Dogs bring me down from the bike

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Dogs bring me down from the bike

Post by MuDDld » Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:40 pm

It was night, I was riding my bike when I saw two dogs, they were grown up ones, not puppies like I've had before. And boy, were they scary. They had really mean faces, and one of the dogs had some problem with its face, it looked broken. I sped past them but they raced after me and finally jumped and brought me down.

I've gained some experience in dream interpretation by reading posts on this forum, and by others' replies, specially Rook, so what I think is, the dogs represent my animal side, and the animal side is trying to take control of me.

Another part of this dream was that I had control and I was making worlds. I was walking in the city and then I suddenly started designing the layout around me. This is like in the movie Inception. I kept walking and making structures come up, and it was terrific. Then I reached a place which wasn't perfect, there was mud [and its rainy season here now], and I tried to change that but for some reason I couldn't. I ignored it, because it would break the great feeling I was having. Then I walked beneath a balcony like structure and there was a man with a machine gun shooting  at me. I also took out a gun and started shooting at him, and then I saw there were two others also shooting at me, and I was shooting at them, but the thing is that they had me in their sights, they were firing from an elevated place and could easily take me out but for some reason I wasn't getting hit by any bullets. This is the part I don't understand.

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Post by Rook » Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:57 pm

I agree about the animal nature - note the broken face.  That could be to make the dogs scarier, or perhaps it is a 'broken' animal nature that needs to be healed.

Anyhow I agree it is pulling you "off balance" (bike - two wheels, strong symbol of balance).

Will think about the city dream, but nothing jumps to mind asides from the fact that it is night (unconscious), is related to Inception.  Could be representing dreams in some way.

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