Writing analysis

An in-depth Analysis of your personality from your handwriting.

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Writing analysis

Post by aelis2004 » Mon Aug 08, 2005 11:08 am

Dear Abhishek,

here is sample of my writing

Could you please analyze it? You can click on the image to enlarge it......

Thank you so much! :)

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Post by Abhishek » Mon Aug 08, 2005 8:37 pm

Hey Aelis,

you handwiriting shows a well, a person with a *very* complex nature. and diplomatic... wth high levels of intellect.

i would say you are very good with math or figures in general. i would say inclined toward money and money management.

i do see most often you are filled with high levels of energy and ready to do more and more without getting tired easily. I wouls also say you have rather rigid stance towards things.

i'll keep telling you what i find out...


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Post by aelis2004 » Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:49 pm

Thank you Abhi! :smt002

I am not terribly good at maths, but I love numbers nonetheless.... the Universe drops me numeric clues almost everyday and they mean a lot in my life.

I do my own accountancy - I am not terribly good at it, but I keep an eye on the situation.

Yes, I have high level of energy - even if the summer it's not the best moment to show it off....... :smt003

Rigid, yes, in a way... I am very strict with myself and maybe now not so much with other people as I used to when I was younger. I am more lenient now, no that sounds a negative approach and it's not true, let's say I am learning to be more compassionate and I don't jump to judge people for what they seem - reality is very different from what we usually consider it to be.

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Post by Abhishek » Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:47 pm

hahaha you are modest!

hey i am editing your post so that the handwiting shows on this page... that way i dont need to toggle.


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Post by aelis2004 » Mon Aug 08, 2005 11:02 pm

Great idea....... I did put only a link so that the page would load quicker.... :smt002
Good night! :smt015

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Post by Abhishek » Mon Aug 08, 2005 11:03 pm

you seem to have flare for dramatics. sometimes you somtimes tend confuse friendship with mere acquaintances. are head rules you heart. you dont like to strech things... i mean you like to get to the heart of matter... deal with it and move on. you often tend to repeat past mistakes over and over again.

lets see hat else i can dig out ...


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Post by aelis2004 » Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:49 am

Hmmmmmm, I must have changed more than my handwriting has.... :smt003 On the friends part, perhaps I am at fault for exactly the opposite reason, not considering some of my friends "friends", but "acquaintances". I have very strong ideas about friendship, and before someone deserves the title of "friend" he must prove him/herself worth of it.... :smt003 You could count my friends on the fingers of one hand, but then I would be ready to do anything for them! That has been like that as long as I have been a child.....
You say my head rules my heart..... it probably was true a few years ago, now I really listen to what my heart and my intuition tell me - I've had recent events confirm it and make me vow to do whatever my heart tells me first and foremost.
I totally agree with what you say about liking to get to the heart of the matter - when I have a passion for something, I want to know everything about it!
As for past mistakes, I don't know... maybe I do. I can't think of any recent repeats... I am pretty stubborn, so I guess I might as well hit my head twice against the same wall..... :smt003 :smt002

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Post by braincracks » Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:50 pm

here goes your analysis

1. More close to mom than dad
2. lots of difference of opinion with mom
3. One of the parents has been very very strict (mostly dad if yes is he in the army???)
4. very analytical
5. parents have encoureged to a good lot extent
6. You are fairly good at planning things than at their execution.
ADVICE: work to improve both. it will help u a lot.
7. U understand arts well (is it that u understand musical notes well??)
8. You get irritated with others quite easily
9. You usually seem to be on some sort of improvement drive with some thing or the other
10.You are open to new ideas
11.sensitive to physical critiscism
12.your goals is life are much less than your actual capacity
13.u somewhat get attracted to/prefer strong men
14. sometimes u tend to land to/say something like "GET LOST" if ur not happy with something

Now for some questions that i need u to answer:

1. Are you harsh more with the opposite sex than ur own??
2. did/does ur grandmother had/have physical health problems???
3. Do u have problems with ur lower abdomen????i supp to do with itestines????
4. Is it that u have been made to follow ettiqutes at home whihc u never actually followed properly???
5. Ur more influenced by ur mother side relatives?????

Thanx for the oppurtunity. Waiting for your reply.


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Post by braincracks » Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:53 pm

Is that your signature at the end???

Can i know ur full name??


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Post by aelis2004 » Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:03 pm

Thank you, Naren!

So, full name is GUIA KEITA MONTI.

Yes, my father has always been very strict when we were children, but in the end I am glad he was. Yes, I understand musical notes fairly well, I can follow a vocal score reasonably well. I used to be able to hear parts of it in my head, but now I am totally out of exercise....

Relationship with both my parents is really good and has always been, but communication has improved a lot lately, with my mother especially.

Answers to your questions:

1. No, I've always felt more at ease with boys than with girls, but oddly enough I never had a boyfriend

2. One grandmother died young, the other had heart problems in her old age.

3. I'll PM you about that

4. Possibly....

5. No, I am actually more influenced by my aunts on my father's side, but I have good relations with my mother's family as well, both aunts and cousins.

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Post by braincracks » Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:59 am


Thanx a lot for replying to my queries as i ahve learnt something really important from it.

So, your full name is GUIA KEITA MONTI

I need u to clarify some more points for me wrt your name:

your first name is : GUIA

please classify the rest as ur mothers name/fathers name/surname/family name/??????

SOme more analysis on ur points after knowing ur name:

1. u do majority of the things in ur own style.
2. u ahve a good fighting spirit. u rarely give up.
3. u dont tend to take risk so easily i.e. u take it only when u are sure about its outcome.
4. u tend to miss on small details

Some more questions:

1. do you always look back at your past before taking any sort of decesion however small the matter be?????
2. Does any lady in your house have gynaec based problems????
3. apart from the major abdomen problems i think ur health factor is never stable??? If yes yes i would like to know what are thwe other problems that you tend to face???

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Post by aelis2004 » Fri Aug 12, 2005 9:42 am

Hi Naren!

First name is Guia, that's how I am called by family and friends. It's an old Italian name, not very common, and it is the femminine of "Guido", Guy, meaning "guide".

Keita is a second name, just like someone may be called Frances Ann or similar. I hardly ever use it, when I sign letters or documents I sign as Guia K. Monti. It is a name of African origin.

Monti is the family name, and is fairly common in Northern Italy.

Answering your other questions:

1. I don't usually look back so much - not nowadays at least. I used to do it a lot more in the past
2. Not that I am aware of....
3. My health was excellent whe I was a child, I hardly ever had a cold. I have been through a rough period recently, but now it has drastically improved again.

Other problems.... hmmm.... let me think about that a bit... I'll get back to you. Do you need place and DOB too?

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Post by braincracks » Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:53 pm


thanx. Na i dont need any details of like ur dob or place.

Thanx for the oppurtunity


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Post by Abhishek » Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:58 am

hey i am sorry for just disappearing but our internet is down and i am on a dialup which is soooo slow its hardly possible to get anything done! i expect it to be back by monday or tuesday and i'll catch up stuff here then.

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Post by aelis2004 » Sat Aug 13, 2005 2:16 pm

Hi Abhi! I am on dialup too - I know what it's like.... Don't worry and have a good weekend! Take care,

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