Late for graduation

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Late for graduation

Post by happyme » Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:25 pm

I was getting ready for graduation and had my gown on and realized that I needed a pair of black shoes, and  either couldn't find mine or was searching for a pair, then I looked through the window and saw that the procession of graduates had already marched  and were now filling their seats on the stage, so i finally selected a pair of black shoes from several before me, they were shaped like loafers with a few gold colored shoelace holes for decoration. Then a photographer said he want to take a picture of me, I told him I was late, but he insisted, so I was giving a side pose for my picture and saw myself in a mirror and realized that my loafers had really high thin stilettos,  I was half fascinated with them and half wanted to change them and thought them inappropriate. The dream felt so real like it was happening and when I woke up the feelings of apprehension for being late, and my fascination and doubt of the appropriateness of my shoes still lingered with me. The area where I was able to look through the window and see the procession walking without me, and find/select  a pair black shoes, get my photo taken by the photographer and see my shoes in the mirror all happened in my grandma's living room, the graduation procession marching looked like the front of my prep school where they held their graduations.

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A graduation is what is called a rite of passage

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:55 am

A graduation is what is called a rite of passage. It symbolically marks or signposts the end of one major part of your life, and the potential beginning of the next.

Effectively a dream of you being late for your graduation suggests that for some unknown reason to you are a late developer in one or more areas of your waking life, or that your transition from one major phase of your life into the next one has been delayed longer than is comfortable for you to still keep to the Universe's time schedule for your current lifetime.

Something or someone is clearly being used as an excuse or scapegoat for you to have not already made these major changes which you need to in order to continue to move forwards again, but I suspect that the real reason or reasons can mostly if not entirely be found within yourself.

This dream is not designed to negatively criticize you or make you feel more inferior or guilty than you already may be feeling (this is not your only dream which deals with guilt), but it is more likely to be directed towards making you less self conscious of your outer appearance, and hopefully make you more socially confident in the future.

Not only did you feel guilty for being late for your graduation, but you were more than obsessed with how you appear to other people. If you could only re-direct half the energy which you are currently using worrying about what others think about you into transforming your life for the better, then you would have not had to put off this transition so long as you have.

People who judge what or who a person is solely by their outer appearances are shallow, and not deserving of our attention. Be more assertive or stand up more for your own rights to decide what is important to you, and not necessarily to anyone else.

It is not so much what you look like on the outside that really matters in the final wash up, although to a young person like yourself feeling socially confident is obviously a high priority.

It is above all what sort of person you are deep down below skin deep, as well as the moral and spiritual principles by which you live your life on a daily basis which ultimately give the true measure of who you really are.

Also this appears to be a high school or college graduation (you were wearing an academic gown at the time). High schools, colleges and universities are institutions of learning. Your dream is similarly meant to teach or better educate you or help you to learn these important truths about yourself, in a relatively safe, protected environment (as so many dreams do).

Sweeter learning dreams!

EoT :smt015

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