My Old Crush, reaccurring

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My Old Crush, reaccurring

Post by chunkywoman » Sun Aug 19, 2007 10:48 pm

I have had dreams of an old childhood crush over the years.  I haven't seen him since I was 15 yrs. old when went "out" one night (parents thought it would be good for him to take me out on the town, LOL...yah, right).  I had "loved" him all my life and I know he felt the same about me.  His parents and my parents were best friends since they were kids so it was natural that we were thrown together.

We experimented with kissing as kids (10-12) and I only saw him in the summer when visiting my grandparents (stayed the whole summer).  When we went on this "date" he had gotten some beer and we went to the airport drunker than skunks cranking Jimi Hendrix and had a grand old time (no sex but was intense nonetheless.)

I haven't seen him since as I started working summers and hadn't gotten back since my grandparents died.  I have had reaccuring dreams of him, always very intense sexually though we never "did" it.  We never talked either, I just wanted him so bad.  Well this last dream I had the other night we were actually talking.  I'm thinking why the switch?

I admit I think about him here and there, usually after these dreams or when I dig up the photo my mom gave me of his whole family at his brother's wedding.  I haven't seen him in 30 years and so I wonder why this is still on my mind.  And does he dream of me?   :smt007 He was always a bit of a "good for nothing" and I don't think I would put up with it so consider it a blessing of sorts we never really hooked up.  But I still have the dreams and wonder.  I know where he lives and think I'd like to see him but am afraid.  My intention wouldn't be the purest as I am curious if I would feel the same about him as I used to when seeing him again.  So I don't .

Sorry, no question or anything really but comments welcome. :smt003

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Post by Evie » Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:35 pm


                               :smt049((( H U G S )))  :smt049
Us women NEVER truly forget our first kiss, our first love and certainly not
our first time, either !   :smt003    It's just the way it is.

Pity for those whose first experiences were a disappointment or not pleasant  (((hugs))) to them .....  :smt061  :smt039


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Post by earth2bella » Sun Sep 16, 2007 10:54 pm

How funny of me to come across this post. This happens to me as well and I was thinking about posting the same thing.

My first love and I dated for 2 years (long-distance) then had a horrible break up which resulted in his jail time. I had known him for a few years before we were together. The moment we met for the first time I told him I felt I knew him already, and it was love at first sight (for me). I've also had past lives with him, but his purpose in my life this time around (and vice versa) was to meet, do our thing on earth, and then completely let ech other go and free ourselves by forgiving and releasing the past (as we have only ever brought each other down, despite the extraordinary love we felt, and still feel).


During our time together but mostly after we broke up, we would both have dreams of each other on the same night, and quite often. Since we remained friends after our break up, I would call him each time after a dream because I could not get him out of my head and had an incredible, unexplainable urge to speak with him. It never failed that he dreamt of me as well, and also felt the same wonderment and urge.

So in regard to your case and seeing as how he won't leave your head, I would say that he definitely dreams of you too. Don't be afraid to call him and see how he is doing. Chances are he will be delighted to hear from you. Perhaps your inner self is telling you to get in touch with him for one last time so to bring you peace of mind. Maybe you have something to discuss, or he has something important he wants to tell you. You never know. Call him! It'd be harmless. There's nothing to lose, only to gain.

I hope that this has helped some and you find the answers that you need.


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Post by Sommerstars8o8 » Mon Sep 17, 2007 4:49 am

I know how you feel  i  had dream about my first love as well   just  last month  I  ran into  him  and  his girlfriend  he  seem to be very happy ,  Now we are  really good friends  and  he invited me to his  wedding which is  really sweet of him   .

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