Not sure what to make of this...

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Not sure what to make of this...

Post by mathiasthom » Mon May 07, 2012 4:43 am

Okay, last night 5/5/12 I dreamed about my mom, who passed back in December of 2004.

In the dream, I was standing in my living room, when I suddenly felt her presence there.

I didn't see her, but somehow just knew she was there.

I asked for her to knock on the wall,  if it was in fact her. There were 3 knocks heard on the wall in the room.

I then told her I missed her horribly, and woke up from the dream, tears in my eyes.

I went into the bathroom to get a drink of water, when I noticed a small pile of what I'm guessing was dirt in the bath tub. I know for a fact that it wasn't there when I went to bed a few hours before.

I can't explain where the heck the dirt came from. It doesn't make any sense at all.

So, any suggestions or insight on this incident?

I'm the only one who uses that bathroom.

It kind of freaked me out a little bit...

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Re: Not sure what to make of this...

Post by Celestial » Tue May 08, 2012 12:28 am

mathiasthom wrote:Okay, last night 5/5/12 I dreamed about my mom, who passed back in December of 2004.

In the dream, I was standing in my living room, when I suddenly felt her presence there.

I didn't see her, but somehow just knew she was there.

I asked for her to knock on the wall,  if it was in fact her. There were 3 knocks heard on the wall in the room.

I then told her I missed her horribly, and woke up from the dream, tears in my eyes.

Warm greetings, (((((MathiasThom)))))! First of all, let me say I am very sorry for your Mother's physical passing. In attempting to psychically/intuitively read from your dream, I first need to say that those who have gone back into Spirit (as we all must one day) can indeed communicate with those who are left behind in this world! During the dream state, our Spiritual Body separates from our physical body and enters into the world of spirit. It is then when we are able to reconnect with our loved ones because our vibrations are then similar to theirs.

It sure appears, from what you are saying, that you had a lucid dream with a connection to your Mom! She came to you to let you know that she is alright and not to worry about her. God does allow for this to give us a sense of reassurance that we have not truly lost our loved ones but that they are still very much with us and a continuing part of our lives although in another form which vibrates much faster than our own physical body thus, we cannot see or hear them usually unless we have heightened extended senses.

Your Mom can certainly come to you and does many times but you have to learn to experience the moment and know what to look for. Signs can include dream visits, as you have just experienced, lights flickering when you think about her, electrical items turning on and off such as the radio, t.v., cellphone, tape recorder, etc., sounds in your home, seeing license plates that relate a message that is meaningful to you, hearing a song that she liked, finding pennies, etc. These are just some of the ways spirit uses to communicate with us to let us know they are alright. The three knocks on the wall indicates that she heard you loud and clear and was acknowledging you as she loves you very much and always will!

I went into the bathroom to get a drink of water, when I noticed a small pile of what I'm guessing was dirt in the bath tub. I know for a fact that it wasn't there when I went to bed a few hours before.

I can't explain where the heck the dirt came from. It doesn't make any sense at all.

So, any suggestions or insight on this incident?

I'm the only one who uses that bathroom.

About the dirt in the bath tub, that can be another sign from your Mom to let you know she was there visiting you! That is a bit more rare for Spirit to do that but not totally unheard of because spirit can indeed "apport" items to and from places, that is materialize them somewhere or remove them! She could be indicating, by the dirt, that it is one of the main elements in this world that gives us our stabililty, that is, the ground that we stand on is composed of dirt. Therefore, she appears to be telling you to stand steadfast, firm, and strong and hold your own as she doesn't want to see you suffering unnecessarily.

It kind of freaked me out a little bit...

Yes, and that can be a normal reaction. But realize that when we pass back into spirit (from whence we first came) we do not "die". We continue with our life in the Afterlife, and that's why it is called precisely that. It is a graduation from one place to another that's all. Her work here was finished and she had to move on to continue on her spiritual path, new growth, and learning in the spirit dimension.

You should feel most blessed that she came to you in this manner and she did it because she cares about you and loves you very much and is still very close to you and always will be! May your heart be gladdened by knowing this. You can still talk to her just as before by speaking out to her or writing her a letter saying whatever you want to say to her and then reading it outloud. She will hear you when you speak to her. Incidentally, Afterlife matters is one of my main specialties!

May God Bless You Always, dear friend!

I hope this psychic/intuitive dream interpretation helps. Keep Love and Peace in your heart Always!

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Post by spiritalk » Tue May 08, 2012 8:37 pm

Dreams that occur in the alpha state (just as falling to sleep and just as waking) are the same level as meditation.  Therefore we are open to psychic dreams.  If our dreams hapen in REM sleep (the deeper states) all things are symbols.  

While a spirit visit is wonderful!, if it happens in deep sleep it is more symbolic than the reality of the visit.  Perhaps you just had mom on your mind too much.  But her personality is something to examine for what is happening in your life at present, emotionally.

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