Hand Holding dream

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Hand Holding dream

Post by me123 » Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:58 pm

Hi I was wondering if anyone can help. First I'll give a bit of background. I have a friend (C) who is a lot older than me (about 20 years between us) I care for him very much, things have gone a little far before between us (romantically) but overall we remained friends. Recently (earlier this year) we lost our friendship and he wont speak to me (longish story) but long story short he wont talk.. at all...

He has 3 children, 2 are teenage twin boys (17yrs), that I have never meet, but seen photos of, and he's spoken about them a lot.

I had a dream 2 nights ago. In the dream I was standing at a bus stop and there were teenagers also waiting at the bus stop, probably a handful of them. They were standing and sitting on the grass by the stop. Then I saw two boys who I thought looked familiar. They were C's sons, S and M. S completly ignored me, but M came over and took my hand and led me to the grass and sat down with me. He didn't say a word and I don't think I did either (but I can't remember if I did) we just sat there and he held my hand.... then his brother S came over and spoke to his brother and mesed around a little bit with his brother but continued to ignore me, it was as if he couldn't see me... but M contniued to hold my hand and look at me from time to time, but not speak.... also, M's clothes were ripped, as if he had been playing a rough sport.... it was kinda strange.... I think he was dirty as well but I can't be sure, I think S was as well, dirty with ripped clothes....

and that's all I remember.. it was kinda strange but has stuck with me....

any ideas on what it means???????


Autumn Rose
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Post by Autumn Rose » Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:14 pm

Ok, I typed this all out for you last night and was trying to send it but my connection (only for this site) was off.. Anyways, I have gone through a similar situation and she was 26 years older than me. I have dreams of her all the time and would love explanations to some of them, so I know how you feel! I am not a professional dream analyzer, but this is what I see in your dream.

First off, you have to look at his sons as though they are both HIM. Because there are two sons and they are showing two very different personalities toward you, it shows his different aspects. One of the sons is ignoring you, representing his outward attitude toward you. (In real life he isn't talking to you). Now on the other hand, the other son is holding your hand and keeps looking over at you, acknowledging you. Now even though he wasn't talking to you either, he was still holding your hand. This could mean that even though he has stopped talking to you you feel as though he is still there. Maybe you know he has not let go of you, maybe it is wish fulfillment, or, if you are prone to having psychic dreams it could be a message telling you that he has not let you go yet.
Feelings are very important in dream analysis as well. How did you feel every time he looked at you? And when he took you over to the grass what were you feeling? Was it somewhere that you wanted to be? I don't know what the dirt and the ripped clothes represent- I would have to know more about your story with him- but where you thinking about anything or feeling anything when you saw it? Not only feelings about the detail in your dream, but the overall feeling and mood of the dream is also important to be able to understand deeper. If it is more personal then your desire for an interpretation I understand. I hope I helped at least a little! Like I said I am not professional, so you might want to wait and see what other people have to say as well.

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Post by me123 » Sat Dec 11, 2010 9:25 pm

Thanks Autumn Rose! :) great interpretation. First off, I thought his sons might be representing his two sides (I thought particularily so because their twins), so that's kinda neat to hear that's how you interpreted it.

Secondly, I'm more than happy to tell you how I felt during the dream. It felt very peaceful... although  I couldn't completly understand why his other son was ignoring me and felt really sad whenever I looked at him and everytime he did ignore me I would look to the other son who was holding my hand and I would feel at peace again. I didn't say it before because it sounded a bit sick and worried me a little bit when I woke up, but during the dream I was attracted to the son holding my hand, I pretty much felt how I feel whenever I'm around C, slight butterflies, and safe, really safe... when he took my hand and led me to the grass to sit down I felt like everything was going to be ok and again, really attracted to him... which disturbed the hell out of me when I woke up! lol but now it makes sense, I wasn't attracted to his son, his son's representing him... which makes me feel a lot better about revealing how I felt during the dream haha. When I saw his clothes were all torn and ripped I wanted to look after him and keeped asking what happened and if he was ok but he wouldn't say, just smiled gently at me..

Now I'll give you a bit more background to C and I, just briefly, it's a really long story. I've known him for close to 3 years, I meet him a week and a half after moving to the country I currently live in, I worked for him. long story short, he's unhappily married with 3 teenagers. When we meet he was seperating from him wife (which wasn't just a story, I know it was true) and he and I got quite close, probably even went a bit too far (didn't have an affair, but close... but not quite... if you know what I mean) then I stopped working for him (a story in itself, it wasn't to do with our relationship) and he didn't go through with the seperation. He's stayed married, and him and I remained friends, nothing more as he has to stay unhappily married for now, it just has to be that way (his words), but he wanted to be friends. Which I can do as I'm crazy about him and having him as a friend is better than nothing. I went through a really rough time earlier this year wiht immigration things and completly took my frustrations out on him to the point where I drove him to stop talking to me (just too many emails, showed my insecurity, the whole thing was just stupid really, but his lack of communication was partly to blame as well... and I think he knows it). He wont forgive me, and I don't know what to do... but have left him alone just to respect his wishes... I miss him so much tho. I think he will be leaving his wife soon, his kids will be leaving home next year and that's what he's been waiting for. I know, it all sounds like a huge mess, but you can't control what the heart wants and all that! and the end of the day tho, I just really want my friend back. We seem to just "get" each other.

I thought the dream might be representing me not being able to let go of him, but then I realised it was his son who came over to me and took my hand, and it was him who was holding my hand, not the other way around...

also, I have been told on 2 seperate occasions that I should listen to my dreams, they're telling me things, so maybe I do have psychic dreams? I hope it's not just wish fulfillment that he hasn't let me go...

anyway, I don't know if all that helps or just makes me sound crazy or like just another cliche of a younger woman falling for an older married man... but it's really not like that... if you have anymore thoughts, I'd love to hear them :) if anything, the story is interesting lol

for someone who isn't a professional... I think you did very well.. what you said makes a lot of sense for our situation.

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