Binary dualism: flip-flop or the MISSING pivot?

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Binary dualism: flip-flop or the MISSING pivot?

Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:55 pm

We often hear about references to their being an important role for dualism-duality that percolates our thinking and psychologists, philosophers and other high-powered minds often resort to these binary considerations as they try to make sense out of the seeming chaos that surrounds us!

Simply stated, it refers to their being two states or poles that describe a variety of things, attributes, possibilities. For example, darkness and light; positive and negative; joy and sorrow; good and bad; on and off; divine and Satanic, etc. etc. ad nauseum.

We also hear at the same time that reality is not simply black or white but mostly grey. Perhaps two is not enough and duality might actually be incorporating a third element making it a Trinity. This third element, often remains covert while serving as an important pivotal point.

At times the third point lies embedded in the thinking of the observer or is making the judgment. Interestingly enough, this innocent looking third point arouses arguments or worse and ends up highlighting polarization which focuses on duality or this versus that points of views!

This third point, often subjective, often remains external and even hidden and seemingly non-participatory; yet this is what fuels and keeps alive discussions kind of like the catalyst we learned about in chemistry classes. One that brings about the reaction without participating in it or getting transformed in the chemical reaction process.

Astrologers generally tend to be rather sensitive to binary polarizations (consideration thereof) but at the same time the three some are vital components in their craft. Whether it be aspects or in the context of dynamic attributes such as fixed, movable, mutable signs: the commonplace triplicity encompasses the clearly dual (fixed versus movable) and the third element that includes both (mutable or double natured [dwi-SWABHAV]).

All churnings welcome…

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