The number 27?

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The number 27?

Post by Insanity » Fri May 28, 2010 8:58 am

The number 27 has been showing up alot to me. It first started when i was about 15 and was on dxm one night and and a thought came to me out of nowhere that something bad is going to happen at 12:27 and when i watched my clock turn to that time, that is when my mom came in bitching at me because she found out i was doing drugs and it forever changed the relationship between me and my parents..

Now anytime i think of my childhood or if im doing what i should in my life i see 27 at that time. Either its 3:27, 11:27, or its always something 27. And also i was thinking about my life the other day and i had a major personality change from 13 to 14(also 13+14=27) and then figured out that 13 years after that ill be 26 turning 27 and thought i might be having another major change when im 27.. I also thought that at exactly 1:27..

My question is, does anyone think this means anything? Is it just coincidence that this number shows up all the time? Also another interesting thing, I lost a good friend on April 27th and just made a new one may27th.. This number just seems to haunt me

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Post by enumero123 » Fri May 28, 2010 7:06 pm

My question is, does anyone think this means anything? Is it just coincidence that this number shows up all the time? Also another interesting thing, I lost a good friend on April 27th and just made a new one may27th.. This number just seems to haunt me  

.It indeed does mean something .27 reduces to 9 /endings new beginnings .to transcend ,

27 reduces to nine this 9, vibrates  alone the lines :  to go beyond self , to release ,attachment / to de-attach ,suffering ,universality, forgiveness. ages 13 and 14 are miles stone for all of us  .and remember the numbers 13 and 14 are known as karmic debt numbers .at age 27 we begin to enter into maturity 27-36

27 contains the following
20 :  It is overly sensitive, intuitive, and vulnerable to criticism. It has emotional problems. It can show weakness and cowardice in the face of challenges.(plus ) 7: pattern wisdom -detachment   seven withdraws from the bustle of ordinary life in order to enter life at deeper levels   .


i  will post more when time allows

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Post by enumero123 » Fri May 28, 2010 7:59 pm

27/9 is a number of great spiritual strength .the beginnings of a deep spiritual understanding endow you with insight and prescience .you should follow youe own intuitions rather than allow yourself to be swayed by to others ...

wise and just,to mantain harmony

negative 27/9 you are confused and indecisive never knowing what path to take .you are also intolerant of failing ,or what you deem the failings of others .

tremendous opportunities await you in this lifetime .being of service to others  in a tangible way .

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