Vivid dream: vicious fox

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Vivid dream: vicious fox

Post by Cusp73 » Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:20 pm

Hello, whenever someone gets a chance, I would love some insight about a dream I had two nights ago.

Little back story, my life has taken a huge turn & I have had the opportunity the last few months to purge items I've hoarded, make peace with many things, understand how & why I do things, see certain patterns about myself.  It has really been an enlightening process that has allowed me to grow.  I have always had vivid dreams, some that are so infused with emotion that I have woken up crying or felt deeply moved by my dreams.  More often than not, my dreams end up having a significant meaning to them, but I'm still trying to figure this one out!

The fox dream:
The setting was a public washroom, seems to have been a bar since it was small & I could hear music in the background - Lady Gaga's Bad Romance (though I had just listened to that song before going to bed!).

I was leaning against the sink (facing the side of the stalls), waiting for one of the (two) stalls to become free, and the woman in stall #1 screamed out to her friend in stall #2 (I didn't know anyone in this dream) "omg, I just stepped on a HUGE bug!"  Curious, I leaned down to look at the floor under the stall door to see the squashed bug, and this thing - I think it was a rat - ran from under her foot into the back corner of the stall.  I think I screamed.

Then suddenly it wasn't a rat, and now it was lunging towards me - it was a skinny, mangy, pale red coloured fox.  Snarling and frothing at the mouth it lunged right at my face.  I managed to swat it off with my arm, but it just came after me again.  Then I was suddenly no longer by the sink in the open, now I was enclosed in one of the stalls (alone) and the fox came up under the front of the stall to attack me again.  I kept managing to fight it off, the music is still going, I hear people talking, but no one is freaking out but me.

I'm kicking it and hitting it, narrowly missing its teeth every time.  I try to open the door to the stall & it opens away from me instead of towards me & someone keeps slamming it shut enclosing me in with this rabid fox.  Well, this continues for what feels like 15 minutes or more, finally I am out of the the stall, but still battling the fox.  The whole thing is invisible to the women around me.  I finally muster up the courage to attack fox before he attacks me, I grab him by the scruff & his head is going nuts trying to grab at my arm behind his neck.  I open the door to the bathroom with my foot & toss him out, slam the door but he tried to get back in so he's now caught in the door like a door jamb & I keep slamming the door on him -- it got quite violent & bloody -- and then FINALLY he was dead.  In the end, the fox never actually bit me.

I woke up completely stressed, my whole body felt like I just physically had this fight for real, I was sweating, I was well, disturbed is the only word that really fits.  I should add that I am an animal lover so this dream also disturbed me that I killed the fox, I know it was to save myself, but still :(

I know that a fox can represent someone in my life that is cunning or trying to hurt me somehow, but there are very few people in my life (I keep a small circle) and have known them for years so I don't think it is that.  What else could it possibly mean??  Or was it just a random dream?  I'm not sure I believe that, I really think all dreams have some hidden meaning somewhere, but I can't figure this one out!!

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:36 pm

Yes, even in your small circle, there is a fox (in the hen house so to speak).  With this thought comes a man.  His thinking where you are concerned (personal here) seems to have reached a stage of rabid approach.  (perhaps a 'he can't have you, no one can' type of thinking).  You have been ignoring the problem, but this is telling you that action is going to be required.

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Post by Cusp73 » Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:06 am

Spiritalk, thank you for taking the time to read my post and reply - I really appreciate it!

I'm taken aback, so blind!  When I read your response at first I was like, "no, I really don't think...." then it hit me.... "of course!!"

What I left out of my back story (unintentionally) was a relationship with a man that I had to break off at the beginning of February.  We had gotten quite close, to the point of looking for a house together actually, and what bothered me was that while I told him I am really a city girl he kept trying to get me out of the city into really obscure parts of towns that could really be considered isolation.  He got weird when I spent time away from him, he started to get possessive & jealous -- which is what lead to our breakup.  And get this -- he was jealous of my DOG!  He kept saying he wished I loved him as much as I love my dog.  That always kind of worried me a bit.

I was out with a girlfriend for dinner early Feb, he was of course convinced I was either lying & out with another man or that my friend hated him for some insane reason & this outing was her chance to convince me to leave him.  He sent me harassing texts and calls for a full 24 hour period - this came out of nowhere & was the first time he'd ever done this.  The next morning I called him to tell him to leave me alone & he accused me of not coming home the night before (I did though) & when I asked how he would even know this he said because he was watching my house.  Not true, otherwise he would have seen me come home, followed by me walking my dog.  But nonetheless - creepy!

I called the police & filed a report, they warned him to leave me alone, I spent the first week hiding out in my house with my video camera set up in the front window convinced I would catch him doing drive bys & had a male friend come over sporadically & check on me throughout the week.  I haven't seen or heard a peep out of him since the police spoke to him, but about a week ago I thought of him for some reason, just a random thought.

The woman that does my Reiki has told me that I have a very strong intuition, but I don't always pay attention when important things arise, such as an otherwise random thought that is likely my intuition telling me to something I need to listen to.  Perhaps the random thought of him was a reminder that maybe he has been gone, but perhaps he has not forgotten.

I will definitely keep my guard up --- THANK YOU, Spiritalk -- your words have had a profound impact, thank you so much for your insight!

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