so this juss happened :/ bleh

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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so this juss happened :/ bleh

Post by vtellez68 » Sat May 07, 2011 11:41 pm

i was dreamin that i was in a car crash but the car hit the rocks in the water but it was werid becuse houses were in the way of the water and roads but it didnt seem like we hit anything but the rocks, but i was in the water trying to get to a little island with what looked to be a dead old town on it near the rocks we had crashed into it was me and a couple of poeple i didnt know but they knew me and we were all looking for someone we saw was missing and slowly poeple started disappering and it was down to 2 girls (including me) and 2 guys, and something kept attacking us trying to kill us all of sudden my dream went dark then i woke up in like a basement room looking at a computer screen apparently we were trying to find out what had happened to everyone well i looked outside the one window it had and saw the island and the empty town and saw people from earlier in the dream, suddenly some of them started getting up and throwing up black stuff and after they were done they started dragging the other bodies to some door going down stairs and when i tired telling everyone no one could hear me and i was juss freaking out....then i got woken up so wtf does this dream even mean!!!??? and i havent watched a scary movie in forever :/

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Post by spiritalk » Sun May 08, 2011 1:50 pm

Dreams are about our unresolved emotions from our conscious life.  And the symbols are there to help us resolve these emotions.  Now the problem comes in that at your age and stage of life there are hormones at work trying to help you grow up and change physically, mentally and spiritually.  

Not every dream is going to relate to your life as much as you think.  But there is certainly chaos going on so it would benefit you to be meditating and finding your own peace rather than random fears and emotions controlling your thinking.
God bless, J

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