with my spirit guides

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talk with my spirit guides

Post by tarotcurious » Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:42 pm


I talked to my spirit guides. I have four! two of them were kids? and the other two were adults. The old man was just looking at me and letting me feel his presence though I don't know who he is. The lady handed me something and she was telling me her name but i'm not sure I got it correct, the young soul, Ramon, has curly hair in a red tshirt and smiling at me, is very playful and handed me a note with two words on it. the other young soul is a girl and just keeps roaming around the room and not talking to me. It's a wonderful experience, but I wonder why the other two were not talking to me? Is it just to let me know that I am not alone and I am guided?

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Some general advice for people who ask for too many readings at one time

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:28 am

Dear Tarot,

I am not a medium, and a mediumship reading which is what you would need to answer your question to your satisfaction, is not allowed on Mystic Board.

Also it is my understanding that you would not be likely to have an entire family of spirits (two adults and two children) as your spirit guide.

Spirit guides do not wander aimlessly about the room or just stare at you as they have a well defined job to do, and have only limited time on this physical plane to do it well.

This sounds much more like them being earlier residents of the house which you are currently living in.

Each of us has a main guide (doorkeeper, guardian angel) who is with us from before our birth until we pass over into the Spirit world, while others are sent to us if or when needed for specific temporary purposes, such as learning a new and difficult skill or dealing with an especially difficult period in our life. They come and go?

I originally intended to send you the following part of this posting through a private message, but as there are other members who I feel would also benefit from hearing this advice, I chose to place it on the forum itself.

I sincerely apologize if this makes you feel uncomfortable, but I am not doing this to embarrass you or pick on you. If you do not agree with or wish to accept this message which it is your right to do, then please do not kill this messenger who also wants to be your friend.

What I am deeply concerned about  is that you are requesting far too many readings at the same time as one another in different forums.

While this is allowed under the site rules it is not a habit to be encouraged, as it tends to often create an unhealthy dependency upon getting a reading in place of making your own mind up about what is the best thing for you to do.

Readings are only intended to help you to decide what to do, not to make the decision in your place. And making a decision by itself will never be enough. You have to take positive action, based upon what you have learned. With too many readings within a short period, there is not enough time to take this action to get back in control over your own life.

People who become overly dependent upon readings before they are willing to move forwards again are especially vulnerable to any spirit (whether that person is presently alive or dead) who wants to have influence, power and greater control over you in doing what they want you to do.

Which is very rarely in your own best interests.

It is my opinion for what you may feel that this is worth that you should be getting a clearing done ASAP of your home by a qualified rescue medium in your local area to encourage this spirit family to move into the Light, as I believe that while they do not wish you any harm, their influence upon you is progressively weakening your defenses against  spirits who are nowhere near as innocent and relatively harmless as this family of spirits appears to be at least on the surface.

At the same time I would recommend that you should cease all psychic activity and meditation until this clearing has been done by a rescue medium, and his or her team of helpers.  Too many readings are only likely to make this situation worse than it already is, and more confusion is the exact opposite of what I think you most need at the moment in your world.

I noticed in passing that you  were born under the same sun sign of the zodiac I was, with both my wife and myself having been born on December 9th, but twelve months apart (she is my senior).

People born under our sign are seekers or accumulators of large amounts of knowledge. We frequently like to collect vast amounts of information from as many different sources as possible, and if we do not currently need the information we either store it away until later for ourselves, or instead pass it onto someone else who may be in more need of it at the time.

This often means that when people have problems they know who to come to looking for guidance (which is why I am here), but collecting information can also be our undoing.

It is quite possible and common for us to have so much information that we cannot organize, that it quickly overpowers our ability to sort it into packages which are of any practical use to us.

The problem is not s much a shortage of information, but our rapidly increasing inability to arrange it into useful packages.

Having more than a couple of readings per month, particularly on the same subject, will push your ability to organize the information gained through the readings past what is safe or healthy.

No wonder then that people with our personality profile are more prone to chronic anxiety and depression than the average person.

Our minds are continuously being overloaded with huge amounts of unorganized information, not only from outside ourselves, but mainly from spending far too much time thinking, and not enough time listening to our own instincts.

Information overload from within?

Curiosity about too much at once if carried too far to extremes can soon "kill" our ability to think practically in an organized manner, plus enjoy relative peace of mind.

Enough said?

Love, Light and Healing to all,

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Post by tarotcurious » Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:10 am


I want you to know that I completely understand where you're coming from and I'm sorry if i had broken a few rules about using the site too much or anything. With regards to the spirit guides, I agree, it has become quite confusing now since my original spirit guides were just two; the young boy and the other adult. I have no idea where the other two came from but it could very well be the beings who used to live here, as you suggested. They had given me advice, which I believe served to my highest purpose but like you said and you're right about me looking for information and this may have become too much already, so for now, I'll make sure to give it a rest. :D

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Many good spirits feel the call to become a guide, but few are chosen

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:56 am


No apologies are necessary. :)

You have not broken any site or forum rules, but I felt that I needed to bring this to your attention as your friend, as well as to the attention of other members whom I feel are requesting too many readings per month for their own good.

In contrast to yourself, I am not sure if any of the four spirits are actual spirit guides as such.

But if any of them turned out to be your guide, my bet would be on the wise old soul who is appearing to you as the playful young soul Raymon.  

Spirits can offer us advice which we feel is in our best interests, but not have necessarily taken on the huge responsibility of being a guide.

Spirit guides have to be specially trained to do this work with a living person, to know when to step in and help us, and when to temporarily withdraw their influence in order for us to learn to do things ourselves, and to make our own mistakes.

Many good spirits feel the call to become a guide, but few are chosen.

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talking all of the time...

Post by MisterMarine0 » Tue Jun 11, 2013 6:19 am

The spirits that I am bonded with seem to love to chat about everything.  I hear them when I eat my breakfast.  I hear them when I am taking a shower.  I hear them when I watch television.  I hear them when I sleep.  I guess everyone is different when it comes to spirits.  A hermit knows best.. har dee har har.

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Post by tarotcurious » Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:49 pm

@EOT: Hi! Thanks for the input; yes, Raymon or (I'm not really sure what his name is, can't hear clearly it sounds muffled, but his name is something like that. Anyway, I wasn't really trying to get a reading on this one as much as I wanted a discussion/input. :D Nevertheless, you are right on the bat on possibly getting confused when I have various readings as it tends to show me different timeframes and it might make sense why something that does not resonate now MIGHT resonate later (granted that it was an accurate reading), and I know that different psychics have different talents and therefore different views and timeframe is one which cannot be exactly pinpointed in the spirit world so that's why i understand how it could get confusing.

@MisterMarine: a hermit knows best that is why I am thinking of becoming one nowadays! lol jk! Hmm you have  very sociable friendly guides! i wish i could hear mine but i don't really hear a voice coming from them,but rather actions like handing me something, showing me something,or even telepathy? (through meditation),lol

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:33 pm

If anyone is hearing random voices (in head) all the time, it is not spirit guides, it is random spirit trying to get attention.  Like the family of spirit that lived in your environment they are not particularly harmful nor helpful.  And as life is progressive, need to be sent on into the light.  

The fact is you will have no room for the reality of spirit guides, if you accept anything that comes into mind.  Be discriminating, your spirit guide is worthy of your friendship, given discretely.
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Post by kayemwarren » Sat Sep 21, 2013 9:56 pm


Hi, I'm new to the board. I came across your post and I was curious if you had an update for your spirit family? Did any of them turn out to be your Spirit Guide? In my experience I have only gotten to talk to one of my guides once. I know there are several ways to do it, meditating being the most common. I however have never been able to meditate because my brain never seems to want to relax :) Only when I sleep am I able to clear my mind. This is where I met my Spirit Guide Michael. It was a very short exchange. I remember exclaiming "Wow! That was easy!" and my Spirt Guide replied "Yes it is," and laughed. He had light golden brown hair and a beard. He was surrounded in yellow light (which I feel yellow is a power color for me. I have noticed that yellow is the color of my inner truth.). I don't want to completely rule out that this may have been a dream, because it might have been a very lucid dream, however this just felt different to me and I have yet to experience this again. Anyways just thought that I would share and check up.

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Post by Gabierbella » Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:13 am

My name is Gabriela and I am 21 . For the past 3 years I have been around spiritual altars in family homes. I have also had dreams of people and day dreams about talking to someone . I'd like to find out who these people are and what purpose they serve to stay on my mind all the time. Really curious and interested in learning more

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Post by Rook » Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:05 am

Hi Gabriela

Weighing in on my experiences of dream interpretation what you are asking is a great mystery to me, which is why I find it so interesting, and what got me into this website in the first place.

Perhaps it is a question that will lead you into new and fascinating experiences?

All I can say is, in my experience, in dreams the majority of characters, events and items are symbollic, used to deliver a message from... well, from where is another mystery for me that I love to explore.  This is for me the realm of the spiritual.

In my experience, the people can be symbollic of other people, or symbollic of specific aspects or mechanics of our own psyche.  That said I don't like to rule anything out.  Are dreams of our good friends long gone part of their remaining spiritual energy?  Do our spiritual guides appear to us as dream people?  To be honest I can't give a definite answer, I don't know exactly WHAT a spirit guide is for certain, and I may never know.  For me it is all about the journey and learning experience.

Best of luck with yours,


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Hello rook

Post by Gabierbella » Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:18 pm

Thanks for responding .

I thin it's more of the fact that I am aware that there is such a thing as spirit guides. I was just interested in finding out how to get in contact to find out who they are, and if I can be doing this through my dreams. These things are constantly coming to me and I would really like to know what to do.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:02 pm

If we consider that dreaming is a part of our sleep experience, we may consider that our consciousness is not as active and awake as in the conscious state.  Purposefully seeking your guide is done with meditation and a lot of patience.  It is important to contact your spirit guide and only your guide when doing message work.  That way you can be assured of love and care being what you receive, not random or odd experiences, as may happen in dreams or random spirit connections.  

I believe in having a symbol between yourself and your spirit guide.  In this way you will know it is your guide and only your guide you are addressing.  I meditate on a lovely garden and invite my guide on a specific flower (scenes of nature work well).  Others can experience it differently.  At any rate when the guide is there the energy vibration is changed by their presence.  

When we open up and just invite anything and everything in, random spirit will welcome the invite.  They may appear benevolent, but in the end they have their own agenda and will be trying to influence your earth life to do their bidding.  Your spirit guides, sent for just you, will love and protect you from harm, but only to the level you are capable of working with them together.  When you listen and work with spirit guides, they will not direct your material life, merely stand by in your lessons to comfort and encourage.
God bless, J

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Re: Hello rook

Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:54 pm

Gabierbella wrote:Thanks for responding .

I thin it's more of the fact that I am aware that there is such a thing as spirit guides. I was just interested in finding out how to get in contact to find out who they are, and if I can be doing this through my dreams. These things are constantly coming to me and I would really like to know what to do.
Please look into Reiki attunement. It might help you in your quest.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Oct 27, 2013 2:31 pm

One fact we may remember...the highest of spirit entities do not come to give a continuity to their own experience - they will not tell you about themselves.  They come to be here for you and your experiences of life.  They will use their experience to help 'guide' you through those experiences.  

So, in attunement with spirit, it is important to call on your own spirit guide (not any random spirit) and to work together on spirituality in your life and their mission.
God bless, J

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Oct 27, 2013 4:41 pm

spiritalk wrote:One fact we may remember...the highest of spirit entities do not come to give a continuity to their own experience - they will not tell you about themselves.  They come to be here for you and your experiences of life.  They will use their experience to help 'guide' you through those experiences.  

So, in attunement with spirit, it is important to call on your own spirit guide (not any random spirit) and to work together on spirituality in your life and their mission.
Good advice, ST!
Though I am not a skeptic, I believe in such 'guidance' and everyone has a slightly different personal experience: subtle and in thoughts, other sensation and so on, but all very helpful and gentle and peaceful.

Personally, if a voice begins speaking in my ear or begin a personal conversation, I would find that rather disconcerting and even upsetting!

That is how I am and they respect that. The respect and trust is mutual, naturally!

Love and Light,


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