Moon in Aquarius

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Moon in Aquarius

Post by astrodinesh » Mon Aug 29, 2005 1:07 pm

Moon in Aquarius

The Moon is in a fixed position in Aquarius with the keyword disinterestedness. The Moon in Aquarius is more evenly balanced than in any other sign. The native may be more involved with humanity than any one individual. They are idealistic and able to care for the global village but could be a little detached when it comes to those closer to home, paradoxically. They posses integrity and honesty, cannot be accused of double dealing or cheating and are not likely to ask for help when in trouble although are ready to help others.

Aquarius occupies one of the most sensitive points in the zodiac. They are well-liked and have strong religious and philosophical instincts coupled to a humanitarian urge. The Moon in Aquarius not infrequently foreshadows sorrow and changes occasioned by others. The Moon in Aquarius is said to be better for a man and in a woman it can take away (real or on the surface) warmth in emotional responses. This lunar position is notable for the absence of jealousy and possessiveness, the absurd vices of Leo, Cancer, Taurus, and Scorpio natives. The Moon in Aquarius favors all forms of humanitarian, political, and educational pursuits, exploration in all fields, authorship, and astrology too.

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