jupiter in aquarious.

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jupiter in aquarious.

Post by tarun_Ce » Sat Jul 23, 2005 9:36 am

dear members i got some material frm shri Sanjay Rath's website that jupiter in aquarious is somewhat exalted. and i tried to ask the same question in his yahoo group forum but none of his study group members were able to reply scientifically .
Like is only jupiter is said to be exalted or other planet like mars or venis is said to be the same sort of .

I hope some of here can suggest me the same.

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Post by arian_1c » Sat Jul 23, 2005 12:06 pm

hi tarun,
well even i would like to know an explanation to that, because as far as I can think Jup in Aquarius looks like to be a weak placement for jupiter because Jup lands up being in 3rd from its sign sagit and in 12th from its sign pisces, so it definitely weakens the prospects of house occupied by the sign pisces and being in 3rd from its sign is not that good either...
Plz tell us wat u think ppl...

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Post by virinchi » Sat Jul 23, 2005 1:30 pm

there's no planet getting exalted in Aquarius

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Re:Jup in Aquarius

Post by arian_1c » Sat Jul 23, 2005 1:45 pm

Then again...
I was just chillin, and this topic crossed my mind...u said that it was mentioned, "Jup is like exalted in Aquarius"
Well as I said earlier, its not a very good position for concerns of houses owned by Jup, but then again, is Jup strong in this position???
These are two different things...
a planet maybe vey strong in one way but still it might not be able to give results due to other factors, or else a planet may seem to be rather weak but may be giving good results...it all comes down to how we analyse the strength of the planet...
There are quite a few factors pertaining to this, for e.g.
lets talk about directional strength, the strength gained by planets by virtue of placement in a particular house...
Mars is considered to be particularly strong in 10th house, so is Saturn in 7th house, Sun is also considered very strong in the 10th house...other planets have their house of strength aswell but the above three are considered particularly...having said that Mars and Sun loose their directional strength in the 4th house and similarly Sat in the 1st house...So, u can say that an exalted Mars in the 4th house will not be as powerful as an exalted Mars in the 10th...

Having said all that these are the combinations that you will probably not find in every horoscope you see, so then what we need is atleast a standard method(and a good one too) to judge the planetary strength. I have always had very good results with using the concept of despositor. In order to explain what I mean, lets say Saturn is exalted in Libra but Venus, the lord of Libra is weekly disposed then Saturn will not be considered very strong...
The concept can be further extended, plz share ur views and comments

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jupiter in Aquarious

Post by tarun_Ce » Sun Jul 24, 2005 2:54 am

dear members,

U all might have read abt the Shri Sanjay Rath
and i got that material in that website..and i also asked him that why this is so..but he didnt replied.
even i asked him the same thing that its 3rd and 12th frm his lordship ..but no one able to reply..just only stupid answers without any scientific explanation.


have a look at this article.



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Some more thoughts on Jupiter in Aquarius

Post by morton tolson » Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:58 am

The Cycle of the Seasons
(and Jupiter's role)

For the ancients, Jupiter ruled both Sagittarius and Pisces. And for modern astrologers, Jupiter now shares Pisces (as co-ruler) with Neptune. Jupiter is exalted (works best) in Cancer, and has its fall in Capricorn.

In the cycle of the seasons, Jupiter – as the second of the social planets, comes into play as the self unfolds each year. For example, Mars initiates Spring – the emergence of the self as an individual, Mars rules Cardinal Aries – ‘I AM’.

Then Venus -- a personal planet that travels with the Sun (as viewed from the earth) rules Fixed Taurus, and – working with both Love and Creativity, Venus gives the emerging self a solid base of operations (a cow, a farm, a wife, a barn and kids).

Finally, Mercury – another personal planet that travels with the Sun, and which rules Mutable Gemini, matches our feminine side (love) with our masculine reason, to come up with cognitive systems. This pair forms the twins, but usually make drastic changes (where the barn lies, what is wrong with the milking schedule, and why the old ways are wrong). Actually, these Gemini-like changes make room for a new synthesis and expansion when the Sun reaches Cancer.

It is the Moon and the principle of ‘connectedness’ which ushers in Summer. The Moon’s orbit cycles between the inner or personal planets and the outer or social planets, so – in an abstract sense, the Moon ‘connects’ the two realms. In more tangible ways, Cardinal Cancer establishes the position of the emerging self in a social relationship. Here the self is related to home and family and children, and now we can see the role of Jupiter and why it is exalted in Cancer. Jupiter is involved with our moral and ethical systems (ninth house). And drives us to codify, in a most loving and generous and optimistic fashion, this evolving self-structure.

And now, the Sun enters as the principle of integration, as Fixed Fire, to establish the emerging self as King or Queen of all that he or she surveys. This is the power to express the self.

Then Mercury returns, in Mutable Earth (Virgo). Here the power of mental discrimination reaches a peak, in service of others. Analysis seeks perfection in technique and method. And –the dissolution of old forms that may occur is really making way or room for the next great step of the self in its evolutionary path.

Cardinal Air ushers in the Fall, and now the still emerging self begins to participate in a social whole much greater than just the confines of the family. Ruled by Venus, this new Whole is balanced by love and beauty and harmony. And, Saturn, the outer-most of the social planets, now makes its influence felt. Its powers give focus to the forms of human intercourse and its principle of limitation avoid waste and dissipation of energy. And once a balance is achieved, Saturn mixes inertia with initiative, to make sure that – as progress charges ahead, that nothing is wasted.

Fixed Water ushers in the strongest of the Fixed signs – being Scorpio. The ‘urge to merge’ (but by their own rules) can be seen in any native of Scorpio. Water represents creative Power, and natives of Scorpio aren’t interested in barns and houses and possessions, but in the Power that creates everything. Now co-ruled by Mars and Pluto – this sign is the basis of creating a new organic whole. And this basis is regeneration and transformation – so the sign can be ruthless in the sense of its willingness to transmute the whole. Scorpios are less willing to change themselves (lol).

Mutable Fire, Sagittarius, dissolves the old ways by introducing new abstractions and idealism – making way for a new codification. And here, as the self moves to leave behind all of its social roles and to move toward a new identity as a member of the WHOLE (where all men and women are really brothers and sisters), we can begin to see the limitations of the human ego in the Cosmic Scale of things. For example, many of the extremists, on the political or religious right or left, are often Sagittarians. One man’s ‘ideal’ may be another man’s poison.

Similarly, Winter and Cardinal Earth is ushered in by Capricorn, ruled by Saturn (and Mars exalted). It is not an accident that the ‘religious feasts’ (such as Christmas) occur early in December. And we can see the extremes in this sign by noting that both Richard Nixon and Martin Luther King, Jr were Capricorns. Only one of these (in my opinion) was the master of his ego.

Fixed Air, then, or Aquarius will eventually establish the individual as a member of the entire universe, a brother or a sister to all other human beings. Originally ruled by Saturn, the introduction of Uranus as the co-ruler suggests how much Aquarians have changed during the past two centuries. But now we can sense – even if we have not yet arrived there, that Saturn is really FIRST among all of the planets.

Anyway, it is getting late, so I will leave Pisces for someone else to finish. But we can now see that Jupiter in Aquarius might really clash since the Saturn vibes want to narrow the focus and limit wild growth, while the Jupiter vibe wants to expand our horizons beyond the social into the infinite. Similarly, a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in a natal chart can produce (for some years) a rather confused individual.

BUT ON A HIGHER LEVEL OF EVOLUTION, these two planets can work together to ‘grow’ an individual who is free of the ego (in other words, uses it as a tool), and who has no hang-ups or habit patterns that would interfere with his or her growth and fullest enjoyment of life.

Shantana (mort)

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Post by virinchi » Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:49 am

ok..here's somethin bout jupiter in aqua

jupiter is said to be powerful in cancer, aquarius, when in conjuct with or viewed by moon, when in 5th or 9th position wrt venus and on thursday

so for someone with jup in aqua, its powerful, but how will it show its effects depends on its ownership from their ascedent

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Post by tarun_Ce » Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:21 am

actually as and only when it forms a gaj kesari yog it forms as exalation...and wht i can also analyse..
that for the natural zodiac if we see the jupiter will act as benefic when the 9th lord is in 11th ...

thus it can be said that in 11th house it aspects 3rd house ( house of courage)
and 7th house ( house of partnerships and marriage)

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Post by arian_1c » Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:20 pm

well that might be the only reason that comes to my mind as well Tarun, but what do u say, is it a good enough reason to give it much importrance
and about gajakesari yog, I have observed that it normally is powerful when Jup and Moon are conjunct or in mutual aspect, rather than the rest of the combinations...
Also, even for the ppl who have it, it is only of much use during the dasa of either moon or Jup
Hey and one more thing, I think it is the most powerful when Jup and moon are conjunct in the ascendant as this gives both of them the directional strength.

I guess ppl with Jup and Mon conjunct in ascendant are very lucky
what do u say Tarun

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Post by virinchi » Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:07 am

one thing i know for sure is that jupiter in aquarius will cause childlessness or problems with children
even JUP in capricorn or virgo does same.

JUP in cancer gives more female children than male.

jup in gemini gives wealth and wisdon

in leo makes one brave and rich

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jupiter in Aquarious

Post by tarun_Ce » Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:13 pm


well as far as i think there is no scientific reason to be proved that jupiter in aquarious is nice..as i asked in astro forums but all said this is spiritual.
i think the GAJA KESARI Yog is always good even if in 8th house but the main thing is that if either jupiter or moon is debilated then it harms instead of making it good.


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