Recurring dream: Musical concert

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Recurring dream: Musical concert

Post by Lorin » Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:37 am

I've had a variation of this dream off and on for several years.  I should note that I played piano when I was little and I was in marching band in middle school (private school).  I haven't played any music since, have no desire to and feel that I have no real talent for it (despite being born into a musical family).

Every time I have this dream there's a concert coming up.  Sometimes my reeds are broken and I have to find new ones before the concert.  Last night, I had to find what happened to the alto sax that I used to play, so that I can break it out and practice before a concert the following week. Then the dream seemlessly evolved into a new theme (and this part has not been recurring).  I'm going with my parents back to Georgia, where I attended college my freshman year (I transfered after that) to clean out a storage facility which has remained untouched since college (no such facility exists).  We're not pulling out a musical instrument now, but an old bed frame, it seems, and 8mm film that my dad took on my moving-in day (no such footage was ever taken).  Then the dream ends.

Background:  What I've been hoping and praying for dream guidance on lately is my career.  I lost my job in June, but had lost interest in my career many years before that.  I've survived quite well doing freelance projects since then, but it's still not anything that feels like my "calling".  I've never been able to figure out what that is.  Since I graduated college 10 years ago, I've engaged in a lot self-education in subjects that I had not put much attention on in college.  However, I've never had any inclination to go back to school and wouldn't know what to study if I did.  (REALLY!  The high cost. The ridged, narrow fields of study.  The close-minded, tenured professors.  Not for me.)  I much more inclined to create my own business and work for myself, although I don't have any idea what I might do.  

My dream seems to dance around these issues, but with no clear guidance that I can discern.  Any assistance in interpretation would be appreciated.
"This instant and eternity are struggling within us. This is the cause of all of our contradictions, obstinacy, narrow-mindedness, our faith and our grief."  - Arvo Pärt

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Dec 14, 2010 3:21 pm

Dreams are mostly about our own unresolved emotions form the consicous state.  The symbols, people, places, things are all designed to help understand these emotions.

Music by definition is harmony.  Everything in your dream is about your inability to do the concert or presentation of the music.  You are just not in harmony - body, mind and spirit.  

I would say it indicates the spirit more than any other aspect has not found itself.  You just don't know who you are or what you want in life.  Try getting in touch with self through meditation.  You would be in charge and more inclined to get to know yourself from the inside out, as it were.

Because we need a job of work to survive in our material world, you must seek what you can and then as you examine who you are there will be time to change horses and find your own direction. That is, if you are not satisfied in the long run.
God bless, J

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Post by Evard » Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:16 pm

Your dream vaguary about the broken reeds : personal thought :

piano , little :  a lil piano .. the political thoughts about being accepted with the intention of post-conflict mastery ..

broken reeds : it's the symbol of the tired effect to the gathering of your intention of peace . Masterful Peaceful :::
new concern of the intelligent thoughts of your gathering of the harbored unremited <un-re-m[aiye]-ted> educate
about the history of piano at your lessons of the note of time before are now the ways you may begin serenity :-D

The affected time of the technical advance of dreams to the actual time before your concerto en are the thoughts a
reason of belief was the peace of Western Mastery at Pian-ism was to save a former conflict in family reguard such
as a wartime peace not the WW~ German advance though the modern likeness of conflict such as Happy Vietnam..
regard you bring peace and the thoughts you offer are kept as items in your dreams as you are trained with Peace:
the ways concertia piano will be your peace to the healing and time with new accord to be easement with musician..

way you may be the time peace to new accord with the history of conflict not family conflict you arbite peace Anew. &nbsp; Evard :-D

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Post by Lorin » Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:18 pm

&nbsp;Lack of harmony, in the spirit, definitely resonates. &nbsp;I kept thinking that maybe it was a call to return to childhood creativity, but somehow than never seemed to work for me. &nbsp;However, your interpretation seems the most likely. &nbsp;My spirit cannot find harmony, even despite years of meditation. Lots of feelings of worthlessness professionally, etc. I will continue with meditation though. &nbsp;Rather than simply dreams that reflect my tumultuous emotional state, I hope to have some dreams that actually give guidance soon.

&nbsp;I found your interpretation mostly unintelligible. &nbsp;I'm sorry. It's quite possibly faulty comprehension on my part. &nbsp;I do appreciate you taking the time though.
"This instant and eternity are struggling within us. This is the cause of all of our contradictions, obstinacy, narrow-mindedness, our faith and our grief."  - Arvo Pärt

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Post by Evard » Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:00 pm

The inspiration of the picture with your ID or name was why I talk about dreams and time.

Don't understand me ./. quite commonplace with my interpretations.. read it again. &nbsp;Peace.

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