Your Scorpio Ascendant

Learn about the influence on your life of the planetary positions, and their placement in the various astrological houses.

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Your Scorpio Ascendant

Post by astrodinesh » Sat Aug 27, 2005 11:18 am

Your Scorpio Ascendant

Your Scorpio Ascendant indicates that you're an individual who is likely to have a strong physique and tremendous physical stamina. You are often far more stubborn than you seem on the surface, and assiduously stick to your goals as long as you feel there is a chance you will be successful. It is difficult to convince you to change your mind once your decisions are made.

You are emotionally oriented, but your emotional vulnerability is apt to be hidden unless your natal sun or moon happens to be in Cancer or Pisces. You are are friendly and while some Scorpio Ascendants are rather quiet, many of you also have far more gregarious personalities and don't mind being in the spotlight. Rarely do Scorpio Ascendant individuals possess the sinister or mysterious personalities that popular literature tends to associate with the sign of Scorpio. You are keen a observer and a shrewd speculator.

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and, secondarily, by this sign's ancient ruler, the planet Mars. Both planetary influences may be seen in the personalities of Scorpio Ascendant individuals. You are ambitious, energetic, and seek activities that are economically rewarding, as well as mentally or physically challenging. The jealousy associated with Mars and Pluto is minimal unless other factors in your individual personality support such a trait. Many Scorpio Ascendants people possess the cleverness and mechanical ability associated with Mars, as well as the innate resourcefulness associated with Pluto. You are attracted to others with strong, magnetic personalities. You are oriented toward gathering resources of all kinds. For example, many of Scorpio Ascendants individuals consciously or subconsciously tend to establish relationships with strong or powerful people in the belief such contacts may prove useful to them in some way. You can be quite secretive about personal affairs, a trait that often escapes the attention of most people you meet. You are often so accommodating and pleasant that, unless others make serious attempts to probe beneath your surface, your real personality and activities stay hidden indefinitely.

You have remarkable recuperative powers that allow you to recover from physical, mental or economic adversities that would destroy many others. When properly focused, your energy is formidable and you quietly keep going long after everyone else runs out of steam. A Scorpio Ascendant indicates the potential for afflictions to the head and face as well as illnesses affecting the reproductive organs.

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Post by spunkyk77 » Mon Aug 29, 2005 1:24 am

I love my scorpion ascendant it has such power.

Any fellow scorpion ascendants out there think the same?

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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Mon Aug 29, 2005 1:32 am

Yeah and my taurus sun sign. The only thing I hate is living with leos. Both of my parents are leos and can be mentally abusive.

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Post by spunkyk77 » Mon Aug 29, 2005 1:53 am

Taurus sun sign and scorpion ascendant you must have a lot of charisma. Stand out from the rest of the crowd.

I have cancer sun sign...

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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:05 am

Yeah I do stand out even with the way I dress.

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