Dream about a lady I admire

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Dream about a lady I admire

Post by Indigo11 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:33 pm

I see myself in an IT room with other people/women. I see myself sitting 3 chairs to the Lady V's right which she is sitting on the edge of the computer table (long office IT tables with computers on opposite ends). I then see myself sitting next to and conversing with Lady V. I am then off this table and see myself behind this table sitting on a computer desk which Lady V comes over and talks to me and says what I’m doing.

I am then in my old house, which Lady V and I are cleaning up toys and putting them in an black bag in the same spot I used to put my toys which I used to put my toys in a black bag anyway. After Lady V and I have finished putting the toys in the black bag, we then put a cotton wool doll on top of this bag and I see Lady V just standing there once the doll has been put on top of the bag.

Now Lady V is Lady P's best cousin, which Lady P is the lady in the old school dream and I really like Lady V. I know she likes me back in real life non-verbally and she is 4 years older than me.

What could this dream signify and Lady V's presence in the dream?

Comments appreciated,


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Post by MuDDld » Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:31 am

Dreaming of playing with toys represents a way to express your hidden feelings. You seem to have some feelings for Lady V. Then you are in an old house and playing with toys. You seem to want to talk with her but can't express yourself. This is signified by the toys and the cotton wool doll.

You dream about your old house, which shows you are not comfortable about the one living in right now. Or maybe you had a good relation with Lady V when you were in the old house.

This is according to the dream dictionary, on the table:

"At home and work we meet and discus plans over a table. In your dream, it represents your relationships with other people. Items put onto the table represent something about your life that is being brought into the open. Perhaps the dream is saying that you should be more open with people. As the saying goes, you should '‘put your cards on the table’."

The computer may have figured in the dream because your behaviour around Lady V is mechanical. My first thought was this had something to do with the intellect, so do you talk with her about knowledgeable things?

That's all I can think of.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Feb 03, 2013 3:56 pm

All symbols (people, places, things) are about your feelings/emotions.  Some general translations work, but it is more personal.  The ladies in your dream used as symbols will help you define their presence.

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