How to live "1000 years"

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Richard Corrigan
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How to live "1000 years"

Post by Richard Corrigan » Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:36 am

Firstly I would like to say hello to all of you and I wish you all a rich and wonderful day, I am writing here from Wicklow Town Ireland. This is the second time in my life I have joined a forum. So excuse me if I seem a little distant on format and procedures, I'm a quick learner. The topic that I am interested in discussing with you  " How to live a 1000 years"...

It has been a desire of mine and I believe it is possible. I could go on and on with this topic but I would prefer to here your feedback on this and if anybody else would like to live a 1000 years?
Do you think I am Insane?
Do you think I am optimistic?
What do you see wrong with this goal?

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful life?

Richard Corrigan

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Post by reichild » Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:07 pm

Hi Richard, welcome to MB.    umm...err...i don't mean to sound cynical...but i have to say it...what are you selling? LOL

What do i see wrong with this goal? Teenagers   if i were to live 1000 years i might have more Teenagers and i'm tellin ya 2 is enough!!!

But seriously it all depends on weather i would be old and wrinkled, arthritis, rheumatism (and all the other sicknesses & pains that come with age) for 950 of these years or not.

Or if i could stay youthful and learn all the things i want to learn about during this time, will i hate losing all my friends and loved ones (my children and grandchildren) long before i die myself...have you seen the moivies Highlander or coccoon? Some of these ideas (to do with living well beyond average human expectancy) are played out  on these i'm not entirely sure i would choose this option (live 1000 years) even if it were possible

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Post by angel2007 » Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:12 pm

Hi Richard Corrigan,

I would love to live 100years.

Not 1000, imagine how scarey a person would look after 1000years.

Anyway do you have any suggestions how I could live my hundred years.

Kind Regards

Angel2007 :)

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Post by reichild » Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:23 pm

angel2007 wrote: imagine how scarey a person would look after 1000years.
LOL angel2007  :smt003

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:26 pm ...H E L P  1000 years?????  lol I am 64 and I don't think 100 will be any goals for me.

Well joke aside.....Let us assume that we managed to increase our living age to the double....what would the consequence be?

Look at the world today, we are soon over populated. In some areas there are great food problems.. how will you manage this with a growth on almost 100% from today?
And if we take your 1000 years to manage the world? Shall we choose who shall live, who can get babies?
Wouldn't such overpopulation increase war and diseases?

The question should be, How can we manage to control our world so that people can have a safe environment, enough food, diseases under control, care for the youth and the elderly.....yea how can we make it a good place to live for most of us.

When this is attain...then we might start to wonder how to live a little bit longer....because the life is beautiful after all...but 1000 year would be a nightmare :)

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Re: How to live "1000 years"

Post by EarlofLeicester » Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:27 pm

Richard Corrigan wrote:It has been a desire of mine and I believe it is possible. I could go on and on with this topic but I would prefer to here your feedback on this and if anybody else would like to live a 1000 years?
Do you think I am Insane?
Do you think I am optimistic?
What do you see wrong with this goal?

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful life?

Richard Corrigan
Some thoughts on this and the subsequent comments.  First, the comments, which make sense.  When humanity has extended life as long as he/she has, as compared to ancient times, we have not extended quality of life.  The human body is not as robust at 90 as it is at 45. Life at 200, 500, or 1000, if somehow stimulated to do so, must include some cellular regenerative techniques (is there were stem cell research could take us?) to make us not so old when growing old.

Insane?  No.  Most people don't have dying as their criteria.  Optimistic?  With current medical and technological sciences, I think you are too early by a span of more than a few years. And then there is the issue of a society that lives too long. Population would skyrocket if people just didn't die.  The earth's resources, which are finite, would feel the strain of populations totalling 20 billion or higher.

But there is another component to this, and that is the human spirit. I think that things get accomplished in life because there isn't always time to get them done. There is a sense of some urgency because we are mortal.  If we had 10 times as long to do anything, complacency would set in and we would stagnate as a society. The same politicians would get re-elected for hundreds of years, doing nothing during all that time, except run re-election campaigns. While I think their would be some merit to extended life for some people who can benefit the species by their extended lifespans, I think it would be detrimental long term, especially for a society like we have these days, that is stuck on one planet with limited resources and shows no great potential in solving the problems that plague us now.  Give the powers that be ten times as much time and then it will never get done, as procrastination becomes a way of life.

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How to live a 1000 years

Post by Richard Corrigan » Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:28 pm

reichild and Angel2007 thank you for your input appreciate the debate indeed.

reichild sound as  cynical as you like, I love your reply it hits on the key issues straight away, bring it on reichild.... it's all a fruitfull debate for me, hope you enjoy it also! :smt002

And as for selling something, I'm not selling anything but an idea and
what I foresee been a very interesting debate!!!!...

What do you SEE wrong with this you say?, well I always like simple answers and questions in life and if I may be swift, let's look at what you said

"(it all depends on weather I would be old and wrinkled, arthritis, rheumatism (and all the other sicknesses & pains that come with age)
and this is what you see wrong. What you said is based on experience, influences and ideas of other people's expectations..em...

Seriously you say, Seriously I am..Expectations of the future of 1 or a combination of the list of illnesses you rhymed of, are you expecting these in your OLD AGE?..Is OLD AGE  an expectation? emmmmmm..

Teenagers 2 is enough you say, I have not yet reached this stage and am looking forward to it so much, I cant wait. I have a 10 year old Boy and 3 year girl, is there something I should  know and be expecting when they reach teenage status, thru your perspective?

Will you be expecting to HATE loosing your loved ones, children, friends?

I did see Highlander and cocoon, I enjoyed them an interesting perspective indeed. But some else's perspective, would you agree?

A Tree can live a 1000 years!!Why not us?

If something were possible for you, could it be possible for others?

There is much fruit on the tree for thought, I would certainly agree!
Thank you reichild I hope we all can benefit from the fruit, on the tree!

Hello Angel2007
You say not a 1000 and how scary you would look! How scary do you expect to look? No doubt you are tuned in and if given the choice what would you like.... I use to think at an earlier stage of my life how great it would be to be a chef, a policeman, a carpenter, a mechanic and so on...thanks to my peers in life they soon knocked that idea out of my head....

You cant be so many things in life they would say...Oh  why not? That’s just the way it is I was told!! What you mean, the way it is, what does that mean...Ohh shut up Richard and get on with it?
So Angel2007 what you think they meant, is there any meaning to an answer of this nature, by all means fire away and give it your best shot I'm all ears...
Thank you Angel2007 I hope we all can benefit from the fruit on the tree!

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Re: How to live a 1000 years

Post by EarlofLeicester » Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:53 pm

Richard Corrigan wrote:reichild and Angel2007 thank you for your input appreciate the debate indeed.
I've mastered the art of invisibility (overlooked comment italicized below).  Maybe I should post longer replies so they might be seen?  Or maybe (and more likely) volume is not substitute for content.  Anyway, it does serve as (highly offtopic) as an answer to a question I just asked myself of Higher Purpose...

Some thoughts on this and the subsequent comments.  First, the comments, which make sense.  When humanity has extended life as long as he/she has, as compared to ancient times, we have not extended quality of life.  The human body is not as robust at 90 as it is at 45. Life at 200, 500, or 1000, if somehow stimulated to do so, must include some cellular regenerative techniques (is there were stem cell research could take us?) to make us not so old when growing old.

Insane?  No.  Most people don't have dying as their criteria.  Optimistic?  With current medical and technological sciences, I think you are too early by a span of more than a few years. And then there is the issue of a society that lives too long. Population would skyrocket if people just didn't die.  The earth's resources, which are finite, would feel the strain of populations totalling 20 billion or higher.

But there is another component to this, and that is the human spirit. I think that things get accomplished in life because there isn't always time to get them done. There is a sense of some urgency because we are mortal.  If we had 10 times as long to do anything, complacency would set in and we would stagnate as a society. The same politicians would get re-elected for hundreds of years, doing nothing during all that time, except run re-election campaigns. While I think their would be some merit to extended life for some people who can benefit the species by their extended lifespans, I think it would be detrimental long term, especially for a society like we have these days, that is stuck on one planet with limited resources and shows no great potential in solving the problems that plague us now.  Give the powers that be ten times as much time and then it will never get done, as procrastination becomes a way of life.

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Post by angel2007 » Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:57 pm

Hi Richard, :)

I think the people who said that to you are wrong, because you can study
and learn all of those trades if you really wanted to, maybe they said that
because they think its impossible.

You said given the choice what would I like.... ?

Well I would like to be very healthy, smart and to look young at 100!!
(Have I asked for too much   :smt004 )

Angel2007 :smt002

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:02 pm

angel2007 wrote:Hi Richard, :)

I think the people who said that to you are wrong, because you can study
and learn all of those trades if you really wanted to, maybe they said that
because they think its impossible.

You said given the choice what would I like.... ?

Well I would like to be very healthy, smart and to look young at 100!!
(Have I asked for too much   :smt004 )

Angel2007 :smt002
Well, I think I was right (to some degree) on many of the things I referenced. I wish I were wring, but alas... slinkling back to stealth mode now...

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Post by angel2007 » Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:10 pm

Oh sorry Earl you got me wrong I wasnt referring to you or anyone on this site!! :smt018

I was following up what richard was telling me about 'people' in his life.
Hello Angel2007
You say not a 1000 and how scary you would look! How scary do you expect to look? No doubt you are tuned in and if given the choice what would you like.... I use to think at an earlier stage of my life how great it would be to be a chef, a policeman, a carpenter, a mechanic and so on...thanks to my peers in life they soon knocked that idea out of my head....

You cant be so many things in life they would say...Oh  why not? That’s just the way it is I was told!! What you mean, the way it is, what does that mean...Ohh shut up Richard and get on with it?
So Angel2007 what you think they meant, is there any meaning to an answer of this nature, by all means fire away and give it your best shot I'm all ears...
Thank you Angel2007 I hope we all can benefit from the fruit on the tree!
Sorry it sounded like that!   :smt009

Your friend Angel2007  :)

Richard Corrigan
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1000 years of life

Post by Richard Corrigan » Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:29 pm

EarlofLeicester thank you for sharing your thoughts with us and all...It is potentially possible alright that stem research might and no doubt be a player in the holly grail!! cellular regenerative techniques is an interesting thought, there are so many fictional programs that project this capeability thru it's charactures it creates, one is wolfman in ? cant think of it at the moment...any how the imaginations of people great it is...

Too early in the span, you say!..emmm....a man before his time maybe!!
equally a soceity that lives to long is an issue for who? The earth's resorces? Finite..emmm.. I wonder about this word we actually utilize our resources to there best as yet? In your perspective do you think there would be strain, if poulation reached 20billion for the earth? Poor old earth,,she or he or it gets lashed out of it time and time again, but what  does it do? adapts to the new surroundings, quickly and keeps nature in check as best possible, will it eventually give up on people's misuse of it's resource's present and UNDISCOVERED...? Only time will tell Earlofeicester...But then we have not really ventured into our Universe yet either? emmmmm.......I wonder more!!

"You think things get accomplished in life because there isn't always time to get them done" complaceny some would say, here already in the truck loads some would say,,and I would also while we are for stagnate as a soceity, your perspective of the future is interesting indeed...would this be based on your experience?

The poor old Politicians, it is difficult for these guys to evade a debate, some were along the way somenody brings them into the realm of JUDGEMENT...and to think of them doing nothing for so many 100's of years, is a gastly thought indeed,,  a thought thou I might add,,, I know a politician and if she works any harder in her life she will implode and for what?... I dont know...when there is such a huge varience in politicians--peoples performances...but if this is your view,, it's your view and many others no doubt...but I would ask you...what if your view was that politicians were the best thing since sliced bread,, would this infleuncce your whole thought process?

Problems,,an interesting word, a bit like a virus to me, to be honest,, as in my opinion, a problem is nothing more than a manifestation of the mind, an vision within...But having said that I remeber very well, the days when a problem (vision within) was hardship...To be honest, I am more interested in solutions Earlof!!! there is far to much resources' wasted on problems.

Procrastination becomes a way of life, this what you believe or perceive the world to be,, lets leave out the facts on Procrastination for now...I am interested in what your perception is?

And stuck on one planet with limited resources!!!

"we are of our own limitations based on our beliefs"

There was a time when belief had it that the world was FLAT!
There was a time when belief had it that women were mans slaves!
There was a time when belief had it that planes would never fly!
And so on

Earlof multiply a good feeling by 10 and what will you feel?
Thank you so much for your response Earolf, very interesting? :smt002

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Re: 1000 years of life

Post by Rhutobello » Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:47 pm

Richard Corrigan wrote:
Problems,,an interesting word, a bit like a virus to me, to be honest,, as in my opinion, a problem is nothing more than a manifestation of the mind, an vision within...But having said that I remeber very well, the days when

Exactly, why not solve the problems we now have instead of making new one with figure out how to live to 1000?

And stuck on one planet with limited resources!!!

"we are of our own limitations based on our beliefs"

There was a time when belief had it that the world was FLAT!
There was a time when belief had it that women were mans slaves!
There was a time when belief had it that planes would never fly!
And so on

Agree, the world is always in change, we will always discover new things, it is not bad to have visions, but to try to see them true before you have made the foundation will be like filling the bottle from the top and hope it will stay will always fall to the bottom :)


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Re: 1000 years of life

Post by reichild » Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:23 pm

And stuck on one planet with limited resources!!!

Agree, the world is always in change, we will always discover new things, it is not bad to have visions, but to try to see them true before you have made the foundation will be like filling the bottle from the top and hope it will stay will always fall to the bottom :)


Hang on a moment maybe they are recruiting people for the new planet?

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1000 years

Post by Richard Corrigan » Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:02 am

Rhutobello  are solutions not more important and if I was a guy who wanted to live a 1000 years I would seek the solutions, who said it was a problem, not me! But as we have seen people do have different perspectives on things!!!

If you were in zero gravity that bottle could be filled differently....
I am of belief that the end be in sight first and then move towards it?
What you think? Am I wrong to believe this?

The athleteon the track sees the end and moves towards it!

Thanks for your vote of support about how I was misled in the past about wanting to achieve many talents!! It just knocked me at a younger age, as did the idea that "help know one but yourself" I dont blame them as they probably did know any better?

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