Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse tomorrow - some information for zodiacs

Learn about the influence on your life of the planetary positions, and their placement in the various astrological houses.

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Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse tomorrow - some information for zodiacs

Post by BrightNight » Sat Mar 03, 2007 6:45 am

As it is holi in India, I wish every one a great day whence all negativities leave and this special day brings good tidings!

Holi always falls on a full moon day and tomorrow is a special one. It is also a lunar eclipse which will be visible around 4 am to 5ish in the morning!

This eclipse is said to be good for those who moon signs are aquarius, sagittarius and gemini and will have some ill effects on people with aries and taurus ascendant!

Aries and Taurus ascendants will have to take care of their health and if they notice some peculiarity or feel uneasy, it will be due to the eclipse!

This day is also special as any prayers offered on this day will bring forth the desired outcome!  :)

Good luck!

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