Betrayed's Handwriting

An in-depth Analysis of your personality from your handwriting.

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Betrayed's Handwriting

Post by Betrayed » Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:17 pm

I am proud to present one of planet Earth's most disatrous looking handwriting... mine... I don't have a scanner, but I do have a digital camera...Hopefully it's good enough... I hope, I COULD do another one if it's not good enough... why does my head feel like there's air inside?! *dizzy*...

Anyway here it is, good Luck Terrimaree. : )


I've never posted images here before... -_- this could go wrong... *closes eyes and hits submit button*

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Post by Abhishek » Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:48 pm

i was hoping to that you would post your handwriting sooner to be honest. but the big thing is you did. :)

but your handwriting doesnt show. the picture is broken. maybe you can look at the the thread called... posting images on the forum and try again?


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Post by Betrayed » Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:57 pm

hmmm.... maybe I should just put down the URL...

it's really annoying when pictures don't show up... I can see it here... so I just it must be some..."error".... *grumbles*

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Post by Abhishek » Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:16 pm

lets take a more loner route... since it is simpler for everyone to see the handwriting here than go to some other site... read ... be good now :D

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Post by Betrayed » Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:27 pm



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Post by Betrayed » Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:28 pm

Ok.... shouldn't it be like 'full-sized'???? *dies* *re-reads instructions*

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Post by Betrayed » Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:30 pm



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Post by Abhishek » Wed Jun 29, 2005 5:01 pm

hahaha there you got it to work baby XD

now lets see what i can make you from just a glance. corect me if am wrong. and we will make this fun and not a analysis type analysis... ok?

The first thing that really got my attention was how you are a loner and aloof. also whats really amazing is your intuition ... of how you just somehow know without really understanding how you know it. you ability to add things together very very fast... normal people would make 1+1 as 2... you have a ability to automatically see it as 11 not 2.

idealism - a place is where thing is perfect and good, the mels & boon type romantism - where a white knight in shining armour will come to get you type is all written all over your handwriting.

you also have tendency to always hold back... i mean you are scared? i am not sure if thats. the word, but i'll use it for lack of better term... to let the wall, barrier, shield, between you and the world fall. or should more simply say that you dont allow yourself let your hair down and relax. or maybe scared let your guard loose?

More in sometime... goin for walk with swetha.


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Post by Abhishek » Wed Jun 29, 2005 5:09 pm

and before i go... i also see how you simply keep repeating and not learning from your past mistakes... you curse and swear that you wont let it happen again but ... it does happen again and again.


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Post by Abhishek » Wed Jun 29, 2005 7:01 pm

ok so i back from the my walk.

lets see what else i can dig out...

ummm trying to hide behind something or trying to conceal your thoughts? are you?

i am not sure about this one... but is there a problem with your legs / below hip level? maybe joints? you constantly feel legs cramp up? get stiff fast? ache in the joints? anything?

i also do see your "well consealed desire" to have a romance and love life. and i say "well concealed deire" becuase you act as if nothing to you is important in life and make zest of the most serious things and you show a "i dont give damn about it" face to other whereas the fact of the matter is that you do.

now let's face it you feel very strongly and have fixed opinion and on and about things.

i wait till i hear from you before continueing.

also i would like more hardwriting ... and your signature too. if you have several signatures include them all.


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Post by terrimaree » Thu Jun 30, 2005 12:50 am

What in the writing shows
-- the holding back or wall/barrier?
-- possible problem with legs, hips, or some lower parts?
-- what shows not learning from past mistakes or from the past? (I forgot how you worded it exactly).

In something I recently saw it said and showed some y's with the lower loop having a jagged spot in it and the analyst said this could mean problems with legs or lower parts but I didn't notice much in these y's since they are not cursive and wonder if there is something else you are looking at?

I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you. Fact is...I am not that skilled and have not learned anything about printed text so I really can't do much with this one. :( Sorry.

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Post by Betrayed » Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:31 am

Wait... 1+1 IS 2... I mean, I keep getting stuff saying that I have intuition or something... Err... doesn't really apply... I could be having it but maybe I don't realise it... I COULD be denial...

or maybe I'm just paranoid thinking that if I open the door some ghost will be there, and when I open it up, I still think it's there.... Once I avoided going inside a school restroom that had been rumoured to be haunted, but I still went in several times ALONE... but there was one time with a friend that I had a strong feeling that made me very very hesitant to enter....

As of idealism, sure... I daydream too much XD... very very unrealistic stuff.... and the rest is a secret...

I hold back alot. If I had to describe my mental state in one word it'll be 'insecure'... I have the tendency to avoid alot of things esspecially if they tend to hurt me physically and mentally... I frequently need reassurance, is like I have to keep asking people to repeat what they've said, in case I've heard everything wrongly.

Yeah, about not doing what I should.... I keep breaking promises to myself... I make plans for myself but everything ends up delayed... -_- argh... Guess that's a really bad point..... I don't really plan to correct it though... I'll probably live the rest of my life like this... *nervous laugh*.... life is imperfect... Good to have some bad points... XD....

Yes, I am concealing thoughts as well... -_- weak-willed you may call it... I can barely scold anyone or say stuff they don't wanna hear... I do get fumed up sometimes and really speak my mind... unpredictable stuff... my handwriting isn't always the same anyway...

Guess the leg health part's pretty true... I do consider it normal though.... What I can say is that I keep getting my feet hurt because I happen to hit hard objects with my bare feet while walking... -_- yeah it does hurt, I think I git the hang of it... I have some skin infection of my ankle which has been there for many years... real irritating it is...

Desires... ok... I'll have to admit that.... My annoying psychologist said about the same thing about me.... Stuff like I don't care about anything, I like dark but I want love and light that kinda thing... -_- ... what an annoying guy, but he's right though....

I'm not really sure about the fixed opinion thing... I keep changimg my mind on stuff... I have this thing about turning hate to love as well... whatever it is...


As for Terri, don't worry...
you sound like you're in the same position as me... : )....
"Not-skilled-enough"... but very curious.... haha....
I'll leave my handwriting haunting the depths of your mind for the time being. XD...

I've been trying to study astrology and palmistry... sadly I haven't done much... I would try my best to do so and then start 'playing' around with tarot cards if I could get them at a "good" price...

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Post by Abhishek » Thu Jun 30, 2005 5:47 am

terrimaree wrote: What in the writing shows
-- the holding back or wall/barrier?
Well do you notice her right and left margins? they are almost even. just when it starts goin a little towards the right she is almost too quick to pull it back in line. Ofcourse that is how we are taught to do it in school. but nornally when you are not copying and writing spontaneously ... your left margin tends to go more and more towards the right.

Similarly, there is somehow restricted control and slowness all over the handwriting... even at cost of fulidity and spontannesouness.

terrimaree wrote: What in the writing shows
-- possible problem with legs, hips, or some lower parts?
from the "W". it does not look to pronounced in the below sample. which is why i was not sure and could only take can educated guess at best. you will notice how her "w" are loopsided (if thats the word)

This is also debateable subject and thou widelypracticed is not fully confirmed fact... to the best of my knowledge.
terrimaree wrote: What in the writing shows
-- what shows not learning from past mistakes or from the past? (I forgot how you worded it exactly).
this one i pretty simple... not lerning from past mistake is generally shown by not completeing the loops of g, y, in the lower loop etc.
terrimaree wrote:In something I recently saw it said and showed some y's with the lower loop having a jagged spot in it and the analyst said this could mean problems with legs or lower parts but I didn't notice much in these y's since they are not cursive and wonder if there is something else you are looking at?
terrimaree wrote:
I myself am learner and i am afraid to say i have not kept up in pace with all the finding and research of today's graphology. so i will not be able to comment on it.

i first took this up as a hobby a about about 10 (maybe more) years ago. and studied it as intensely as i could. then a few years ago due to the day to day pressures of living i simply lost touch with it. It is only becuase of swetha that i am doin whatever little i am doin now.


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Post by Abhishek » Thu Jun 30, 2005 6:32 am

Betrayed wrote:Wait... 1+1 IS 2... I mean, I keep getting stuff saying that I have intuition or something... Err... doesn't really apply... I could be having it but maybe I don't realise it... I COULD be denial...
how do you "just" know and feel certain things should be this way or that? like for example you never meet a relative Mr. X and you have only heard about ... one day Mr. X shows up at the door and you "just" know it is that it him. how? or maybe you are faced with a problem of say... umm... posting your handwriting without having a scanner... you were able to "deduce" that you could do it by using your digicam. how many people would have thaught of a over coming this problem the way you did? and that includes me. i would have never thaught to just click something if i cant scan it.

and that according to me is making 11 not 2.
Betrayed wrote:As of idealism, sure... I daydream too much XD... very very unrealistic stuff.... and the rest is a secret...
sure its a secret but a persons handwriting can say a lot more than you expect... but my lips are sealed. :smt003

Betrayed wrote:I hold back alot. If I had to describe my mental state in one word it'll be 'insecure'... I have the tendency to avoid alot of things esspecially if they tend to hurt me physically and mentally... I frequently need reassurance...
that can be attributed your you age rather than anything critical. most of have these insecurity at the age. there not much to make out of it at this point. maybe, just maybeyou feel it in such a pronouned manner becuase of other stuff i have pointed out. its like you feel you "not" normal and or not an "insider", even among your closest fmaily and friend. trust me, people only think of you as you preceive yourself to be. so stop thinking of yourself a weirdo and people will stop thinking it too. think you are a werido and people will automatically think that you are weiredo.

you get that i mean?
Betrayed wrote:Yeah, about not doing what I should.... I keep breaking promises to myself... I make plans for myself but everything ends up delayed... -_- argh... Guess that's a really bad point..... I don't really plan to correct it though... I'll probably live the rest of my life like this... *nervous laugh*.... life is imperfect... Good to have some bad points... XD....
god helps them of help themselves. if you wanna escape from sensitive issues... be my guest. but one day they will be your reason for downfall (god forbid it ever happens).

i'll tell one very valuable lesson i learned as a young man who had just started his careerer. At that point of time since i was pennyless and only knew a bit pc and internet... i got into a business venture with one of my elder brother's friend - a partership. who i convinced to invest in me and my ideas. well, he did. and everything was moving along smoothly.

now one fine day this problem with a client creeps up and he calls saying such and such is the problem and i would like a solution for it. now to solve this problem i had to make a long distance call. and at that point of time ... long distance calls used to be very very expensive. and my prtner had gone out of town forsomething. and i didnt want to make the call 1) becuase i was broke and pennyless 2) i was simply trying to avoide the problem.

In the mean while this client of mine kept calling me at first i made several excuses why his problem was not getting solved... and then after a couple fo days, i simply stopped answering his phone... telling people in my office that if he called to tell him i was out of town etc.

Now this partner of mine comes back and and i tell him that this and this happened and that wince i was not sure if i should make the call was waiting for you to come before i could make the call. he simply tells me... well if there is a problem and the only way to solve it is by making this call ... what could i said expect make the call... so i told him i dont have money to make the call. and he shoots back saying that if a calculate or income and expenes we are still goin in a loss and i have invested more than i promised. so i cant give you any money... what would you say to that and now how will you solve the problem becuase if you dont get it solved the you will loose the client? i thaught and said i would have asked the nearby asked the near-my-home-phone booth owner to give me credit for a few days and make the call. and bingo... he say what stopped you form doin that before... and now i really ill not pay for it or neither will our company... you have to foot the bill from your own pocket becuase you tried to avoid the problem by making excuses. you can pay the phone-booth-owner when you get you cut.

I could not afford to loose both my partners investment in the company or this client so i finally made this call and asked for a credit from the phone guy to make the call.

Moral of the story: you try to avoid something and you have to pay more than before. go face it and usually stops bothering you.
Betrayed wrote:Desires... ok... I'll have to admit that.... My annoying psychologist said about the same thing about me.... Stuff like I don't care about anything, I like dark but I want love and light that kinda thing... -_- ... what an annoying guy, but he's right though....
hahaha i hope i am not annoying you with the facts like your shrink. :smt016
about that love thing... it more like you wear your heart on your sleves and keep throwing it whoever or whatever that happens to catch you fancy... like if you just walked past this guy in the mall who is handsome and you suddenly are in love with him and wanna be with him. and then the next minute you are in love with another guy.

Betrayed wrote:I'm not really sure about the fixed opinion thing... I keep changimg my mind on stuff... I have this thing about turning hate to love as well... whatever it is...
i dont know but from seeing your handwriting i would differ. its like you have a set pattern of belief and doing things. and only you decide when its ok to change the rules. and thats whenever you fancy... but you are generally very rigid.

Last edited by Abhishek on Thu Jun 30, 2005 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Betrayed » Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:34 am

Ahhh...that's ok... I prefer being weird... Living a perfectly normal person would be a living nightmare...

*currently showing affection to toy lizard*

I'll try my best to work harder... XD....

*places toy lizard on head*

I guess the rest of the interpretion's pretty true...

You're really good at all this :) ... nice...

Man I must learn how to do all this analysis thing.... -_- argh...

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