Relation and influence of dates in my life

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alx santos
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Relation and influence of dates in my life

Post by alx santos » Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:45 am

HI.I always wondered if there is a meaning to the fact that the numbers 8 and 11 appear in so many important events in my life.
My birth date day 8 0f oct
my sons birth date 8 of march
wedding date 8 0f sept

husband birth date 11 jan
daughter birth date 11 jun
started living with husband 11 aug


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Post by natsnumbers » Thu Aug 22, 2013 7:59 pm


Absolutely. First of all, we are attracted to or notice repeating numbers because our soul inherently possesses that Archetype (in what I call your Life Purpose Code) or WANTS it. To me this is no different than noticing a fit athlete, and wanting to get in shape.

So right off the bat, the fact that you were born on the 8th showcases the part of you that is business saavy, powerful and has the ability to work with money. You have within you a strength in the physical world; the ability to organize and command it. This is what I call the Archetype of the Queen/King. Make sure to pass on your wisdom of manifestation to your son - so he knows how to master the art of exchange, too.

Because of your birthday numbers, you and your son may bring forth the beautiful and potent lesson of power; learning and showcasing how to benevolently use what you accumulate.

On the 11 - I am unsure if this is a part of your code - but regardless, it may be in your experience because of a deep desire for union and the acquisition of inspirational messages from your own intuition. The 11 is the Spiritual Messenger - and also what I call the Archetype of the Angel on Earth.

Because of their birthday numbers - your husband and daughter may bring forth a sensitivity and receptivity that instills peace and understanding.

I hope the above helps!

Natalie Pescetti, CN
Life Purpose Numerology & Coaching
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