Dream about large horned beetle and magic horses....

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Dream about large horned beetle and magic horses....

Post by wisdomseeker12 » Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:14 pm

Thanks for reading and analysis....

I had a dream this morning about being in my grandmother's old house.
While there my grandfather quietly took me into the darkened garage and showed me his secrets. He had a mini-horse in a cage that he took care of and that he said "brought" him luck and companionship. He then showed me, high up on a shelf, a little horse under a glass dome. This little horse had the texture of boulder rocks(like the THING from Fantastic 4, Comic) and glowed magically. He said this small horse was rare and the source of his success. Lastly he showed me a pair of large horned beetles that were seemingly very lucid animals. He told me that these beetles were his "helpers" and laughed as he showed me them with delight . They were paired, male and female, and the male got out and started to scurry. We couldn't catch him because he was too fast and eventually he made his way under the door and into the kitchen. The kitchen was very cluttered and the beetle had many places to hide. Grandpa and I moved a lot of items and eventually we saw the beetle and its hiding spot. The beetle almost seemed "humanly alive" I chased it across the room and it even climbed over me, scaring me!. My grandma came in and was astonished at the mess. I trapped the beetle in the refrigerator where it seemed to be violently trying to get out.....
Whoa....Thanks for your help.

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Hi Wisdom!

Post by kybunker » Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:51 pm

From your dream this is what I understand it to be.
Your grandfather, you obviously Love with sense of accomplishment being attached to him. You, as the loved grandchild are being handed the life lessons he had learned in his lifetime, but yet there is doubt that you can carry what he has created for you. No worries though, You trapped the beetle! (even though I would have ran out of the room (~ The fact that you helped chase the prized beetle which scared you a little~ Says to me, you are accepting of the responsiblity, even though it scares you)
Your grandmother actually expected there to be a mess with you two around, Thinking back to the dream, think of her reaction after her reaction.
Even though there may be some doubt that you could carry on his wisdom, You will and you like him, will use it in caution on who the secrets are exposed to.
That's what I think, Anyone Else want to give it a go?
New Thought At InnerFlow Connections!

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Post by Evard » Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:17 pm

I will "give a go" ..  Is your grandfather alive ..  Did he if not alive die of indigestion ..

Sounds strange I know .. forgive me this .. The FreeMason setting of dream magnetic
older technology based "VisTaka Dream Broadcast Center" was recently advented to
now with the VisTana Dream Approach to Magic and Elder Appreciation..  I did notice
the Egyptian Jade Scarab display at the incense shop local to me.. and I know the uh
shop keep practices magic.  The Scarab on display are carved jade ., and are not uh
living beetles .. they are figurines I see keep a new kind of magic.. Thereby I did #!!
give thought to VisTana .. the Newer FreeMason boot-up of older magical technology
used to broadcast New Age dreams about older summons of masonic magical "tech".

I get some !! 'flack' on this board about mentioning freemasons .. it was not that the :
board (nor its keepers) were unkind.. though that freemasonic thought was very aum
different at the Eastern World noted near Eastern Europe .. If you actually can't Anew
"understand what I said" I ask you read it again with peace and thought about Peace.     Thanks , Evard       :-D :)

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Post by wisdomseeker12 » Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:12 am

Well, I do love the gramps...but he is alive and not dead, and has not imparted many secrets to me yet. Evard I do not understand your response.  Thanks for trying.

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Post by Evard » Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:50 am

<Sigh> &nbsp;~ Happens all the time..

Nobody understands logic thought with broken grammar.

VisTaka was a dream net the freemasons used to check
the technical magic they use with magical technology . .
A way to see if the imparted history of magic will work n
a future of advanced technology. &nbsp;VisTana was same on
premise a new generation will be ready with New Age . .

Thanks anyway to you also . . . . . Evard . Ahead~a~my time .

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Post by caithiggs » Sat Jan 29, 2011 4:31 pm

Hey wisdomseeker12, I assume you perhaps see your grandfather as somebody successful, and perhaps not financially but in some other way. This definitely sounds like the type of dream revealing a fear to you that you carry. It sounds like you hold a fear that despite the great models for success in front you of, you may not be able to hold onto success yourself, and can't find the "help" that you think you need to be successful. It sounds like perhaps you are too involved in the idea of somebody else's success, and this is why you fear the inability to hold onto it. You really have to build success your own way, rather than worrying about the models. You were trying very hard to take hold of your grandfather's beetles, and merely made a mess of it. Your grandmother was not impressed--you fear not being able to live up to your ancestors, and worry what they would think of you for not being able to do what they have done.

You may also be feeling a little in the dark as to how people around you, or that came before you were able to be successful, lucky, and with so much support behind them--thus the "secrets". Also, your grandfather's lighthearted laughter, and the fact that these magical creatures bring and provide him with his fortunes shows that you feel they gained success without struggle. It just seems to have appeared to them to you.

So, it seems to me that this dream would reveal it is time for you to start digging around for your own secrets to success. Let go of this other worry you have attached to your ancestors' success, and find your own creative path to it.

This dream is not necessarily about the specific people present to the dream, but here is something you could try: You might want to have a talk with your grandparents about their life stories--find out what you feel makes them specifically successful, and ask how they gained it. Perhaps it might reveal that these things were not acquired so easily afterall.

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