Is Millennia Madness

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Is Millennia Madness

Post by Abhishek » Thu May 19, 2005 8:59 am

Millennia Madness is upon us and will remain with us for a next several years! Of course, most of us modern 20th century folk prefer to (naively) believe we're all way too "rational," "sophisticated," and "clear thinking" to get caught up in such full-blown Millennia Madness!

However, none of us can help but give into it just a wee bit... No... not even the most skeptical, "rational" person in our midst can totally divorce it from their thoughts and/or consciousness. However as "rational, sophisticated, and clear thinking" people - one of our versions of Millennia Madness was the Y2K bug... and, on top of that, it's now slowly dawning on most of us that we're living in the period of time when humanity has exited the 2nd Millennia AD and entered the 3rd.

Fact is... down through the centuries, there's always been a "change of Millennia uproar" of one sort or another. At the turn of the millennia in 1000 AD, folks generally believed the end of the world was at hand.
Technically speaking, the new Millennia didn't begin until the year 2001 – hence the famous Arthur C. Clarke novel and movie by that name. But there was "just something" about the year 2000 AD. There's "just something" about the calendar changing from 1999 to 2000 that made us feel slightly uneasy, queasy, and on edge...
And, of course, astrology and astrologers are doing their share to further the mindset of Millennium Madness!


There's the famous prophecy of 16th Century astrologer/mystic Nostradamus:
"The year 1999, seventh month, From the sky will come a great King of Terror: To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols, Before and after Mars to reign by good luck." (This is only one of many translations.)
This particular Nostradamus prophecy is thought by many to be based on a Solar Eclipse which occurred August 11, 1999... At the exact time of this eclipse, the sky contained what is called a "Grand Cross." In this particular Grand Cross - the Ascendant, Sun and Moon were in opposition to the planet Uranus squaring the opposition of Saturn and Mars.

And there was certainly no lack of speculation regarding just exactly what this mysterious prophecy might have been referring to... with several astrologers having actually predicted the beginning of World War III in the Balkans. (I know the month seems to be wrong, but someone once gave me a convincing explanation of that... an explanation which I've now unfortunately forgotten...) At the time, in my article "The Eye of God," I suggested the eclipse was a "significant celestial event heralding a fairly major 'rocking' of the world."

The eclipse is now long over. No World War III (yet). However, major earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and other natural disasters appear to have been on the increase and "rocking" the world.. Of particular interest, one week after the eclipse, Turkey (which was in the direct path of the eclipse experienced a devastating, deathly earthquake.

Age of Aquarius
Then, adding to Millennia Madness, almost everyone's heard references to the much talked about, long awaited, and royally heralded "Age of Aquarius."

Astrological Ages: Each of the 12 Zodiac constellations takes its turn ruling what's called an "astrological age." For the past 2,000 or so years, we've been living in the time span of the Age of Pisces (Jesus Christ being most often credited with ushering in the Age of Pisces). Each astrological age lasts a little over 2,155 years with a "Platonic year" taking over 25,868 years to complete the Zodiac Ages cycle. Throughout the past many years, there's been plenty of endless speculation regarding exactly when the "Age of Aquarius" would begin. For instance, the astrologer Dane Rudhyar (as part of a very fascinating theory) placed the beginning of the Age of Aquarius at 2059 AD. However, many others believe the Age of Aquarius has already [url=]begun[/url], is just about to begin, or is still way off in the distant future.

Neptune in Aquarius
In 1998 the mystical planet Neptune started slowing bouncing in and out of the sign Aquarius. Neptune entered the sign of Aquarius for the first time January 28th of 1998; and after a brief exit (back into Capricorn) Neptune reentered Aquarius the end of November (27th) 1998. Since Neptune ushers in trends, many have theorized that Neptune entering into the sign of Aquarius would be the final signal which would usher in of the "Age of Aquarius." Neptune will now remain in the sign of Aquarius until the year 2012 AD (2012 AD just happens to be about the same time ancient Mayan astrologers predicted the end of the world.).

The Face of Aquarius?
Yep, regarding the face of the Age of Aquarius - there are plenty of educated guesses, theories, and ideas floating around throughout the astrological community. But I'm not so sure anyone has a clear picture of what the Age of Aquarius will look like once it gets here (albeit, the more positive aspects of its coming were seriously glamorized back in the 1960's.). Whenever the sign of Aquarius and/or Uranus (modern ruler of Aquarius) are involved - there's only one thing you can be sure of: Unpredictability! When Aquarius and Uranus are involved, the one (and only) thing you can depend on is being Surprised! Not necessarily an unpleasant surprise... Not necessarily a pleasant surprise... Just Surprise!

So, is the Age of Aquarius finally here?
And do we really have a clue what it'll look when it gets here?
What sweeping changes, surprises, and trends might Neptune in the sign of Aquarius usher in?
To quote a Nissan commercial: "enjoy the ride!"

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