Dream about cats- please help me interpret

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Dream about cats- please help me interpret

Post by statsbabe » Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:37 pm

Hi Please help me interpret this dream. It is disturbing because of my waking life relationship with cats.. any help would be greatly appreciated.

Useful personal information: I should mention that in real life, I am afraid of cats and will avoid them at all costs. When I get invited to people’s homes, usually the first question I ask is, do you have cats? If the answer is yes, I tell them I cant come as I am afraid of cats (used to be allergic also, when I was younger). But for the most part, most people I know have dogs, so its rare that I am unable to visit people’s homes.

The dream…

I went to visit a friend. We were sitting and chatting in her living room; I was standing by a table when I saw a cat come in and walk past me. It was a black cat. I said ‘OMG a cat- didn’t I tell you I was allergic to cats? I’m afraid of cats.’ Then other cats (two more) came in too.  For a while I tried to stay around them and not let the fear get to me but I could not take it anymore. I freaked out and walked to another part of the house to avoid the cats but they kept following me. At one point I was standing and when I turned and looked down, I saw this fluffy white cat trying to stand under the long peasant skirt that I was wearing. And I tried to get it out from under there…. I decided to go to a closet and tried to hide there but soon as I got there, the cats would emerge. I started to get really scared. These cats were quiet, they didn’t purr, or act aggressively. They just followed me wherever I went. So finally I decided to get out of this closet where I was hiding, and there in front of me was like a greenish kitten, but it had a missing leg. It was looking up at me. I felt pity for it and wanted to hold it but I was too afraid to do so. Finally I told my friend that I was leaving. So I left and closed the door shut behind me.

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Dream about cats

Post by Celestial » Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:59 am

Warm greetings, statsbabe! In attempting to psychically/intuitively interpret your dream, I am being told that the cats have appeared in your dream to help you get over your fear of them.

They walked past you in a non-threatening manner because they mean you no harm. The black cat represented your fear factor. They followed you because they have this message to give to you that there is nothing to fear but fear itself. The " .... fluffy white cat .... " appeared as a symbol of benevolence and the fact that he wanted to be at your skirt speaks to the good in cats wanting to warm up to you.

You went into the closet due to your fear and the hope that they who appeared to you to help you get over your fear would just go away but they were in there too to let you know that your fear would continue in light of the fact that they continued to follow you to prove their point of being friends. The greenish kitten with the missing leg is representative of offering you the healing that is needed to overcome your continuing fear. (Green is the color of healing.) The missing leg foretold of you missing the point of what it and others like him were trying to tell you, coupled by the fact that that fear is actually a handicap to you that you need to reassess and reevaluate (its worth to you.)

You wanted to hold the disabled kitten, thus, your better senses wanted to heal from this fear, because you had pity for it (you had pity for yourself being so frightful of cats which are usually benevolent) but you were still afraid to go ahead and do it, thus, you were showing yourself that you actually prefer to hold on to your fear of cats rather than let go of it.

You left and closed the door behind you as you inwardly do not really want to get rid of that fear and would rather just shut this matter up and sweep it under the rug as it were.

So, this dream is actually very revealing! It shows that while you have an innate fear of cats you actually prefer to hold on to that fear rather than to try to understand why you fear them and just prefer to shut this matter up and continue living in that fear which is most unfortunate. Please know that nothing is set in concrete, however, and at any point in time you can revisit the matter more thoroughly and examine why you fear cats as you do and what you can finally do to get over that fear. Until that time comes, you cannot move ahead when dealing with cats even though they came to tell you that they are actually your friends and not your enemies.

Hope this helps you to understand the matter in some way! The KEY here is that there is truly nothing to fear but fear itself as the saying goes!

May you have a blessed day filled with sunshine and bright smiles!

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Post by statsbabe » Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:00 pm

Thanks celestial.

That was a detailed interpretation! In waking life I have tried to understand this fear but you are right, I block myself from going deeper. There is nothing at all, no experience  in the present life that has led me to feel this way, or that can help me understand it. Never been attacked, nothing.

However, even just seeing a picture of a cat will drive me to fear. I saw one on the Internet yesterday and I shut my eyes and turned away, I couldn't. I was too freaked out.  Thanks again. Perhaps now I will try to stay with the fear and understand what is driving this fear, as a step to overcome it.

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Post by statsbabe » Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:14 pm

I re-read your response Celestial, and, if I take away the literal cat....and replace it with what cat symbolizes to me (fear), and read everything you have said to me, what you've said is perfect advice for a situation I have been going through over the past two weeks. This situation has wrecked not so much anxiety, but FEAR about 'where do I go from here now?' type thoughts. Instead of dealing with my fear, I chose to sweep it under the rug, as you said.... And I think that what ur message is saying is key: there is nothing to fear but fear itself. I need to dance with that fear, understand it, and conquer it in order to move forward in my life in that area and that situation I'm dealing with.

Your advice is really sound re: addressing the fear I'm currently dealing with. I think perhaps with dreams sometimes it could be the literal as well as symbolic meaning of the animals or objects that could facilitate the interpretation. Your advice is pretty thought provoking and insightful and specific to my situation, so thanks!

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Post by statsbabe » Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:14 pm

I re-read your response Celestial, and, if I take away the literal cat....and replace it with what cat symbolizes to me (fear), and read everything you have said to me, what you've said is perfect advice for a situation I have been going through over the past two weeks. This situation has wrecked not so much anxiety, but FEAR about 'where do I go from here now?' type thoughts. Instead of dealing with my fear, I chose to sweep it under the rug, as you said.... And I think that what ur message is saying is key: there is nothing to fear but fear itself. I need to dance with that fear, understand it, and conquer it in order to move forward in my life in that area and that situation I'm dealing with.

Your advice is really sound re: addressing the fear I'm currently dealing with. I think perhaps with dreams sometimes it could be the literal as well as symbolic meaning of the animals or objects that could facilitate the interpretation. Your advice is pretty thought provoking and insightful and specific to my situation, so thanks!

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Re: Dream about cats- please help me interpret

Post by Lunesoleil » Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:30 pm

Hi statsbabe

In a dream the cat is synonymous with treachery, deception of treason you in your entourage of people who would be jealous of you?

The fact that you are hidden can show that you do not want to see what this fact behind your back your, you are may be the object of falsehood and that you are the first to ignore it and which indicate the first white cat you are in a position of innocence

This fear of cats dates back perhaps has a former life or you have been abused and that in this life you are become an exemplary honesty and why your subconscious refuses the view of cats
A cat is a very independent, are you in this life become dependent on someone or something?

Then the cat Green shows the ability to tame your fear of cats and that an opportunity was to occur to you heal

I have a Beddy tank cat who has 10 years I can show you?, you will no longer fear?


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Post by spiritalk » Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:39 pm

Dreams are mostly about our own unresolved emotions from the conscious state.  The interpretation of the symbols (people, places, things) has more to do with an emotional response than any other aspect.

Cats to you are related to fear.  This is your inner emotional  response that can and does manifest in dreams, which are releasing these emotions.  

Perhaps it would be wise to look at the color of the cats you encountered in your dream as a symbol of their meaning in the events of your life.

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Post by statsbabe » Sun Apr 01, 2012 4:23 pm

Hi Lunesoleil and Spiritalk

thanks for your interpretations.

2 weeks ago I was literally BackSTABBED by some people around me at work. It had to do with a promotion. (during the meeting they made up new rules to make sure the other person that they wanted, got promoted- as clearly by the initial requirments, and based on merit, I was more qualified to get the promotion; so the decision was more about changing the rules to justify giving it to the person they wanted). And I was innocent about the whole situation which came to light last week (when someone secretly told me what happened behind closed doors, as she was there when it all happened); so Im in a situation now where no one talks to me; they avoid me, and I've suddenly become invisible...perhaps because of their own guilt in the role they played in this whole thing... they have no idea that I know because the final news about the decision has not yet been formally announced. And I've been dealing with not knowing my place in this context anymore-- because I feel like I cannot trust anyone. I certainly was shocked because I always believed in meritocracy but had to awaken to a different reality; I also felt betrayed because these 'decision makers' had led me to believe that my hard work would pay off and that the promotion was coming, when in fact that was probably just to use me.... knowing they had other plans. It is strange. I have been dealing with so many mixed feelings: denial at first, then betrayal, shock, hurt, pain, and I have been working over these past weeks to just heal.

Lunesoleil it's the cat's eyes that freak me out the most. I dont know..could be a past life thing; Im a very independent person and so this has nothing to do with being dependent. But more to do with perhaps this situation described in the previous paragraph-- that is my current waking life reality.

Spiritalk I agree with you about the importance of emotional responses to symbols in dream interpretations. A friend of mine always told me to focus on the feelings that came up from the symbols...as the key lay there..
thanks guys...I really appreciate you taking the time to help with this.

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Post by statsbabe » Sun Apr 01, 2012 4:26 pm

Im also in a position where if I did not get the promotion, I cannot work there anymore. I have been dealing with the fear of the unknown in terms of where I will be next career-wise as the job market is quite tight lately....I have this need for stability that is not there anymore. I pray for the courage and strength to come through this unscathed and in a better position than previously.

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Re: ps.

Post by Lunesoleil » Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:20 pm

statsbabe wrote:Lunesoleil it's the cat's eyes that freak me out the most. I dont know..could be a past life thing; Im a very independent person and so this has nothing to do with being dependent. But more to do with perhaps this situation described in the previous paragraph-- that is my current waking life reality.

This a good dream had a link with a situation your real life that you a disturbed on the emotional that during your sleep to awaken in you a much older fear.

The fear of cats had a link with a dramatic event you would experience featuring a cat whose behavior would have been bad with you.

I understand you in my youth I have been bitten by a dog, I was on my bicycle and this dog ran after me to bite me and since I am really afraid of the mainly of large dogs

Regardless of the experienced situations at your place of work it still desirable to work in fear of cats that may have an indirect link with what you have most recently lived.

Currently March retrograde in world and can effectively with a link of this reversal of the professional situation which is on the axis of opposition Neptune and have caused many illusions and deception....

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Post by statsbabe » Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:41 pm


I have never had a bad experience in this life at least. But it is a true phobia. Maybe a past life thing.

I didn't fully understand your last sentence about the professional situation and Neptune, could you re-explain?

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Re: Re

Post by Lunesoleil » Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:06 pm

statsbabe wrote:I didn't fully understand your last sentence about the professional situation and Neptune, could you re-explain?

I wanted to say here that the Astral influence of the time from the planetary configurations can interact to our inner torment because everything is related, the connection is permanent.

We are humans psychic and emotional disorders originate by thoughts that cause then unconsciously future events. We are the first creator of our lives, we must also do so with our karma write in our cells and we can work to change the vibration level becoming aware as you made the disorder which causes your life

You can also read my astrological readings Psychic
http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=78955

It is by seeking answers found resolution has puzzles which exceed, the mind has this ability to attract to him what you want most in the world

"All which do not consciousness will return as the fate".
Carl Gustav Jung.

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Post by statsbabe » Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:08 pm

I did read the link you attached. thanks alot!!!

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