Vivid dream. A lot of detail.

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Vivid dream. A lot of detail.

Post by Margaretthumper » Mon May 27, 2013 7:40 am

I had a dream where I was driving my car home. It was dark outside. I kept falling asleep and then waking up. And one time when I started to wake up there was a guy walking towards my car like he wanting me to hit him. I barely swerved and missed. I had a scared feeling in my stomach as I kept heading home. I remember the song that was playing on the radio too. Wicked games by the weeknd. As I was driving I kept feeling like I was going too or I wanted to be pulled over by a cop. I turned left to cut through a little town to my road. I rolled through a stop sigh and immediately cop lights came on. I stopped and he came up to my car. I got the window all the way down but a little. He walked and looked at my front license plate then walked to my window. I can remember his face. He started to talk about how I was going 20 mph and I said oh good bc the speed is 25 through town. But he went on to say how he was gonna give me a speeding ticket which I thought was weird. And I told him that I was nervous and scared and trying to get home. I didn't want to tell him I almost hit a guy and that was why I was so uneasy so I just because I thought I saw a face in my rear view Mirror. He told me that it was gonna be ok and to get out of the car. So I did. I followed him down the street. He somehow had a bag full of combs and brushs in his hand and I knew he wanted to brush my hair. As we were walking he kept saying what's that and pointing to power boxes on electricity poles. And then two cats, one looked a little wet walked out on the road. We kept walking and we walked by a blue house with a fence and we could hear talking and music. We were almost to the intersection when I started to ask if I could home and saying he was creepin me out. He didn't answer and finally he said no. So I started running to the house with music and screaming help me. I'm unsure if he was chasing me but I don't think he was. I got to the fence and tried to jump it but had a little trouble. I got half way over and I woke up.

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Post by aprildawn » Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:15 pm

Your dream is indicating that there is some aspect of your life in which you are behaving recklessly with little thought about the consequences of your actions.  So far you have been getting away with what you've been doing but you know that at some point you will either get caught, found out or have to face the consequences.  There is an element of secrecy involved in the situation and a struggle between independence and safety/security.  Whoever the authority figure is in this situation, you have a level of mistrust and uncertainty about them.

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Post by Spiritwhisperer » Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:47 am

To dream that you are driving a vehicle signifies your life's journey and your path in life. when you come across obstacles it could represent that you are feeling apprehensive about the future (especially as you felt "scared") and to dream that its dark or night time says to me that you are not sure which direction you are heading in life,and that worries you, the fact you are pulled over by the police suggests that you need to slow down and take things easy, and that may make you uneasy.  hence why your mind pulled in another person. which I feel represents your instincts, hence why you trusted them when they said get out of the car, but then lost that after a while as maybe you feel you cant trust yourself, to pass the house with music and a party going on represents what you want in your life, to be happy and to have fun, that is where you feel safe. b

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Post by Rook » Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:05 pm

The common theme I see here - you are falling asleep at the wheel in the car, the policeman repeatedly asking what the power box is, dishelved hair, going too slow in the car, and the inability to jump the fence, you do not have enough energy/power.  It sounds like some aspect of your life is out of balance.  Perhaps you need more sleep, you need more or less excercise, or need to eat a more balanced diet, to bring yourself more energy.  Does that make sense at all?


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