Dream of Running from Civilization

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Dream of Running from Civilization

Post by Tala3216 » Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:25 pm

Hi All,
I tend to have pretty vivid dreams and I have been self-interpreting my own dreams for a while as I feel that many pieces of dreams would be difficult to interpret by others because dreams I feel are so well created for your own being.

But, I sincerely enjoy reading about other people's dreams and I want to contribute to the forum. I would love to conversate about it. I tend to have dreams where I am running away from things and this dream was no different.

[setting: after the use of steel and electronics where people live off of the land and no longer create steel or electricity]

Myself and three or four other people that I knew in the dream (but didn't have recognizable faces in real life) didn't agree with the way this civilization was being ran so we left the city to live in the forest with tents. They didn't want us living outside of the city so they were chasing us and trying to bring us back. We stayed one night in the forest safely and we knew they were still following so we packed up and kept moving the next day. We walked through a knee deep swamp and were happy to find water, but we needed to find fresh water so we kept moving. We found a waterfall and thought this was a great place to set up camp.

Then I guess someone scared us of because the next thing I remember I was running from this large water monster/dragon that was living in the water. We had a raft and paddled to an island and it was a picture perfect place to stay. I remember taking a picture of our camping location and thinking that I should send it home to tell people how beautiful it was out here. Then, the water monster came to the island. It propelled itself out of the water and practically flew over our campground. We later realize that the island was its home.

We appear back in the city looking for the help of people that are hiding in this really old (practically ancient looking) metal building that we know has a working camera system. The people in the city thought that the building was just old and beat down and that the door no longer opened. Where in fact, there was a whole sub-set of people (our friends) who had electricity and hid from the world in this metal building. We knock and stand back so that the camera can see us.

They open the door and ask if we are friends with "S" (who is a person I know in real life). We say yes and they inform us that if we are friends we should go and save her. We need to bring her this banana and make sure that it stays with her and doesn't get thrown away. For some reason, I know that there is some kind of tracker in the banana.
[end dream]

Have a great day!

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Post by Rook » Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:20 am

Hi Tala

I would love to conversate about this too and would like to jump at the chance to do so.

I agree that it is tough to analyse others dreams as the personal associations regarding symbols can be misdirected and misconstrued.  I have a tendency to over analyse and try to wring out too much meaning (my own dreams reprimand me for this... regularly).  I find my strength lies in seeing the pattern in the dream, and am trying to limit how much detail I go into and try to get the dreamer to connect the dots.  But a lot of people want an answer and not to have to think so it also depends on who you are reading for.

The trap that I see people (ie me) falling into when interpreting their own dreams is having a preconcieved idea about what the dream is referencing, then getting the symbols to fit the preconceived meaning, rather than taking all the symbols with a blank mind and then reading the story they tell (what I try to do now - clearing the mind is the hard part).  Sometimes it can be refreshing to get someone else's perspective on the dream meaning as they will see things we do not because of this potential bias.  But the good thing about reading your own dreams over others is that you get that *snap* when everything falls into place and you unlock the puzzle and you just know you hit the nail on the head.  It is near on impossible to get that feeling with other peoples dreams (but it does happen).

Here is what I overanalyse in your dream (I will be punished tonight, but I just can't help myself...):

The "civilization" in the dream is your civilization; that is the civilization of you - what I will refer to as your soul but I don't know that it is your soul per say - this is an intuitional thought rather than me knowing what your soul actually is.

The city I see as being the part of your soul that you "inhabit" consciously.  For many people they are happy to dwell in this sphere of existence, of what is known to them, to live out their days in relative ease without having to know anything more of themselves than that which they experience.  And that's great.

For you however there is something unsettling that does not come from your rational mind that says "there is more to this than my workaday week."  For you are a spiritual adventurer, destined to delve into the realms of the fuller being that we are, not content to settle with what you can taste, see, hear, smell and feel.  These are the parts of you that are not happy with the civilisation, and head off into the wild (forest) of your soul, into the threshold between the conscious (land) and unconscious (water - swamp where the two meet, also I see frequently represented as the beach/island).  Here you find the waterfall.  I think I know what this is referring to, but won't interpret it here.

I think the dream cuts off here because that is the end of this part of the message.  It leaps to the next message, I suspect our minds like to fill in the blanks when the story doesn't make chronological sense, but I like non-sensical stories as the message stands out more (ie the waterfall is a key concluding component).

Here you have found the threshold guardian, the beast that you must confront to continue this spiritual journey.  Again I would not say much more about this than identify the symbol.  Again the dream message ends here.

And you are returned to your waking life, and discover that these unconscious/intuitional parts of yourself have always (ancient) been living in your city, undetected by your intellect, unknowingly influencing your life.  You have come to discover this (your intuition perhaps) and want to have better contact with it (knocking on the door).

The message it has.  Take the "banana" to your friend (awesome).  Perhaps you should discuss the fruits of your endeavours with this friend?

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