psychics getting wrong info due to their beliefs

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psychics getting wrong info due to their beliefs

Post by sonicpunk32 » Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:12 am

Is it possible that psychics can get the right information about something when reading you, but when it comes to another issue, they get it wrong, time and time again? Could it be that they're getting it wrong because subconsciously, they have fixed opinions or personal beliefs about that issue and it is skewing or fooling them into thinking what they're receiving is right when it is not?

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Post by Autumn Rose » Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:52 am

I believe so. Psychics are still human, and unless they are very advanced they don't know exact detail, so assumptions come in to play. But if all they are getting is something broad where they have to make an assumption, they should just keep it broad instead. Or give examples of possibilities but not make their own conclusions.

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:36 am

Maybe we should turn the question around?

"Do the seeker put to much trust into a Reading, and do they active try to fulfil it if pleasant, or avoid it if bad?"

A Reading of any kind is NOT!!!!! 9 o'clock news.....IT is NOT FIRM.....IT is NOT something we can sit back and wait for to happen....we ourselves has the full responsibility to create our life.

It flabbergast me again and again when people ask for directions that only can be answered by themselves.

I think it must be like playing "LOTTO", we know it is very hard to win, but we try.......I think we all know that we in the end must fix our life...BUT we try and try to make other do it.

A READING are nothing more then a possible path, if one active try to follow that path, then one "MIGHT" end up with with the readers conclusion....or even something else....but the IMPORTANT thing is that WE OURSELVES have been active in our "search"

Our Life is Created as we go.....every action we do have an impact on our future.....every Human you interact with....might have an impact on your Future......every "rule" a Society create might have a impact on your future.....every Global economic downfall might have an impact on your future.....every disaster and global warming might have a great impact on your future....we can go on and on....but in the end we hopefully can accept that NO-ONE is able to give 100% prediction about what will happen to a single person .....even as short as  tomorrow.

If WE believe that Astrology or Psychic is able to tell who you shall marry...what education you shall take....where it is best to stay....when I get my babies....and so on....THEN we must also BELIEVE that our life is already made.

If this is the case....then don't be can then have NO impact whatsoever on your future...there is no need for need for need for personal needs for dreams....what happen will happen....when it shall happen.

Hopefully you choose to believe that we have an impact on our own life....if so... start to live by it :)

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Post by cedars » Thu Dec 09, 2010 4:30 pm

Once you start taking the psychic's word or his/her impressions of your issues as the gospel truth, then you are on the wrong track.

Psychics use their senses; some use all five or six of them and some can use just a couple. They get it wrong too; they are humans, they may not be feeling well, they may be affected or biased by the info you give them - nothing against them, as psychics are HUMANS like you and me. It is how much trust you give to the things that have been said to you and live your life on what has been said, may be where one may be going wrong.

Psychics usually use the words ''I sense'' or ''I see''... these are at least two of the five senses that a psychic used to 'connect' with your energies - and sometimes they their sense of 'sensing' can be distorted or affected by outsidde factors. So, we can go on and on saying the same thing, and Rhutobello has already put it to you so eloquently.

If you wish to consult a psychic for your issues, do so, but do not put your life on hold.

Of course some of them tell you what you might like to hear and some just tell the turth bluntly which most of us dont like to hear....

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Post by Autumn Rose » Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:16 pm

Rhutobello; I agree with a lot of what you were saying, but I do not think it has anything to do with sonicpunk32's question. It looks as though what you were just talking about is something that really bothers you and has been on your mind, and sonicpunk32's question reminded you of it.

cedars, I totally agree with you. They might be picking up on something else, and that could be the reason for a bad reading.

Also, psychic abilities are like any other sense. Some people's vision is better than others, some people can smell that faintest of the smells while you might not smell a thing! It is not very often (at all.. ) that you come across a psychic that is so in tune with his or her abilities that they would be able to give you a 100% accurate reading, with 100% accurate details and give you 100% of ALL of the information about yourself. This is another reason for an inaccurate reading. But as far as a bias opinion goes, I still hold my ground and agree with you. I didn't want to have to use an example in my first post, but now I will.
If you are gay and get a tarot reading done and (say you are a female) a female comes up. (my friend did this for me but I don't remember what it was and I know nothing about tarot cards or tarot with playing cards- which is what he did) If the reader does not know you are gay, he will be BIAS and ASSUME that you are straight... Therefore that female card that comes up is not a "special" female friend. It is a sister, a mother, a colleague, etc.. Hope that helps!

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Post by cedars » Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:30 am

If you are gay and get a tarot reading  done and (say you are a female) a female comes up. (my friend did this for me but I don't remember what it was and I know nothing about tarot cards or tarot with playing cards- which is what he did) If the reader does not know you are gay, he will be BIAS and ASSUME that you are straight... Therefore that female card that comes up is not a "special" female friend. It is a sister, a mother, a colleague, etc.. Hope that helps!
This is probably where intuition and 'connection' comes where the reader might pick that the human cards (court cards) that are appearing in a readiang might not necessarily be relatives. It also depends on the deck, e.g. the Rider Waite doe not have princesses like other decks do; they have pages which can be either male or female. Yes, there are the queens too....... and we shall delve now into tarot which is a totally different topic.

But I agree with you AutumnRose that our feelings play a major part in giving a psychic reading. Sometimes the seeker's voice connects us straight away with their psyche, sometimes their way of speech (if the reading was being done remontely or over the phone). Here, however, and this is interesting, we have nothing but the seeker's profile ID and their few lines about their request. I always connect with their profile ID even though that is not their real name.

Each psychic connection is different and no one can say which one is right or wong :)

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:28 pm

It just goes to show that psychic readings are about symbols.  And all readers have their own symbol directory to call upon - it is called life experiences.  

For every psychic there is a client.  And for every client there is a psychic.  We are working in energies.  So those that resonate when you find a good
person to read for you, use them and trust them.  If there is a question of their own sincerety then move on and find someone more compatible.  

I think there was a broader question asked here.  We are all unique.  So generalizations are not going to help.  We do have to do the work for ourselves
and merely use readings as a guideline to help us move forward in our own chosen path.

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Post by sonicpunk32 » Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:19 am

I've also believed that psychics can get wrong or no information from spirit because the seeker of the information was meant to be guided in a certain way or not know the truth until a certain time.

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Post by cedars » Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:58 am

Agree with you too sonipunk32.
Sometimes I dont get anything or I dont get the things that the seeker wants to know hence I surmise that spirit does not want the seeker to know certain things at this stage or until or unless the conditions are right.....

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:08 pm

I do not think that spirit or our guides play games with our lives.  So perhaps we are just not ready to hear what we are enquiring about.  Perhaps we are just not asking the correct questions for the time and place.  Spirit will bring all the guidance they can, but they can not make the future decisions for our lives - these have to unfold in a natural way through our own choices.

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Post by Zetascair20086 » Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:03 am

Psychic impressions are just like any other. They are filtered through our own biases and blinspots. I've definitely experienced this in the past.

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