urgent please answer

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Post by Rook » Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:34 pm

Hi dosanm

This is possibly a complex dream and it is late, and I am tired.  I will think about it and respond when I have something.

Initially though I would say it could be on two levels:

One commenting on relationships and why you're relationships aren't lasting,

and secondly it could be related to internal conflict.

I will go into more detail later.

Sweet dreams,

Spiritual Traveller
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Re: urgent please answer

Post by Spiritual Traveller » Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:04 pm

Hello Dosanm

Although the meaning behind the symbolism of a dream lies within the dreamer, I thought I would throw in my two penneth & random thoughts on this bit
dosanm wrote:i had  a dream of a queen bee chasing and attacking me getting stung on the arm. then i had a dream of white rabbit who had red and pink eyes. he was evil one. my mum said see i told not to chase after it.
Queen bee's are in charge of & create the hive, they organize & all life within the hive originates from them & works for her. Although I did not have time to read all else which you wrote, the stinging could suggest feeling under attack from routine, responsibilities & home life. The Queen may also be your Mum as you mention her.

White rabbits, notoriously associated with Alice in Wonderland, can tell of an escape from reality - or equally a need for one. Red is the color of passion as well as linked to the base chakra which is linked to the physical self, pink is the color of love & is a lower heart chakra color. Do you feel that you wish to run away into a dream world from time to time, or even just avoid the routine of reality for something more exciting & feel evil or bad in some way for wishing so? especially if it means doing things which Mum would not approve of?


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Post by Rook » Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:43 am

Hi dosanm

I get the feeling this dream is addressing relationship issues.  I strongly agree with Spiritual Traveller, that the queen bee, a matriarchal figure most likely your mother is "stinging your arms" - impacting upon your actions.  This is because you are chasing that bunny down the rabbit hole into the world of fantasy.  This suggests to me perhaps you are not seeing the reality of your relationships but escaping to a fantasy world of what you want your relationships to be?

The dream leaps into a soap opera.  Again this is a drama tv show that dramatises domestic life, and could be linked to the issue of fantasy.  At the same time I think it is showing some sort of teaching in regards to relationships.

I find it interesting that the mother in the drama has a need to show other people that their relationship is good.  She had to fight and struggle to prove their relationship works.  In truly great relationships there is no need to fight for it.  Outsiders can see that the two love each other straight away, without effort.  On top of that does it even really matter outside of the relationship what other people think of it?  Look at Romeo and Juliette for example, that was a great love and people outside of it didn't even know about it.

There are details of a volatile relationship containing a lot of conflict.  It appears it is a pretty standard relationship with the grace period where two people discover each other and have strong romantic experiences, help and support each other.  After this the two get used to each other and notice the things about the other that they don't like.

He states that she just moans and screams now.  Her argument is that he doesn't listen to her.  Why doesn't he listen?  She moans and screams.  Why does she moan and scream?  He doesn't listen.  Its a self-fulfilling cycle of doom.  It needs something from outside of it to break it.  A change in either will in effect change the other.  She will still moan and scream, and he will still not listen, but it is what is dominant that counts, good vs bad.  Good needs to win out for the relationship to last.

There is also the repeated theme of not seeing reality.  The eyes and the presence of the rabbit.  The child who is blinded in one eye, and the father who refuses to see that his son needs him, instead only seeing what he wants to see.

Interesting, the son is one eyed.  The son could be the physical representation of the relationship of the two.  It is one-eyed which seems to be a problem on both sides of the relationship.  She is only seeing the relationship from her prespective and is aggresively negative.  She does not once try to show empathy for his position, or see things from his point of view.  Like wise he only sees what he wants to see and does not see that there is something wrong that needs his attention.  Again the discussion that takes place goes back to my previous point about the need for the mother to appear in a good relationship.  Even if he is not going to be in love with her, at least show respect for the child (relationship).  At least go through the motions of being in a relationship (here I am interpretting for the good of those outside looking in).

In your conclusion perhaps the man was not ready for what the relationship was turning to, and wanted more freedom (less demands from the wife - his main issue from his point of view).  He misses the fun of the relationship that the couple shared at the beginning but they lost when they "became serious".

If we could look at the mother perhaps, which I see as your role in the relationship.  She is a policewoman - authoritative.  It is possible she is taking on this role in the relationship.  This could cause resentment from the partner if they feel they are being reprimanded / obeying the orders of the other partner.  It is possible she is not listening to him in this role.  He is saying he is busy.  It does happen on occasion that a partner will fail to see the other responsibilities their partner has.  A case in point my brother-in-law who's girlfriend is upset because he is not spending enough time with her - because he is at WORK earning a living.  They are not exactly in a strong financial position, so there is a failure there to recognise the need for the partner to be busy.

Those are just a few thoughts on the possible readings from the dream content.  Overall I feel it is relating to the difficulties you have been having in relationships.  Oh, and a thought that just crossed my mind, the queen bee stinging your arms.  This could suggest that this is a learned behaivour from your mother in earlier childhood.  It is a learned behaivour from your mother that is effecting how you behave in relationships.  Exploration on your parents relationship could reveal further insight.


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