Please analyse my dream?

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Please analyse my dream?

Post by headhominid » Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:57 pm

I remember a bus ride with fellow school students except that Samuel was also there and I don't remember exactly who else. Kevin, Racheal Whetton, others. Maybe my old art teacher I don't remember.

It was a long drive and we passed over much roiling cloudy hillside,eventually making it to this small town like place, it was a long street which had oddly new zealand / irish features of that lush green grass covered hills and this street it wasn't quite full of buildings but there were people that lived there, this I knew. I saw everybody, I saw them completely. The way they reacted towards each other, a beatiful girl which I'd recognised and was quite happy to see, working at a stall or standing close by one, she wore victoriana steampunk type clothes and I saw another boy, one that had come with us, who wore a long detailed gunner coat jacket and the way that he looked at her, the lust in his eyes, I saw the boy who loved her, he was close, and he eyed down Mr.GunnerCoat with the truly evil eye. That was it! The Evil Eye! It was everywhere.

I found myself in a hall we were all ushered in, and there were other people setting up their tents or what not. A van obstructed the large entrance side of the hall, one which belonged either to a woman who was setting up or the one she worked for I think I talked to the woman who was setting up and she got in trouble by her boss for not having unfolded a table, I liked her, I liked talking to her. Yes, I do remember, she was along the side of the building in her van and I sat down on a bench close to it, sort of behind one of its sides and I found a book about alchemy and its last pages were missing, I Thought it was just the cover at the time but now I am not so sure, it looked absolutely fascinating and I was completely fixated with the book, totally drawn to it. I was made aware of her presence somehow and then peeked around the half open door of the van and saw a rather buxom young woman with black hair, a little like that substitute / teacher aid Miss Bartlett that I had a crush on as a kid and haven't ever forgotten since. I asked if it was her book, it was, she had many drawings around her, they were hers and she was going to sell them but she showed me an irony, or slightly sardonic understanding which shined through her smile and the roll of her eyes. Perhaps no one was going to buy her pictures and she was going through the motions, shortly after that she got in trouble about the table and then  We were made to cut up certain things, pages, papers, I am not sure what they were but they made mess, a lot of mess and the art teacher made a show of hiding this mess from the woman who clearly owned the venue but it was a ridiculous gesture because of the sheer amount of trash that had been generated by the class.

I sat down behind this small table and partook in this test but I don't remember it and I fell asleep, waking up within the hall. I was on a bench at the back. I remember the view from the window in the large room, the view from the chair and the table that I took the test at, it was of rolling hillside with three small structures in the midground, the hills roling upwards as they got further along, the buildings had grafitti on them and were constructed in a cartoon like manner, their first floor not as wide nor long as their top. When I woke after having fallen asleep at the test I looked up and saw over the shoulder of a giant black coat a tiny child watching me. It was miniscule, truly perhaps the size of six month old featus but with completely human features and I was looking right up at it, into its querrying eyes, a seventy five degree angle or something close to, I glanced up, and the baby wore a coat too, black, furry, and when the baby was brought back to the woman's front and out of my view and she turned around and looked at me and it was one of the people I saw setting up before the exam. The one with the drawings, I remember the pure serenity on her face, we may have exchanged words, she showed me the thing in her arms and it was a small furry dog, bigger than the baby white and grey and black. I was horrified for a moment but the moment passed and it quickly seemed rather completely natural.

I believe she left, or something to that effect, and I began to play game, I'm not sure about how the interface of this game found its way to me, but it was clearly a game which was engrained into reality. The object I believe was to find something, I don't remember it now but it was powerfuly mysterious. I eventually found myself in a castle like structure, at least so it seemed from the inside, and I was with the rest of the people from the excursion trip, I found my way into a small room and began again to play this game, I found it very strange, as though it were part of natural reality, and eventually found that I was searching for these things, these blue orchids, but I could... change the essence of matter in order to produce them. It filled me with excitement, this game, and I found it confusing. Samuel found me in this room and I asked him about the game and he looked at me with disappointment and said that of course he knew about the game, everyone did. It was something everyone just 'played' he was even able to literally project the games interface from somewhere on his body.

I followed him out into outdoors and we were in a beatiful garden on the edge of a forest and we spoke of things and he insinuated that he wanted to have sex with me or something to that effect but I didn't know what to say and for a second it was awkward until I had a revelation which shocked me by its power, by which I understood that the game was the game of life, and that I could find these magnificent blue orchids deep within everything, within everything, and at that time colin turned blue and scared the shit out of me. It was magnificent, we were both sitting down and it was slow at first but once the pigment had dominated his natural colour it accelerated with great speed and he rushed through a huge portion of the spectrum of the colour and then after a while I did too! I changed the colour of my flesh just by willing it to be, and then again into a different colour and we sat there leaning towards each other in concentration and changing the colour of our flesh.

I eventually found myself sitting down on the stairs inside the building, contemplating the game and the events and something that had me feeling quite miserable about myself, though I was fighting against the feeling, the thoughts, when a girl entered my vision and before thinking at all I raised my hips and opened my legs in slightest suggestion of sexual gesture, it was Mz Whetton and she asked me if she could sit down and talk to someone because she was miserable and so she did she lay down but I was on an odd angle and she was uncomfortable and she kept readjusting herself until she lay with her breasts along one of my topmost thighs and her stomach along the other one, and when I moved my leg slightly to support her breast she took it as an attempt to better feel them and told me rather bluntly to please not let that kind of thing happen this was just a favour a friendly helping hand situation. But she continued to talk to me about how she was upset about her innocence and it hurt her and all the rest of this kind of thing until eventually I was able to read (yes, I'd been slightly reading this entire time, reading about the very actions that were taking place within this game, perhaps that's how the game was relayed to me) very suggestive words. Words which gave me the idea that I should rape her, for both of our sakes. And then she looked at me and I saw an understanding in her eyes, and she asked me if we should take a walk and I said yes and woke up.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:53 am

Dreams are actually brief glimpses that do not contain that much detail on the whole.  It would appear you are into story telling and filling in the blanks that you felt waking up.  Stick to the facts, the symbols and the colors and someone could have a go at what you are experiencing.  The rest is window dressing for your life.
God bless, J

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