Dream analysis please

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Dream analysis please

Post by Deborah » Tue Jun 28, 2005 3:34 am

Hello! I am not sure where to post on here. I was wondering if anyone does dream analysis on here. I am not goign to post my journal...too much too deep ..
But will share this much
I have reacurring dreams and they are like someone is reading me a story book... I can tell you I am American born raised etc ..I was not brought up around any other culture except I had a spanish baby sister when i was a baby and I honestly do not remember them. Anyway I have these dreams often..and like the next chapter ...and the clothing I wear is much compared to the saree the ladies wear in India ..maybe more covered than the ones I have seen. The places I have seen in my dreams I have found on the interenet or have drawn them out on paper and someone has recoginzed the places. I have NEVER BEEN OUT OF THE USA. HOw is it I know these places and they are real like I have lived there? Past life?
Is it possible my past life is coming to tell me I am needed somewhere else?
The last dream I had was in a building looks very much like a govt building very fancy very detailed wood work inside oh and marble looking floors...I hear a loud bang noise ...and a man takes me to a secret tunnel in a wall..the man is brown . before we enter the tunnel he pulls back a tapestry. this tapestry is very detailed and i feel its another one of them things I will find eventually. There is a large bird, garden vase, and a gate on the tapestry. This tapestry is hanging on the wall and the tunnel is behind it. oh the tapestry also has large green leafs on it.

I would really like to know more information on this ...to be honest its disturbing my life now ...not in a bad way just making me hard to focus on anything but this ..like a strong calling if u may.

If anyone could help ..thanks so much

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your dream

Post by shailendra_deshpande » Sun Jul 03, 2005 6:08 am

Dear Deborah,

what you mentioned about someone reading you like a book means you are somewhere afraid that someone may be interested in your personal life, and that life you do not want to share with anyone. hence, you may feeling tensed because of that.
another thing is that if you are required somewhere else, then you will ceratinly get DIRECT COMMNADS as to be "HERE" (with detailed picture and person). you are just seeing some pictures and seeing that you are wearing saree like Indian Women does not mean that your past life is calling you.
another thing is that about tapestry. That picture represent normal Indian House with garden vase which is normally called "Tulsi Virndavan", it is kept outside of house to ward of evil spirits. the gate and large green leaves represents that you shall be welcome in Indian House, but the time has not come for you to see India (assumping that the gate is been closed).

further more about you had been dragged in secret tunnel, it means that you are or were infatuated by brown man (since there is no emotional bonding, it shall be considered as infautation from your side only and never be considered as 'love'). hence, i suggest that you should take some precautions in such relationship, b'coz it is turning towards festish side rather than emotional support side.
If you require further help, then reply back, since I myslef being Indian I will ceratinly try ny level best to guide you. (I hope you don't have any racial objections).

With Love


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Post by Deborah » Sun Jul 03, 2005 5:41 pm

Thanks for your eye site on this subject :)

Some of the things I mentioned were just a brief explanation...when i refered to the reading a book one chapter to the next I mean that the dreams seem to reaccur and then go to the next chapter ...so to say the story contioues on .not from night to night but I may have same dream say 7 -8 times over a 3 month period then to say a month of brief dreams of things that dont seem to matter..or about silly things like me doing chores or such ..then will start a new dream and repeat the above but always around same types of places.

I mentioned I am American and not ever being out of the states because the dreams take me to places I have never seen or been to ...not because I am racist or anything such as this ... ( I personally have grown to Love India)

I am happy that a Indian person answered ... maybe I am wrong for saying this but I feel that the knowledge from a Indian person is different than a Western.....Westerners seem to seek and Indian seem to have been brought up around this type of information so therefor i think it comes naturally.

I would be happy to go into great details of my dream if nobody objects. ???

How long have these dreams been coming to me...???
As Long as I can remember...When I was little I would act them out and pretend to fly to these destinations and I would land in the desert seeking the green side and would end up either at a mud house (which i tried to build one when i was around 4 or 5..and yea my mom made me clean up my mess ..something about not using her kitchen bread pans to make bricks :smt018 ) I even asked for the painted elephant for my birthday that i seen that i received in a dream.

Thanks for the help and info...

Oh yea the gate was open and greenerty was growing up around it ...was like a gate entrance to a lovely home ..the bird look similar to a peacock but not sure that it was ..was a golden color ...

I drew the tapestry out once ..will see if i have it and will scan and post...

I am really excited that someone answered this post ...wow thanks soo much ...

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Your dream

Post by spiritstar » Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:23 pm

O.k. This is what I got.

Like a book being read. We read to children over and over. Your subconscious mind has been telling you this story over and over in one way or another the same story. Well worn.

India is symbolic of mystic knowledge, yes you were a mystic in a past life.
I got a yes on that. The clash is a call. Reminded me of the Buddhist clashing of cymbals and other instruments during chants. Very loud. Govt building is a temple, spiritual authority, and mystics that reside in the temple have access to secret knowledge. ie:tunnels The brown man is your personal guide.

Golden bird is also sign of mystic aura, gold in aura, very spiritual calling.
Gate is open to you, tunnel is open to you.

What you do from here, choice is yours.

"tell her to study, to remember."



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thank you very much

Post by Deborah » Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:28 pm

study in what direction ..do i need to go somewhere to study ?

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your dream

Post by spiritstar » Sat Jul 16, 2005 11:49 pm

hello again,

Study mysticism. Connect to your higher self. Open your psychic awareness, everyone can be psychic. Meditate.


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Post by Deborah » Sat Jul 16, 2005 11:54 pm

i sent u a private message ... hope u got it :)

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Dream interpretation --more analysis

Post by Rose » Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:59 pm


you stated in your article....The last dream I had was in a building looks very much like a govt building very fancy very detailed wood work inside oh and marble looking floors...I hear a loud bang noise ...and a man takes me to a secret tunnel in a wall..the man is brown . before we enter the tunnel he pulls back a tapestry. this tapestry is very detailed and i feel its another one of them things I will find eventually. There is a large bird, garden vase, and a gate on the tapestry. This tapestry is hanging on the wall and the tunnel is behind it. oh the tapestry also has large green leafs on it.

I've done a lot of dream interpretation for clients. There are many common symbols that related to dreams. From a metaphysical perspective/and/or spiritual perspective....negative sentient energies (people call them malevolent spirits), their presence can be known sometimes as a 'loud bang' I've heard people say they've heard different kinds of loud noises...all indications of dark forces approaching. Tunnels, doorways, windows, portals associated with brown colored silloueted men, black silloueted men or beings, indicate that there is misleading down a path that is not 'right'. The tapestry revealing a tunnel behind it, can mean that although the path or direction in life looks appealing, there is some alterior motive that is negative behind it. A quick short cut to get where you want to go is 'not' the way to go.

It is common when people have dreams of doorways and windows of some kind and find themselves in a ghostly, ghastly place, they were subtly guided there by some kind of dark spirit, for the purpose of shock or fear. This reverberates into our daily life somehow. Guides and angels also traverse the dream state, and when we get lost into other realms of existence, angels will assume a dream character to guide us back into our own subconscious state and existence.

If you have dreams like this kind of guidance, ignore it. Think before you go to sleep. "I will not go where dark forces tread, instead I will go where angels lead me instead."

As for dreaming of other cultures in great details and places, it is my assumption, and I've also heard of this from other clients, that dreaming of past lives is possible. I have had dreams of such, and I just keep a journal of those lives.

I hope this helps.

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