*MODERN* Divination-Empathy-& suchlike...?

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*MODERN* Divination-Empathy-& suchlike...?

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:15 am

A beautiful heart-wrenching and yet heart-warming ancient flick titled: Choti si baat. Meaning: It is very simple!

Particularly segment from 46:00 - 50:00 was painfully hilarious and RELEVANT! It is on utube but I dare not post the link (no subtitles)! The rest of the movie is excellent as well but in hindi-urdu.

Then came 59:00 - 1:04:00 where diagnosis got established and...!

A beautiful compendium of a remedial film, original one shot on celluloid impregnated with silver salts and then replaced by dyes, essentially the three primaries...? Now available in silicon reality!

Of course, while the film is entertaining and *kind of* connected with reality -- appropriately-directed action (Karma) is crucially essential and that is shown too, later on (1:10 onwards).

My apologies to very dear friends who have never acquired hindi or have lost it along the journey...?

Choti si baat. Simple universal reality?



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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:06 pm

Chhoti Si Baat (Hindi: छोटी सी बात) is a 1975 Hindi romantic comedy film directed by Basu Chatterjee. The film's title means "Such a Small Thing" in Hindi.

Because neither you nor the person who uploaded the movie gets any benefit (including financial) from this link being posted on Mystic Board (other than perhaps the joy of sharing it with other members), I can see no harm in posting it here for those of you who (still) understand the hindi-urdu language/dialect.


It clearly says that it includes English subtitles. Sadly for the rest of us, it does NOT!

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Nov 01, 2015 1:13 am

eye_of_tiger wrote:
Chhoti Si Baat (Hindi: छोटी सी बात) is a 1975 Hindi romantic comedy film directed by Basu Chatterjee. The film's title means "Such a Small Thing" in Hindi.

Because neither you nor the person who uploaded the movie gets any benefit (including financial) from this link being posted on Mystic Board (other than perhaps the joy of sharing it with other members), I can see no harm in posting it here for those of you who (still) understand the hindi-urdu language/dialect.


It clearly says that it includes English subtitles. Sadly for the rest of us, it does NOT!

EoT  :smt010
I was kind-of counting on you, as always -- and came through, yet again brilliantly...? ;-)

Probably, some utube or wiki-writer got confused or over-zealous and hastily over-amplified the 'english' content of the hindi movie as sub-titles or something like that?

One of my personal drivers has always been to strip astrology-divination completely off the over-reliance on sanskrit and other Indian vernacular...? Neither is such obfuscation necessary, nor should that be embraced globally? On any puritanical or archaic or contemporary pretext...?

I am hopeful that others, upcoming authors and divinators are paying attention? In my life-time and life-experience of some decades as a scientist, divinator, easterner, westerner -- Vasudha (Quintessential Gaia-Earth) IS one kutumba (Clan-family) arrived when I realized (I was open minded) that whoever the nativity might be (Eastern, western, northern, southern etc) -- the ancient mystical craft applied transparently and reliably when the DKP consideration was applied intelligently?

Desh - Kendra (angles; Surroundings)
Kaal - Trikon (trines; Times)
Patra - (Astrologers should Know already -- and for the remaining, it should not matter. Right? ;-))

Kind of like those promised but missing 'sub-titles' you found? Or did not...? :-)

Happy Halloween? In India, the closest to Halloween and Guy Fawke's Day or Walpurghis Nacht (Shameless recollection from Bram Stoker's Transylvanian adventure that made box-office so many times) is celebrated twice: In Spring (Holi; Ma Holika) and in Autumn (When MA KALI rises...!). Both involve colours and water and fire (crackers), ghouls and goblins and suchlike, etc...!


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Nov 01, 2015 4:53 am

I am embarassed to have to confess that my entire family is not included among those Australians who recognise and celebrate what to all intensive purposes is an American export, which has only been partially adopted in my country of birth, mainly as a way of maximising commercial profit.

It is also probably the one night of the year where young children are allowed to go freely door knocking, without there being any suggestion that they are being  exploited by adults for purposes of their own entertainment.

With regard to posting external links moderators will from now on apply the above criterion, in order to determine if the link will be allowed to stay on the boards. That is if by posting the link either the member or the owner of the linked website makes or does not make any material gain or profit. Advertising or self promotion is still confined to the link exchange for general members.

Happy October 31st, whoever you are, and wherever you live, and no matter what age you are. And whether or not you recognise and celebrate Halloween or it's local equivalent.


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Post by Jayashree Ravi » Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:13 pm

Ahhh! I jumped up in joy to learn about another good movie with possible English subtitles. Now I'm at a loss to find out no such English subtitles is there.

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DVD version of this movie available (with English subtitles)

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:41 pm

There is evidently a Hindi DVD of this movie with English subtitles, available online.

The DVD is selling for around 31 Australian dollars at present on Amazon.

I wonder if the DVD includes any more English subtitles, than the online version did NOT.

It is the same story with the lyrics of the songs from the movie on Hindilyrics.net.

No English translation.

Not happy!

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Re: DVD version of this movie available (with English subtitles)

Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:01 am

eye_of_tiger wrote:There is evidently a Hindi DVD of this movie with English subtitles, available online.

The DVD is selling for around 31 Australian dollars at present on Amazon.

I wonder if the DVD includes any more English subtitles, than the online version did NOT.

It is the same story with the lyrics of the songs from the movie on Hindilyrics.net.

No English translation.

Not happy!

EoT  :smt012
Now both of you are making me feel really guilty...! :-(
It is not such an epic movie friends -- just a humourous semi-satirical spoof on certain real problems in many societies (sadly!)

Boy is infatuated with a girl but lacks the courage to tell her. Girl is aware of his feelings but loves to tease him and can't break the societal norms and approach and share. Boy visits street-divinators, and fake saints and then meets Sir Julius Nagendra Singh who has a resort in a beautiful part of India (Khandala) where he trains <positively> folks with problems (including a famous film star with income-tax problems). The 'think positively' new-age self-help techniques employed by him (played by veteran star Ashok Kumar) are the ones given in a western book by a western self-help Guru.

Like I said, a portrayal and a bit dramatized one at that of the mundane reality that surrounds many across the globe.

Now, what would be the karmic purpose behind such introversion-shyness that has been seen always but becomes more apparent in certain silicon nooks and crannies...?

Should divinators also get properly trained in human-human counselling?

Food for thought...?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Nov 02, 2015 1:26 am

It is not such an epic movie friends -- just a humourous semi-satirical spoof on certain real problems in many societies (sadly!)
But you admitted that it also covers certain spiritual principles about karma and social problems, which are of interest to many of us on MB.

I am not happy about the lack of English subtitles, which seriously restricts how many people from this site can watch it and understand its messages.

But with you dear friend I am as usual deliriously pleased and cosmically delighted, and you did not make the movie without the subtitles, so you have no need to feel guilty about anything. IMHO

Regards from your greatest admirer,

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Nov 02, 2015 1:49 am

eye_of_tiger wrote:
It is not such an epic movie friends -- just a humourous semi-satirical spoof on certain real problems in many societies (sadly!)
But you admitted that it also covers certain spiritual principles about karma and social problems, which are of interest to many of us on MB.

I am not happy about the lack of English subtitles, which seriously restricts how many people from this site can watch it and understand its messages.

But with you dear friend I am as usual deliriously pleased and cosmically delighted, and you did not make the movie without the subtitles, so you have no need to feel guilty about anything. IMHO

Regards from your greatest admirer,

EoT  Image
What can be more real and spiritual -- than tangible (whether through eyes, hands, hearts?) reality?

We are both old enough to remember the vinyl-era?

We spent (some of us at least?) so much time and effort to clean those grooves and the stylus (needle?) and made certain that the stroboscopic indicator ensured that there was perfect synchronization between the recording and replay?

Now we have CD and DVD (silicon blessings) and all that effort seems to many as a waste of time? And effort??

The vote seems divided about whether the music sounds better now vs earlier or even more original...? Of course one could time-travel and hear the original composers...? I have seen ;-) ;-) rather glib and unsubstantiated claims and assurances of that as well...?


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu Nov 12, 2015 1:07 am

Jayashree Ravi wrote:Ahhh! I jumped up in joy to learn about another good movie with possible English subtitles. Now I'm at a loss to find out no such English subtitles is there.

Happy Deepawali!

Didn't know that you liked Bolly-flicks! Thank God for English that even to this day unites Indians who have remained separated by dozens of languages! India is more like a continent (like Europe?) broadly connected by religion but separated by languages, dialects, customs and cultures? And of course in the past but recent times by religion. Strangely, though, RE-LIGION was an institutional concept meant to bring humanity together and re-ligated? But has it? Another failed institution?? That is how spiritualism was born and its eclectic presence gets beautifully felt on forums like this one (Mystic Board) even if not so much on other *dharma* forums where lines get drawn in wet concrete, rather than sand (silicon dioxide? Chips??)

Anyways, rigidity (as we know that got Killed Hitler and other self-appointed tyrants etc...?) is noxious in the long-run to the global human essence? ;-)

We divinators have become enamoured with the "unspoken" (ankahee) so you and others not so inflexible (as in All-Knowing?) might benefit from these movies from the 80s and the 21st milennium? Different takes and only posting the wiki info-links. May or may not have sous-titres en anglais! ;-)



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Post by Jayashree Ravi » Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:31 pm

Thanks for the tip on the movie, RR ji. I love Hindi movies, more so because the culture/flavor/story plot is slightly different from that of South Indian movies.

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