Mental or soul barriers how to create them ??? someones invading my thoughts

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Mental or soul barriers how to create them ??? someones invading my thoughts

Post by raddy » Mon Jul 06, 2009 5:12 am

hey yeah so i am putting this down really simple and well. There is this "person" and he is invading me. she can read my thoughts my soul my feelings its litreally like she is next to me. I want to create a sort of shield or a mental barrier that can freggin stop that. Look i can't go over the instances that she has read me and no i do not share a connection with her i would have sensed it long ago. Look she is a nice person and all that and she told me she wudnt harm me ! ( trust me i don;t know this feeling but she can do something to me  it;s just a feeling and i can sense energies) she is an awsome girl to be with but is there anyway i can BLOCK !!! my channels or create a barrier or something like that ???

P.S. i sensed her's not normal

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Post by Aegeus » Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:40 am

You can visualize an egg of white light around you. Also you can layer it with different colours.

It may be worth considering what you have to learn from this, even if it is just how to protect from another, but it could be learning to be more comfortable with your self.

There are also crystals that can protect ones aura.
Obsidian for psychic and physical protection.
Tourmaline to protect the aura and protect you from others bad energy.

Crystals can be worked with by simply visualizing them, or by having them in closer proximity, like jewelery.

There are grounding mudras, and being grounded is an effective way of being protected. Hand positions are one way of communicating with energies and the body. You could look some of these up if you like.

Perhaps she is just very perceptive and some people for what ever reason feel uncomfortable around such people. Why does this bug you? Is it something funny about her, or the thought that you don't know what she might be able to sense about you and that makes you uneasy. Also know that people are only allowed such power if they use it for good, other wise it is taken away.

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Post by suzisco » Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:50 am

i would definately do the visulising a protective bubble round you.  Its the most effective way.  Other way to get rid of malingerers is to step over incense burner with frankincense backwards and forwards 7 times,  this will coat you with the protective properties of frankincense which is effective in removing and putting up a barrier against evil directed towards you.


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Post by amalimrock » Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:51 am

There is also a way where you could visualize an energy barrier surrounding your mind and soul centers (the 3 dan tiens) to prevent them from being read etc..

And when you meant that her aura is not normal I'm not entirely sure what that means. My best bet is that she could be an earthbound spirit as they're on the etheric realm and could penetrate into one's mind and soul. If that's the case You should take Aegeus' suggestion to make a white barrier, and also send her into the Light by visualizing a bright light, which acts as a doorway for her to crossover to the higher realm aka heaven.

If she isn't a ghost, then it could mean she might be gifted, or could be possessed? I'm not entirely sure

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Post by Cascade of Light » Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:11 pm

suzisco wrote:i would definately do the visulising a protective bubble round you.  Its the most effective way.  Other way to get rid of malingerers is to step over incense burner with frankincense backwards and forwards 7 times,  this will coat you with the protective properties of frankincense which is effective in removing and putting up a barrier against evil directed towards you.


I love this, Frankincense is very good at protecting thats why we use it as a meditation catalyst.  I use mirrors to shield me and of course wear Black Tourmaline whenever I feel the need. Do you use angelic spells as they would also be very effective to protect you.  Hope it stops soon,

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