2010 Numerology Forecast " A Call to Lead"

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2010 Numerology Forecast " A Call to Lead"

Post by enumero123 » Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:21 pm

Numerology showed us that 2008 was the year of political and economic mayhem, and that 2009 was the year of humankind's search for common ground. Now, numerology is making it clear that 2010 will be the year of leadership -- our search for it as well as our personal struggles to achieve it.

But before we get a glimpse at the year ahead, it's smart to take a step back and look at the ten-year cycle we're in now: the "decade" of 2008-2017, which will be pivotal in how we evolve as a global society. The Mayans couldn't have been more on-target when they claimed that 2012 would be the end of a 5,126-year cycle: not only does 2012 fall in the middle of what numerology identifies as an era of transformation, but 2012 itself is the fifth Universal Year in this cycle, and the number 5 brings with it an overarching theme of change.

But 2017 won't be a return to normalcy, because unlike most cycles, this one won't take us back to where we've started -- in many ways, we'll find ourselves in a new world.

Back to 2010: numerologically speaking, 2010 is what we call a 3 Universal Year (the third in the 2008-2017 cycle). Looking at the numerology behind 2010, we can predict that this year's greatest obstacles are represented by the number 1, which governs leadership. Since 1 is what we refer to as 2010's "challenge" number, that means that we'll have specific difficulty in this area. While this could indicate drastic changes to who's running which nation, expect competition between major world powers to increase. As the European Union and China grow in economic and political power, be prepared to see the U.S.'s central role in world affairs become more dialed-down; meanwhile, there are signs that smaller developing nations will lash out against their neighbors, meaning that 2010 might play host to small skirmishes or even wars.

Luckily, the number 3 also plays a central role in 2010, balancing out the 1's negative overtones with a warm, upbeat influence that will inspire creativity.There's one place where the negative 1 and positive 3 face-off in a big way, and that's organized religion. 1's aggressive energy will only widen the rifts between the major schools of spiritual thinking, breeding more intolerance. Luckily, 3 glows to bring more understanding and diplomacy between major religions. For those who choose to follow a more 3-style path of worship -- one with a greater focus on enlightenment than fear, love over hate -- the spiritual experience throughout 2010 can be almost euphoric.

Breaking down 2010 into month-to-month cycles brings a few surprises, with the beginning of the year being quite the mix of highs and lows. We should see a boost in the global economy and an increase in employment in January; the shadow side to this is that many will still experience frustration, or a sense of stagnation, as they attempt to return to (or remain in) a difficult job market. We'll find ourselves grateful that February has only 28 days as the month brings some serious turbulence and reversals. Literally, there may be strange weather ahead. Luckily, the overall experience in March will be one of optimism, while April ushers spiritual and religious issues into the foreground. May is a difficult month to pin down, with some of us feeling a sense of peace and others seeing a spike in violence or power plays on personal and global levels.

We'll need to steel ourselves a bit for summer, because the most important shifts will take place during June and July. That's because we'll jump from June, when the number 9 is prominent, to July, where 1 reigns supreme. That means that we'll prioritize communal or humanitarian issues one month, only to focus on a single, or central, person in power the next. Given the overall picture of 2010, this could spell out chaotic changes not only in the economy, but in nature as well, as earthquakes and volcanoes become far more likely. August saunters in to soothe us and give us a breather before the general confusion that is September: things are not as they appear, because this is a month when seemingly successful diplomatic missions can actually create much bigger problems, while potential disasters resolve themselves and fizzle into nothing.

Like January, October offers its share of economic improvements which will also serve to emphasize long-simmering anger about the employment situation in the U.S. and beyond. We can expect massive protests and strikes. November would appear to bring with it the promise of pandemonium, but of the cleansing (not catastrophic!) kind; conflict and confusion forces each of us to get our priorities straight. Finally, December has a calming influence as we settle in to address issues surrounding family and personal responsibility.

How will 2010 personally affect you? While Universal cycles play a key role on a general level, your personal cycles are much more important to you as an individual. Personal numerology forecasts can more accurately predict how these global experiences will play out in your own life to show you how to prosper in 2010.

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