urgent please answer dreams of making wedding vows

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Post by Severina » Thu May 30, 2013 8:40 am

it seems to me the dream is areflection of your own thoughts and wishes.

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Post by MisterMarine0 » Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:58 am

This seems a little confusing to me.
Sometimes I flirt and get flirted on in my dreams.
Okay now to ponder with the 'tank hatch down'
It is a form of play.  You and the other individual were just actors on the stage trying to dip their fingers into the arts.

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Post by Rook » Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:26 am

I agree with Severina.

Without more detail, it appears to be a reflection of your desires.

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Post by Spiritwhisperer » Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:51 pm

weddings can represent your innermost wishes to commit to someone. Although weddings in dreams to me, represent new beginnings, so this dream may signify that you are going through a new phase in your own development, whether that is something in reality (new study, job etc), or a new phase in your own inner self (more self-confident, or opening up to find someone). Dreaming of committing to someone, saying a vow, to me, represents that whatever this new phase is, you will feel committed to it.

I hope that helps :)
Last edited by Spiritwhisperer on Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

Universal Constance
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Post by Universal Constance » Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:34 pm

I'll make a few assumptions surrounding your dream and like everyone remain pleasantly oblivious to the details of your vows.

I'm going to assume the dream was in a location and as you've not mentioned the location i'll assume it's a standard wedding in a standard church with all the standard surroundings. had anything been out of the normal i'm sure you would have mentioned it.

So, we can look at the actual dreams symbols even though you haven't described the dream in any real detail. the church the people participating all being normal. we can then develop a personal interpretation based on the dreams "critical moment" meaning the dream would have had more before and after that snapshot of taking vows but the most important aspect of the dream to you is that critical moment. we can also focus on perspectives and feelings you were left with, this dream didn't upset you or make you cry or involve layering or leveling. I then look at how you write and your personality, the short sharp sentences. single lines and desperate thirst for answers. there is no beating about the bush until you are questioned more deeply.
So, what does the dream mean?

This dream would be about a group who share a common belief and your "promise" or "commitment" to do something creative for that group.
The dream is not about relationships or weddings it's a dream that says "don't forget when you wake up you need to be creative and follow through with that group you're in."

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Post by aprildawn » Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:57 pm

Rook already gave you feedback that you haven't provided any details and the dream appears to be a reflection of your own desires.

You have failed to even give so much as a simple thank you to anybody else who has given their valuable time to interpreting and giving you feedback about your dream.

What Universal Constance is getting at is that this forum is a community of like minded people, sharing and giving of their time and knowledge to try and guide or help others.

What is your contribution to this community?  You don't even say thank you or offer feedback to anyone that is trying to help you.  You just keep coming back with more demands for readings while ignoring what anyone has to say.

You are quickly alienating yourself on this forum and will soon find that nobody is going to bother responding to your posts.  You can take that prediction to the bank!

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Post by Rook » Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:23 am

Hi Dosanm

First of all I think you need to take weight of others posts here.  There is some very valid interpretations here.

I still feel it is referring to your desire to be married and I do not believe it is a prophetic dream.  But that is not to say it isn't either.

What I do see from the additional details:

The groom is an actor: to me this indicates you are looking for someone to fill this role in your life.  The most striking feature of this man is that he is good looking.  Perhaps you are looking for a man who is attractive rather than seeing how their personality matches yours?  Also that they are an actor, you are not looking for a real person?  They are too perfect and not a realistic reflection of a real person.  Relationships and marriages are rarely "perfect".  Perhaps you are expecting too much?

That is pretty much all I can say.


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