Astrology question.

Learn about the influence on your life of the planetary positions, and their placement in the various astrological houses.

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Astrology question.

Post by alicialuck » Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:08 pm

I have six houses in Cancer. How does that affect my life?
Does that mean I am more Cancecerian than most?
Birth date: July 11, 1953
Time: 9 AM Central Time Zone

I used to do my own charts. But more into spiritualism at the moment.
Even when I did my own charts I couldnt figure out the general effects on an individual who has so many planets that are the same sign.  Perhaps I could call them my Quintuplet planets.
Well I admit I am a novice in astrology. Or maybe not. But I still have alot to learn. We never stop learning.

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Post by virinchi » Sun Jul 24, 2005 11:23 am

ok..what i found is that u have 3 planets(moon,mercury, ketu) in cancer, which is ur 12th house.

i dont think ppl in west consider rahu, ketu as planets, they rather go for uranus, neptune, pluto.
i had a discussion with someone few yrs back in newyork about this.

anyway my readings : saturn in 2nd house and 3 planets in 12th show effect on eyes(some opthalmic problems) and a tendency towards spiritualism(especially with ketu in 12)

also jupiter in 10th makes u read so much literature related to this field and also u might feel about writing ur experiences.

with Rahu viewing mercury, u'll definitely bend towards knowing ur innerself. yoga wud help u a lot in this regard.

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Re: virinchi interpretation

Post by alicialuck » Sun Jul 24, 2005 7:17 pm

Thank you for the insight on my chart.
I found it interesting that you were able to see by my chart two things:
1. My eyesight.......which isnt bad but have had a weak eye muscles in left eye since birth.
2. Sptuality....I am a psychic medium, empathic intuitive.
3. I bend too much toward knowing my inner self. I often stay locked within myself that I see it as an escape mechanism. Often I miss ut on alot of lives simple pleasures this way.
Many times I wished I was an Aries instead.
Thank You for your inspitational overview of my chart.
Funny you should mention New York as I go there often to visit my daughter.
I wish someone would look into my chart to see when I am likely to go there next. Can't wait.

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Post by spunkyk77 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:52 am

Hi Alicia,

I'm cancerian and we are an unusual bunch of people but so damn lovely.

I have a question to ask with regards to you pshyic medium gift...can you see your own life? It intrigued me that you wanted to know when you were visiting your daughter again i just thougth you could tap into your own future? Its probably a really stupid question but i'm intrigued.


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Re: Intrigued

Post by alicialuck » Mon Jul 25, 2005 5:48 pm

Well. "No, I cant see into my own future. Let me explain it as I see it.
I have been given psychic gifts. I have the ability to have my gifts directed to me through my spirit guides.
All human beings are born with Spirit guides. Most people do not know about this. Some do. Some people listen to their spirit guides. I listen best whem I pray and meditate. But wheather I am listening or not they often tell me things.
My spirit guides are very wise and intelegent beings. Or for a better word "Spirits"
They understand me very well. They know that they cannot tell me things about my future because they know how fragile and sencitive I am.
They do however give me impressions of things that they feel I need to know.
Now, being as I am a Psychic Medium, I talk to other spirits besides my spirit guides. To put it frankly, I talk to dead people. When I am giving a reading, they come to me if they want to get in touch with those who are still living. They show me what they looked like while here. They come right out and tell me about things they shared with the person who is still living. For lack of a better way to put it, they actually drum up memories. All the while they are trying to connect with the person still here. Once they make the connection they will usually keep giving impressions of things shared untill they decide to pull bac or leave. Some of their visits may last 5 minutes other visits have lasted 30 or forty minutes. The short visits are usually because the person they are trying to reach is not being receptive. By that I mean they are not "Listening" Why? Because they just do not believe that the one they loved could possibly really, come through. Why because many people still think that after you die you are gone forever. This is so not true. Those who have passed away are always around us. Always protecting us and always there to help us in time of need. Not to mention, when we die they are there at the end of the tunnel of light waiting to recieve us. So thats how I see things. Now other people may not see things the same way I do. But thats alright. I think there are other more learned people who can better explain this whole thing to you. To mention one, John Edwards. But there are thousands who can explain it better than me. I just told you what I experience.

I hope this helps ansere your question a little.

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