Deep Impact - comet crash - Discuss

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Deep Impact - comet crash - Discuss

Post by Abhishek » Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:22 am

How does this deep impact space mission have any impact on astrology or our lives?

I hear some female astrologer is sueing USA for $300 million becuae she claims it changed her horoscope and thing like that.

does it or will it really have any impact on our day to day life astrologically?


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Post by Betrayed » Tue Jul 05, 2005 12:54 pm

She should sue me. I'm not following astrology the way she follows it. *thinks*... hope she doesn't read this I don't even have a job...

I don't think... it'll have that much of an impact... The constellations are still there, and the Sun is still there, and she better be glad the comet didn't hit Earth or the Moon or her house...

I'm more of the kind of person who thinks that everything is fate... whatever happens, happens because it's fate... I missed school today(I really did, argh), fate did it. I don't really know how to explain such things, blame fate for that as well... Blame fate for the crash as well...

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Post by Benevolentwizard » Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:07 am


My first reaction to the news coverage about this story was to try and stop laughing. I have seen a good deal of coverage on this story both on tv and in the print. (This even made a 2 1/2 miunte piece on CNN) Putting all of the hype aside lets take a look at what this whole episode is about.

Scientists at NASA sent a space craft to intercept a comet which released a desk sized probe smash into the surface of the comet. As those who have watched any of the news coverage of this story have heard, the mission was a success. Both the spacecraft and the probe sent back many high resolution pictures of the event, as well as other data. Among the pictures sent back were some very good close-ups of the surface of the comet. The comet was littered with inpact craters. Now a comet is basicly made up of ice and rock. Every time the comet approaches the Sun the surface of the comet melts which is what produces the tail of the comet. This should also melt away all but the largest impact crater from the surface of a comet. The pictures sent back from the probe showed dozens of new impact craters. These had to have been made since the last time the comet came clse tot he Sun

The russian astrologer that is sueing NASA seems to think it has upset some natural balance of the universe. What NASA has done is set up a controlled experiment to observe what is happening regularly in the course of a comets life cycle. To my mind, this women is doing far more harm to astrology that NASA has to to the balance of the universe. But the is just my opinion.


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Post by swetha » Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:46 am

i really found the whole thing so funny!!

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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Wed Jul 06, 2005 7:21 am

Since when did comets enter astrology. Isnt Pluto and the so called Planet X just recent additions to astrology. I checked a chart I did on a web site and it has no listing of Shoemaker-Levi or Haley's on it. What type of astrology does that dingbat study? I know of only the following types: Western (taurus), Celtic (the willow), Egyptian (Horus), Aztec (Xochitl), Chineese (metal dog), and Verdic (I dont know my sign for this one). I have a feeling her case will just be laughted out of court.

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Post by Abhishek » Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:35 am

cltncblondeeagle wrote:I have a feeling her case will just be laughted out of court.
hehehe well said. couldnt agree with you more.


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