NUmber 19 and me

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NUmber 19 and me

Post by Enigmatic » Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:23 pm


Can any one tell me what are the characteristics of number 19? I was born on 19 of may 1981. My name is Muhammad Usman Zafar. Usman = 19, Zafar = 19.



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Post by auraca » Tue Sep 13, 2005 3:33 am

Both reduce to 1.... 19 per say is not a significant number in most numerology systems, it would be reduced to 1. Not sure how you got 19 out of either name??

Birth Name Expression Number is: 6
This denotes natural talent, skills and abilities, regardless of education or training.
Positive: compassionate, magnetic, dependable, affectionate, concerned, loving, artistic, responsible, caring.

Negative: obstinate, dogmatic, stubborn, doubtful, irresponsible, uncaring.

Motivation Number: 2
This denotes likes and dislikes as well as deep inner needs, desires, and wants.
Positive: gentle, understanding, artistic, romantic, loving, considerate, tactful, sensitive, persuasive, charming, a good listener.

Negative: moody, critical, shy, deceptive, changeable, sloppy, petty, insincere.

Personality Number: 4
This denotes the first impression made on people.
Positive: practical, methodical, solid, studious, punctual, organized, structured, visionary, different, useful, orderly.

Negative: narrow, slow, stubborn, moody, spiteful, negative, indifferent.

First Name (Key Number): Muhammad : 2
This indicates the key to the personality apart from the rest of the family.
Peaceful, loving, friendly, considerate, desiring partnership, warm, gentle.

Cornerstone Number is: 4
This denotes point of view, the foundations of the first name.
Steadfast, dependable, unique ways of doing things, deliberate, hard worker, serious minded.

Instinctive Desire Number: 3
This indicates how this individual acts instinctively, under pressure.
Outgoing and expressive, cheerful attitude, desire to rise to the top, optimistic, youthful.

Family Name: Zafar: 8
The family members tend to look older than they really are. Temperamentally, they are conservative, traditional, solid and not afraid to work hard for what they want out of life.

Plane of Expression
The plane, or level of thought, where this individual functions best.
This person functions best on the Mental Plane

Your Destiny Number is: 7
You must learn to be: inspirational, energetic, an organizer, strong willed, forceful, artistic, humane, generous.
Learn NOT to be: emotional, narrow-minded, hasty in temper, impulsive, bitter, combative.

Dominant Number: 1
You are by nature, determined, forceful, daring, with a strong desire to be at the head of things. You are original, creative, inventive and very definite in your points of view. You generally don't like second-place positions of any kind, preferring to lead or take charge of the situation.

Personal Year Number for 2005: 4
Theme for this year: Foundation, organization, structure, work
General: This year, have a plan or schedule for your personal and businessdealings. More may be required of you, giving a pressured, or boxed-in feeling. This is a goodtime to get yourself organized and build a secure and solid foundation for yourself.

Your birthday adds down to 7, which would be a major part of you.

Hoss the Surviver
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Post by Hoss the Surviver » Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:23 am

Me stop lurking for a mo'.

It depends upon the system you use.
19/1, as a Personal Vibration.
19/1:- Is a danger sign or a vibration of heightened awareness. 19;; Those who select this vibration, have chosen difficult lesson to master, for they need to master-self in addition to the illusions
of the material world. Early in life there should dawn a realisation that you only obtain from life, that which you are prepared to put into it. The Sun and Mars, which govern the "nineteen" individuals, will encourage expression within situations demanding, selfless service to humanity. Any tendency to drive or dominate others in order to achieve a personal goal, must be avoided. True achievers upon this vibration are the ones who, by personal example within the fields of Universal Service, offer to others positive forms of leadership. Nineteen individuals, must take care not to become self-centred, endeavouring where possible to see others' points of view, any tendency to repress emotion must be guarded against , and this negative trait replaced by a frank and open manner. Your leadership talents would be useful in public service, you are very expressive with words and would make an effective speaker or lecturer.
Art and science may also appeal to you, as well as agriculture, nature and the simple pleasures of life. Your vitality and intellect create a mind capable of overcoming any obstacles. You collect, synthesise and regenerate past errors, into positive attitudes. Here, your faith and creativity, constantly renew those aspects of living which others ignore, thereby ensuring your continuing growth. There may be turns in your life that requires new beginnings, you should master your emotions, so that emotional upheavals and uncontrolled impulses do not cause material loss and failure.
If you are a negative 19/1, you lead a double life, creating a positive image of yourself, as one type of personality, while living a secret life of falsity and deceit. In this respect 19 is called the spiritual fall, your courage is being tested. Learn independence and retain from self-pity. Number 19, is karmic - the equaliser and collector.
as a positive 19/1, you have great indurance. Knowing that it is always darkest before the dawn, reason prevails. You will find happiness, rewards and success, when a degree of adeptness has been attained.
Universal Aspects of the number 19/1.
One is the number of god, the prime masculine number, the Yang; God/Man, Adam or the paradise state. The number of consciousness, unity, light, genesis, creation, ego, being, the active principle, the Father, Mother/God. Energy in a state of perpetual motion. Sometimes the number of egoism, eccentricity and tyrants. It is the beginning - that which all the other eight numbers were created. One can be divided into any number leaving it unaltered and so represents the spirit. Which can enter all things without changing their outer forms. It is immovable and unalterable, because whether multiplied or devised by itself one remains the same - this does not happen with any other number.
Symbols:- The Sun, the Unicorn.
Sign:- The point.

Taro Symbolism; The Sun.
Note:- The Rider Waite Deck has been used to draw the Card that corresponds to your personal vibration.
The Sun means face or countenance. Face implies head, one who takes the lead. This card also brings to a head all of the potencies of the life-force. The key - word is regeneration, we renew our bodies when we renew our minds. "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is the good and perfect will of God". (Romans 12:2). Astrologically, the Sun rules this key, bringing light and life, symbol of the divinity, the great divine power. We must control and adjust our lives through the sun's action. As the ancients new the powers themselves are neither good nor bad; it is how they are used. The power of the Sun is not just a physical energy but also a living power. That which we see in the Sun is identical with the spiritual power behind the Sun "the God-force", everything on earth is a manifestation of the Sun. The twenty-one rays of the sun represent the twenty-one keys of the Taro. The four flowers symbolise organised development; mineral, vegetable, animal and adamic (HUMAN) -consciousness. Sunflowers always face the sun to draw their power, as we should do, to develop our consciousness. The nude child astride the horse has sublimated the animal desires and is a symbol of the naked truth and an understanding of things as they really are. "Except as ye become a little child, ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven, (Mathew 18:3).

Astrological Correspondence Mars and the (Sun).
The personal energy, of the basic life force and the driving instincts of mars. Must be controlled, channelled and raised to a higher level. Through a developed awareness and consciousness of the true life power, the Sun. All our energy comes from the Sun, and we in turn must radiate the energy we receive.
The Hidden Desire of the number 19/1.
One - contains the vowels 0, E, which equal 11, the strongest force. Eleven stands for the highest of vibration found, whether in the mineral, vegetable, animal or human plane. They are strong gentle souls, yet when they find it necessary to administer justice, become as inflexible as iron. Due to the inherent spiritual strength
at their command. 11, individuals bear within themselves, the consciousness of god, which makes them sufficient unto themselves. And, they must realise the wisdom of" being in the world and not of it", gathering the message from the high. And living it for the sake of others. 11, individuals must also learn the lesson of overcoming self at every step. They can feel every note, of everything, both seen and unseen.
Compilrd from various sources, their are no hard n fast lines
Life is a Peach
So go tell me DOGS

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