11 th house

Learn about the influence on your life of the planetary positions, and their placement in the various astrological houses.

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11 th house

Post by aditya » Tue Jul 12, 2005 2:39 pm

Vedic astrology relates to the
concept of birth and rebirth, and the reason for it. The importance of
the 11th house is closely connected with it and the relevant
importance also emerges as the route to salvation, as well and only
after contentment in materialistic gains. Mortals can only become
detached and ready for enlightenment once all the desires are
satisfied. So it is most important that our 11th house matters are
strong, without blemish and we keep up our efforts in life in order
that this Upachaya house matures to the maximum. Realization of
hopes and dreams are governed by this house and their
occurrences are just as important for the rich as it is for the poor.
As we proceed with the discussion pertaining to this house I am
sure most of you by now have realized how and where this house
holds the key. The house under discussion closely guards the
success aspect of life and in a nut shell, holds the final potential to
the possible level of fulfillment.

To continue with more signatures attached to this house, we will
see how other house lords fare in this house and what are their
impact on our hopes and dreams.

1ST HOUSE: This is a fine signature. Due to its influence, the
person is happy as well as rich. He is genuine in disposition. He is
eloquent in speech. He is endowed with gains. The person
prospers after marriage. He is poetic and even sighted.

2ND HOUSE: The person earns through business and trade. There
is full domestic harmony in the life of the person. He is contented
and wealthy. In case a malefic planet is posited, it causes bickering
with the members of family. Otherwise, the person is content and

3RD HOUSE: The person is blessed with good impressive
personality. The spouse likes him. He/she enjoys good relations
with relatives. Enmity is easily overcome. He/she leads a
comfortable and lavish lifestyle. Expenditure is high and money
flows out. The person invests but also spends in a liberal manner.
Luck, gains and honor from the government is favored. Siblings are
generally many in number.

4TH HOUSE: There is gain of houses and lands. The person also
gains from the maternal side of family. Life is full of comforts and
enjoyments. The person may be an eldest co-born. The happiness
from house and lands is well indicated. This is generally a good

5TH HOUSE: The person derives happiness from progeny. The
children of the person are learned and sincere. The person
achieves gains from shares and other means of speculation. He is
cheerful, pious and intellectual. Care and caution is recommended
if a malefic co habits in this signature.

6TH HOUSE: The person with this specific signature should opt for
service job instead of independent profession. He lives in foreign
places. Diseases may afflict general health. Life is full of ups and
downs. The person does not care much for money. For this reason,
he is open-minded in the matters related to money. Losses due to
enemies are also indicated.

7TH HOUSE: The person is kind and righteous. The spouse of the
person is dominant in nature. The person himself is sensuous. The
person gains through spouse. There is a possibility of dual
marriage in the life of person with this signature. Prosperity in
foreign land is well favored. Opponents may cause losses.

8TH HOUSE: The person is born in a rich family, but suffers many
calamities. The longevity of the person is good, but life of the
person may be full of obstacles and losses. The person does not
care for money. He invests and spends money in a liberal manner.

9TH HOUSE: The person with this signature is fortunate and skilful.
He or she possesses many houses, conveyances and other
material comforts and luxuries of life. The person is also intelligent,
clever, charitable and enjoys good writing skills. Gains and honor
from government is also a possibility. There may be good chance of

10TH HOUSE: The person prospers very well in business and
makes good profits if he works hard. The person is religious,
truthful and virtuous. He gains honor from the government. He
brings under control his senses. He gains support from elder
brothers. The person with this signature later on develops the
tendency to asceticism.

11TH HOUSE: This is a fine signature. The native makes progress
day by day. There will be success and gains in all undertakings.
The person enjoys a happy life with the blessings of spouse. He
gains the company of children and friends. He enjoys the comforts
of life. The eldest brother is prosperous and long-lived.

12TH HOUSE: The native suffers losses in business. He does not
care much for money. As a result, he is very flexible while making
investment and spending money. It is observed that the person
spends money on good deeds. The person is artistic. He enjoys
friendship with foreigners. Business with foreign land is a
possibility. Elder sibling may suffer in life.

The predictions given above are indications only and the final effect
will only emerge when all other effects on the 11th house and the
11th lord are properly judged.

In the last Newsletter, planets and their effects when located in the
11th house were discussed. Many of our members have written
what about a person in whose horoscope, 11th house is empty. This
is not a sad signature at all, in fact if the 11th lord is strongly
some where else, it can become the saving grace of a moderate or
poor horoscope.

Further to this I also find there is confusion relating to this house.
would suggest that you read the Newsletters of June, many of the
confusions will clear up. However I am repeating some of the
important highlights which may help you to have a clearer
understanding of the 11th house.

This house is a measure of our fulfillments. This house is not
considered as an auspicious house though it is neither called a
'Dusthana' or an inauspicious house. Among the three houses
related to desire or Kama in our horoscope, the 3rd, 7th and 11th the
last is the ultimate. The 3rd is where the seed of desire is born, the
7th is where it is nurtured and finally in the 11th we reap the
as per our efforts.

The perfect harmony between the subject and the desired object
and our past Karma is what makes the 11th house strong and of
substantial yield.

It is difficult to discard this house ever from an astrologer's
as finally the conclusion always depends on how much of our
desires have seen fulfillment. When the desired area of query is
weak and indicates unfavorable result, then again the 11th house is
seen. If there is a good transit or a favorable 11th house connection
Dasa period at play, the desire is sure to see favorable end result.
Without it no renunciation is possible for an average mortal neither
can one be ready for salvation which is the ultimate and eternal
happy state.

It is said that all planets do well in this house and even the malefics
do well in this house. As an 'Upachaya 'house, the gains and favors
increase with time and slightest of effort. So in a nut shell, it is
important to have a strong 11th lord and a clean 11th house; aspects
of malefics hinder fulfillment of desire but when they are posited
here they do not give so bad a result.

The judgments in regard to the 11th house must be made with care
and after considering all the aspects, both benefic and malefic. The
11th and 5th connection has great impact in the life of all mortals.

An Astrologer's guidance can help one to understand and
subsequently fight the maladjustments of planets. This can be very
useful to a person who wants to genuinely make matters take a
better turn. Astrological signatures must be understood and utilized.
You must be open to its projections rather than just its predictions.

CyberAstro continues to enjoy the patronage of many and its
reports cover almost all the aspects of life. You may just find the
report that you are looking for.

hope u people would have found it usefull

aditya... am learning astrology...

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Post by virinchi » Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:47 am

11th house has nothing to with past/next birth(s).

5th house indicates next birth
9th house indicates past birth
12th house and its owner or planets in conjuct with that owner decide on the method of death in this life.
8th and 2nd house decide the time of death in this life.

however what you wrote about 11th house owner's position in 12 houses is true

racheal vaz
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Post by racheal vaz » Wed Jul 20, 2005 10:11 am

hello there,
this was interesting.
i wud like to know more about the 12th house.

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Post by virinchi » Fri Jul 22, 2005 4:00 am

planet in 12th house decide how much of karma you are going to experience in this life, and how much balance will be carried forward to next life.

owner of 12th house and any conjuct planets with it decide your mode of death and aftermath

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11th house and more info

Post by tarun_Ce » Fri Jul 22, 2005 6:32 am

dear aditya ji,

how r u.

i wish to know from u that what will u say abt sun in seventh as exalted 11th lord.and similarly exalted saturn in seventh as for aries.

kindly suggest.


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Post by virinchi » Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:19 pm

sun in 7th(even though exalted lord of 11th) for libra ascedent shows a dominating partner(almost a dictator) and a non satisfying matrimony

but saturn exalted in 7th for aries ascedent is great

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Sun in 7th.

Post by tarun_Ce » Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:14 am

what abt the sun's effect with mercury..as i know is that the sun in 7th gives seperation.
and may be the mercury adds to it..but even in that case mercury is ruler of 9th lord....then do i adds the bhagya to marriage.

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Post by daltka » Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:39 am

Most interesting, I thought to say hello, as well thought to mention myself I have my sun in Cancer in the 11th house, and my mercury and jupiter reside in the 12th house in leo, on my natal chart. I`ve always considered the 12th to be a mysterious, maybe sub-conscious place. But to have one`s mercury and jupiter in the 12th.......I`ve always been afraid to ask.

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Post by virinchi » Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:34 am

then u must be spending most of your time away from ur spouse

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