Hello, i am new here

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Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:49 pm

Hello, i am new here

Post by ClearTC » Tue Jul 09, 2013 9:08 pm

Its true that i have a gift, though noone seems to understand or believe me, so i usually do not bring it up. Sometimes i know something before it happens or i think of a topic that is similiar.

For example i was recently thinking of 9-11 and then find out that in the news a plane crashed or about the time where i had written a freestyle rap lyric (that was in a text file that was destroyed by a computer bug) that included a line about a very evil man being in a pit and then within months or a few years officials find him in a pit for real (i am unsure if i am allowed here to go into detail on that or not, so i'll just hint on it here).

I have recently mentally predicted a couple earthquakes, but forgot to tell people about them, because i didn't trust myself and didn't think anyone would believe me. I had had a bad experience, which is one reason why i failed to post a prediction.

I also saw 1 ghost (of a feline) and he was so beautiful that the thought brings tears to my eyes and reminds me of the theme song of polterguist (dramatic, yet gentle tune that reminds  me of innocent ghostys and vice versa). I told very few people, because i didn't think anyone would believ me and i feel the need to try to prove my case. The cat was like a nephew to me and seeing him made me feel good, because i knew it was real. It was like he was alive still, only i couldn't really pet or hug him like i used to, which he used to love. I still mourn for him sometimes, because he was very sweet and affectionate despite a sin he had committed in life.

Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Sep 07, 2013 6:01 pm

hiya !!!

Post by Shelld24 » Sat Sep 07, 2013 6:23 pm

Sounds good, cood c itd be scary aswell. Im newbie too xxx

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