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Post by looking_glass » Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:33 pm


I think you'll appreciate this one:

When the stream runs dry, the path is still there, and may reveal a world still unseen.

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Post by dessa » Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:39 pm

lol Well astrology wise, they say if you have one gemini and one libra having a conversation it is equal to 4 people or maybe 6 talking at once LOL.

So maybe your rising is strong in something else. I was supposed to be born Virgo, lol made mom wait until I was ready lol I guess I wanted to be libra LOL

while I am not astrology, I know some, and if you have your info I can find out your rising and moon, the three keys to us are sun moon rising.

Any way yeah it sounds wonderful what you can do, lol I agree with your son on powers, but I want the genie blink lol so I don't have to clean house LOL...

It is great when you can meet people who are open I enjoy meeting people who might have strongly different ideas about a lot of things but are ok with the whole agree to disagree, I can share my views with out forcing them on others attitude you know?

lol I am a kind of jack of all trades, I have encountered those who pass on, encountered some really negative entities with a grude, do readings using variety of methods ie automatic writing, cards, psychometry, precog lol and a few other skills so I think I am jack of all trades master of none but I actually have come to understand it and how it fits in with past lives and future paths for me so its all good.

I love to learn. Its sounds as though you are a healer, that is an awesome gift, one I can admire, with out envy,

It is neat isn't it? to see that we have gifts we are given? I mean I meet some who are so caught up in the ego of look at what I can do, they kind of forget that it is like being born blonde, or being born short lol it is just part of who you are born as what makes it special is HOW you use it, and whether or not you can appreciate the connection, and the source it comes from.

At least that is what works for me, lol bring to much ego into it kind of diminishes it some how, or at least that is where I am at with it.

LOL it helps that I am not afraid to be wrong, the thing with the precog stuff is that once you know something you can change it. I mean if I know that there is road construction, LOL I can take a fatalistic view of saying I am going to be late, or ruin my tire or whatever, or I can take the info I have been given, and go a different way, or leave earlier or something.

Free Will is a beautiful thing, though lol if I can't have the genie blink can I be as fast as the flash from comics so clean up is done in seconds? lol

I get what you are saying about the whole psychic, it is one of the reasons I tend to call it a psi growth spurt, lol so it is still of the mind, with out being attached to the less favorable labels so much. As for the medium... I am crushed you mean you don't sit in a room with clothes and curtains draped every where 48 bracelets on each wrist, with your eyes rolled back chanting oh spirit ....well darn, shattered all my illusions. lol

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Post by dessa » Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:40 pm

looking_glass wrote:Dessa,

I think you'll appreciate this one:

When the stream runs dry, the path is still there, and may reveal a world still unseen.
Wow I love that, thanks for sharing it. I love when lives truths pop out like that.

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Post by Doe » Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:54 pm

I don't know on that one, LG.  I agree that love should ideally be offered equally and without conditions to everyone (and I did say "ideally", because it's not an easy concept to apply in real life--not that it's not worth trying!).  But I was taken completely aback by the absolute ferocity of my love for my son when he was born.  I knew I'd love him, but I'd never felt such an instinctive, visceral protectiveness and adoration (even when I didn't get to sleep for nights at a time!) before that in my life.  Maybe love can be equal in quantitative terms, but there are different qualities of love for different situations.  It can just feel very different--not less or greater, necessarily...just different.


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Post by Doe » Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:14 pm

"As for the medium... I am crushed you mean you don't sit in a room with clothes and curtains draped every where 48 bracelets on each wrist, with your eyes rolled back chanting oh spirit ....well darn, shattered all my illusions. lol"

Well, I WAS going to be a Flower Child for Halloween (I'd probably look pretty much like I do every day!), but I guess I could do the turban/bracelets/curtains thing instead--I'd hate to shatter your illusions!  I'll have to practice rolling my eyes back in my head, though.

Nope--I don't have the "genie blink" thing down, either.  If you saw my house you'd know that right away.

"the thing with the precog stuff is that once you know something you can change it. I mean if I know that there is road construction, LOL I can take a fatalistic view of saying I am going to be late, or ruin my tire or whatever, or I can take the info I have been given, and go a different way, or leave earlier or something. "

I was very surprised to learn that I could be told things in advance of their happening, and that I would have the opportunity to change the outcome somewhat.  I'd always believed that things are pretty much in the cards already, so I was surprised to be given choices.  I try to be very careful with that stuff though, on the rare occasions when it happens.  I know that I and my family are being kept safe, but I still worry about taking it too far, or taking it for granted, or asking for "extra favors" like that.  Sure is nice when it happens, though (not just the ability to stay safe, but the feeling of being looked-out-for).

Hm...a healer.  I really haven't thought of myself that way, but when all of this started it was one of the two other things (besides talking to spirits) I said that I'd like to be able to do (the other was to travel back in time--NOT forward!).  I guess there are different ways to think about healing...

It does sound fun to be a "jack-of-all-trades", though (especially because it sounds as if you try to stay focused on--as you say--the source, and the intent behind it all (or at least what I've come to believe is the intent/meaning/goal).  I've often thought of trying to learn other things, but with everything else that goes on (on both sides of things), I just really don't have the time or energy (I've never exacty been an energetic, organized, can-do kind of person--more evidence that I'm not cut out for Virgo-hood!).


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Post by looking_glass » Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:38 pm

Doe wrote:I don't know on that one, LG.  I agree that love should ideally be offered equally and without conditions to everyone (and I did say "ideally", because it's not an easy concept to apply in real life--not that it's not worth trying!).  But I was taken completely aback by the absolute ferocity of my love for my son when he was born.  I knew I'd love him, but I'd never felt such an instinctive, visceral protectiveness and adoration (even when I didn't get to sleep for nights at a time!) before that in my life.  Maybe love can be equal in quantitative terms, but there are different qualities of love for different situations.  It can just feel very different--not less or greater, necessarily...just different.

We know we think differently, but we also put things in terms of what we think belongs to us. Your son is not just your son, just as my son is not just my son. I am his caretaker, yes, and I love him dearly despite the things that annoy me. He does not belong to me though, no more than you belong to me. We are caretakers of each other.

So yes, I understand what you mean by different, but perhaps our views of things being different is because how we were raised to accept others into our lives, whether they are family, our children, our friends, or complete strangers.

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Post by looking_glass » Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:41 pm

dessa wrote:lol Well astrology wise, they say if you have one gemini and one libra having a conversation it is equal to 4 people or maybe 6 talking at once LOL.

So maybe your rising is strong in something else. I was supposed to be born Virgo, lol made mom wait until I was ready lol I guess I wanted to be libra LOL

while I am not astrology, I know some, and if you have your info I can find out your rising and moon, the three keys to us are sun moon rising.

Any way yeah it sounds wonderful what you can do, lol I agree with your son on powers, but I want the genie blink lol so I don't have to clean house LOL...

It is great when you can meet people who are open I enjoy meeting people who might have strongly different ideas about a lot of things but are ok with the whole agree to disagree, I can share my views with out forcing them on others attitude you know?

lol I am a kind of jack of all trades, I have encountered those who pass on, encountered some really negative entities with a grude, do readings using variety of methods ie automatic writing, cards, psychometry, precog lol and a few other skills so I think I am jack of all trades master of none but I actually have come to understand it and how it fits in with past lives and future paths for me so its all good.

I love to learn. Its sounds as though you are a healer, that is an awesome gift, one I can admire, with out envy,

It is neat isn't it? to see that we have gifts we are given? I mean I meet some who are so caught up in the ego of look at what I can do, they kind of forget that it is like being born blonde, or being born short lol it is just part of who you are born as what makes it special is HOW you use it, and whether or not you can appreciate the connection, and the source it comes from.

At least that is what works for me, lol bring to much ego into it kind of diminishes it some how, or at least that is where I am at with it.

LOL it helps that I am not afraid to be wrong, the thing with the precog stuff is that once you know something you can change it. I mean if I know that there is road construction, LOL I can take a fatalistic view of saying I am going to be late, or ruin my tire or whatever, or I can take the info I have been given, and go a different way, or leave earlier or something.

Free Will is a beautiful thing, though lol if I can't have the genie blink can I be as fast as the flash from comics so clean up is done in seconds? lol

I get what you are saying about the whole psychic, it is one of the reasons I tend to call it a psi growth spurt, lol so it is still of the mind, with out being attached to the less favorable labels so much. As for the medium... I am crushed you mean you don't sit in a room with clothes and curtains draped every where 48 bracelets on each wrist, with your eyes rolled back chanting oh spirit ....well darn, shattered all my illusions. lol
Heart or the mind?

and it's 40 bracelets! lmao jk.

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Post by looking_glass » Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:50 pm

One has to ask themselves why they want anything? Are you not happy with what you have been given? What would you do with it? Who says anyone needs to be healed? You may see a flaw. I see an opportunity to come closer to God.

Why the future? Why the past? Is not the present enough? Have you solved all of today, that you should look for more?

or, perhaps what you look for is already there? It has always been there, but just because we can do things does not mean we should? More tests? More distractions? Up for each to decide.

To me it all points in the same direction...

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Post by dessa » Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:18 pm

Doe wrote:I was very surprised to learn that I could be told things in advance of their happening, and that I would have the opportunity to change the outcome somewhat.  I'd always believed that things are pretty much in the cards already, so I was surprised to be given choices.  I try to be very careful with that stuff though, on the rare occasions when it happens.  I know that I and my family are being kept safe, but I still worry about taking it too far, or taking it for granted, or asking for "extra favors" like that.  Sure is nice when it happens, though (not just the ability to stay safe, but the feeling of being looked-out-for).Doe
Well I mean when I listen to a traffic report I can alter my route, so why not apply the same idea to readings etc. I mean some readings, are about issues we need to face etc, so it just makes sense that we can alter things, or even take steps to make sure they happen.

I guess I don't see it as taking things to far for me it is about just being aware of the options.  Someone knows they are at risk of being in an accident, well make sure your car is in good order, or you are using care about what you do or where you go. etc,

I think there are so many layers, to what goes on around us, to what can happen in our lives so that we can take it and figure out what works for us.

For me I have no problem asking for advice, guidance, insights, and then for those directions that work best working towards them, lol I will even ask my angels and guides to help me find lost objects etc, I don't see it as asking for extra favors, but just tuning into the natural energy that is all around us, using that as a guide, but I also feel it is important to appreciate those helping times messages, guides, shoot I appreciate just being me and being alive.

Doe wrote: Hm...a healer.  I really haven't thought of myself that way, but when all of this started it was one of the two other things (besides talking to spirits) I said that I'd like to be able to do (the other was to travel back in time--NOT forward!).  I guess there are different ways to think about healing...
Doe wrote:
well healers are mulit layered, like docs specialize why not healers, some are good with herbs, some with crystals, there is reiki, and there are phychiatrists, and also spiritual counselors, there is healing the body, the mind and the soul, so yeah healer fits you besides it is in your song.

Our souls or spirits each and every one of us has a song, not sure no one else I know of has spoken of hearing people like this but I figure I am not the only one it is a big world, I may not be able to see aura's but I can hear songs, the spirit songs are the fingerprints of our souls, each is specific to an individual, oh some might share a tempo, or sound or color, but they are unique to the individual. just as the patterns in the whorls and lines of our fingerprints are.
Yours is the song of a Healer.  It is so much more than that, but it is a Healer's song.
Doe wrote: It does sound fun to be a "jack-of-all-trades", though (especially because it sounds as if you try to stay focused on--as you say--the source, and the intent behind it all (or at least what I've come to believe is the intent/meaning/goal).  I've often thought of trying to learn other things, but with everything else that goes on (on both sides of things), I just really don't have the time or energy (I've never exacty been an energetic, organized, can-do kind of person--more evidence that I'm not cut out for Virgo-hood!).
Doe wrote:

LOL yeah Virgos usually are a bit more organized, as are oddly enough Libra's are more ogranized than I am, I don't know that I try to learn different things, so much as try to learn the things that I have done naturally, never tried or planned most of what I can do I just kind of do it.

Then from there read up on it, of course having been this way for my whole life helps, began learning on various subjects as young as 10, libraries are wonderful places.  Been trying to understand myself, and along the way I have learned that there are so many different gifts, some would be nice to have but hey I am good being me,

I don't read auras, I think that would be a cool thing to be, I am not a Paladin, or a Healer, I am a Seer, which is fine, though it would come in handy to not only know a bit about some of things I know about but have the gifts that go with them.

LOL I have a friend who didn't know she had a gift with crystals, she can actually hear them humm and vibrate when she is around them, lol since it is part of who she is, she just thought everyone heard that humming when they were around crystals.

I suggested she try meditating with them, see if she can find wonderful histories from record keepers. I work with crystals, I appreciate them but that is not where my gift is so I don't hear them humm.

And maybe it is because I stay focused on the source knowing that there is so much more to this world than me and my ego that I can dip into different things, or maybe it is because I am a seer LOL I need to understand a bit about the different things I see,

I think we are part of ALL THAT IS, rather than apart from remembering that connection, that all that exists is one huge tapestry pull one thread and you change the whole thing, is part of how I think I was opened up also.

And lol as for the time or energy, well you are still learning the gifts you have with the growing that goes with it, lol no need to rush and fit it all in at once, the other gifts you have are ones you will be guided to as you are ready for them makes life interesting, knowing there are new adventures waiting LOL though nap time helps cause just the busy daily living can be tiring add in psi adventures lol a nap every now and again helps.

LOL so you go with your other influences and let the Virgo flow when it needs to LOL

When my mom read about astrology when I was a kid lol she thought I matched fire sign more than Libra, lol didn't realize about ascent, and moon influence lol when I learned and told her about the Leo influence she said it made sense as some of the leo so matched my personality as a small child. so lol no biggy on the Virgo thing lol just means people that know you are Virgo but don't know your rising or moon are kept guessing

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Post by dessa » Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:22 pm

looking_glass wrote:Who says anyone needs to be healed? You may see a flaw. I see an opportunity to come closer to God..
I suppose I look at healing differently, to mean healing doesn't mean fixing a flaw, it is about seeing something in yourself that you wish t olearn from grow from, and sometimes things just don't fit right or work right so that is where healing comes in.

Because healing is working on what is holding you back, when we hold ourselves back we can't get closer to anyone, or anything, just trapped in what needs healing.

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Post by dessa » Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:23 pm

LOL looking glass thanks for the info on the bracelets LOL

hmm ok heart or mind what?

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Post by dessa » Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:33 pm

I kind of was thinking how this thread is going in some interesting different directions, but really it is not it still follows with the original.

I mean first it was about understanding Deer, well the different topics of psychic ability, the topics of learning, growing, of accepting differences, of different psi skills and of loving, and healing, are all part of this thread, considering that Deer medicine is about

Deer teaches us to use the power of gentleness
to touch the hearts and minds of
wounded beings who are in our lives.

Gentleness in word, thought and touch
Ability to listen
Grace and appreciation for the beauty of balance
Power of gratitude and giving
Alternative paths to a goal
Psychic Powers
keen senses
listening and messages

hmm some how the different levels of this thread seem to fit the original pretty well.

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Post by Doe » Thu Oct 02, 2008 12:35 pm

It's so nice that you noticed that, Dessa!  I love when things come full circle, result in synchronicities, or just seem to arrange themselves into patterns that make sense, with seemingly no help from "us".  It strikes me that it's a gift in itself to be able to see those things and appreciate them.


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Post by dessa » Thu Oct 02, 2008 12:47 pm

Doe wrote:It's so nice that you noticed that, Dessa!  I love when things come full circle, result in synchronicities, or just seem to arrange themselves into patterns that make sense, with seemingly no help from "us".  It strikes me that it's a gift in itself to be able to see those things and appreciate them.

I have learned a long time ago that synchronicities, that there seems to be more than coincidences but that there are interesting patterns, and often they are there to emphasis the point.

Such as you may notice seeing one spider and dismiss it, but see spiders repeatedly over the course of a week at different locations, ie work, home, friends home, spider web on your car [yes have had that happen] when car was in busy parking lot,

Well obviously Spider is trying to get your attention, so then you know it is time to see what message you are not getting that you need to ...


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Post by Doe » Thu Oct 02, 2008 1:05 pm

And to think that less than two years ago--although I guess I'd heard the word--I had no idea what a synchronicity might be until someone (ironically, the daughter of the spirit who now guides, teaches, and looks out for me--how's THAT for a synchronicity?!!) told me that that was what the things I was describing to her were.  Of course, at that point I didn't believe that people could communicate with spirits, either, and would probably have thought that anyone who said that they could was either crazy, a fraud, or a crazy fraud...:)


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