Uranus, Neptune & Pluto

Learn about the influence on your life of the planetary positions, and their placement in the various astrological houses.

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Uranus, Neptune & Pluto

Post by virinchi » Sun Aug 07, 2005 4:30 am

i've been studying these planets over last 1 year as i realized that they were not included in vedic astrology but have enuf significance on a horoscope.

I wud like to see some discussions about these planets, their effects in different positions and conjucts

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Post by virinchi » Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:04 am

Uranus: Planet of Rebellion

The Planet Uranus wasn't discovered until 1781. As one of the outermost Planets, it moves rather slowly through the Zodiac. The result is that its effect is felt more generationally than individually.

Uranus brings with it a new way of looking at things, and its approach is best met with an expanded consciousness. Originality, inventions, computers, cutting-edge technologies and future events are all ruled by this Planet. Uranus sees no need for the status quo, preferring instead to break with tradition and create a new mold. While the building blocks (science, electricity) are safe here, this Planet would rather focus its gaze on a new world order. To that end, rebellion, revolution, dictators, an autonomous state and free will all fall under the aegis of this Planet.

No one will ever characterize Uranus as subtle. This is the Planet which coaxes erratic and bizarre behavior and byzantine schemes. A bohemian, utopian society is more in keeping with Uranus's bent, as are humanitarian ideals. Freedom and creativity are important to this Planet; Astrology is also within its realm. Lastly, in keeping with its sudden, sometimes violent and often unexpected manner, Uranus rules earthquakes and other natural disasters.

It takes Uranus 84 years to complete its trip around the zodiac. It is an androgynous energy and rules Aquarius and the Eleventh House. Uranus is considered to be the higher octave of Mercury and the first of the transcendental Planets.

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Post by virinchi » Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:05 am

Neptune: Planet of Illusion

Neptune, another of the outer Planets, was discovered in 1846. Its slow orbit around our Zodiac ensures that its effect is generational in nature.

Neptune's glyph is the trident of Poseidon, God of the Seas. Much about this Planet is fluid (Neptune rules the oceans of the Earth), changeable and illusory in nature. Dreams, illusion, abstract thought and the mysterious are all governed by Neptune. Our spirituality is important to this Planet, and how we harness that energy for our personal betterment. Neptune invites us to let its energy wash over us and to use a meditative state to gain insights and heightened awareness. Poetry, music and dance are among the trance-like activities which this Planet favors.

Neptune does have its showier side, as it rules movies, television, theater, fashion and all forms of glamour. In essence, Neptune is creating an illusion -- of what is enchanting on the outside and captivating within. Neptune has a mystique which doesn't reveal itself easily. It can be a poser, too, dabbling in flattery -- and subversion.

The shadow side of Neptune is akin to the aging star who cannot make one more curtain. When the lights are low, this Planet plays in a netherworld of drugs, alcohol, trances and hypnosis. Neptunian energy reeks of escapism on its darker days, a sea of delusion, hypochondria and abnormality. Sleep and dreams are also lorded over by this Planet. At the end of the day, Neptune keeps coming at you -- how will you receive it?

It takes Neptune 165 years to complete its whirl around the Zodiac, spending roughly 14 years at each Sign. It is feminine energy and rules Pisces and the Twelfth House. Neptune is known as the higher octave of Venus and is the second of the transcendental Planets.

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Post by virinchi » Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:07 am

Pluto: Planet of Power

As the outermost Planet in our solar system, Pluto is also the farthest from the Sun. It has only recently been discovered, having come to light (albeit a dim one) in 1930.

Pluto's energy may be subtle, but its results will hit you like a ton of bricks. This Planet is about transformation, regeneration and rebirth. Things aren't pretty with Pluto, but they do get done. Pluto says 'out with the old and in with the new,' and we'd better be ready for it. If we're not, this Planet will simply have us wallow in our misery. Pluto asks us to transcend that which we know, redeem ourselves in the process, and come out stronger as a result.

For all that Pluto (re)creates (it also governs the reproductive system), it loves to destroy. This Planet rules destruction, death, obsession, kidnapping, coercion, viruses and waste. That's definitely not pretty. Pluto also governs crime and the underworld, along with many forms of subversive activity (terrorism, dictatorships). This Planet is about all that is secret and undercover, that which is hidden from view. Is this the story of good vs. evil? Yes.

No one will deny Pluto's power (it rules atomic power, too) and intensity. This Planet's energy is often focused on the masses and what the collective will do. Pluto beseeches the masses to look inward (and to their subconscious) to see what's there. It may be scary, but Pluto doesn't care. This Planet knows how to push buttons.

It takes Pluto approximately 248 years to complete its orbit around the Zodiac. Due to the eccentricity of its orbit, it takes this Planet between 12 and 31 years to pass through a Sign. It rules Scorpio and the Eighth House. Pluto is the last of the transcendental Planets and is the higher octave of Mars.

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Post by spunkyk77 » Mon Aug 08, 2005 1:00 am

Hello again virinchi,

I have pluto in the 12th house and neptune in the first what does this tell you?

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Post by virinchi » Mon Aug 08, 2005 4:22 am

whats ur ascedent(lagna) ?

try to interpret urself according to the nature of the planet

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Post by spunkyk77 » Mon Aug 08, 2005 4:58 am

scorpio ascendant (western astrology) with mars in 7ht house so isn't that ok as your wrote in an earlier post

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