The number 11

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D Rocks
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The number 11

Post by D Rocks » Sun Oct 15, 2006 9:07 pm

I know that some people will consider the number 11 to be its own number opposed to 1 +1 therefore 2. I have heard that 11 is a magical number, and one whose name is a number 11 is an old soul. Does anyone know what that means.

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Post by enchantedelf » Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:25 pm

The "old soul" reference is usually meaning that the person has had more than one lifetime here on earth and in some belief systems means that they have now been given a "Master Number" because they are more prepared to deal with the supposed difficulty of being a "Master Number".

Much of the reference depends on the numerology sytem you follow.  Basic guidelines for "Master Number" 11:

Spiritual awareness and a drive to serve others altruistically.

If your Life-Path number is ELEVEN, yours is a Master Vibration number associated with spiritual awareness. Master Vibration people tend to possess an understanding and knowledge beyond others. As an ELEVEN, you are thought of as being on a higher spiritual plane.

ELEVENS tend to be very interesting people with much to offer those around them. They are intuitive, avant-garde, idealistic and cultured - extremely so. They are the visionaries. It's common to find an ELEVEN looking for understanding in life's mysteries. Their interests will be many. Socially, connections with others are highly developed. ELEVENS bring much to the topic of conversation and are excellent listeners.

An ELEVEN will expect much from themselves and from others. At times this can make them difficult to deal with. It's common for this Life-Path to have a lot of nervous tension. There can be mood swings and challenges with focus on ambition. At times actions can be impractical, as an ELEVEN is more of a dreamer than a doer. Key words/qualities associated with an ELEVEN Life-Path are higher spiritual plane, intuitive, illumination, idealistic and a dreamer.

The life purpose for an ELEVEN is to utilize innate skills of counseling and guidance. While you may not be a leader, much talent can show through in this area. Finding ways to release nervous energy such as sports and exercise can bring much relief during difficult times.

You have chosen a life of enlightenment and an interest in Alternative ways of living. You think beyond the obvious and are not satisfied with the mundane. Universal consciousness would be an inspiring concept as you may devote your life to the service of others and even humanity as a whole. It is through this care-giving that you have the inclination to become recognized and revered as an insightful human being.

The master number eleven indicates a need, for those who fall under its influence, to balance temporal interests with a strong natural attraction toward self-sacrifice and a giving of themselves for the benefit of others.  Eleven is a transcendental number that relates to enlightenment and spirituality as well as martyrdom.  The eleven tends to be someone who naturally uses his or her innate abilities to help others, whether that is through a life of sacrifice and giving, through the arts, or through a leadership role of some sort.  The negative aspect of eleven indicates that a person who is an eleven may be so wrapped up in trying to “save the world” that their immediate relationships suffer from coldness or neglect.  Another negative is that if the individual chooses to ignore his or her mission of seeking and sharing enlightenment, he or she may simply become entirely materialistic or uncaring in an extreme way.  This number requires that powerful forces be balances, so as to avoid the extremes of martyrdom on the one hand and complete lack of care for others on the other.

IDEALIST, artist, celebrity, highly energized INSPIRATION, psychological, radical, sensitive The number 11 symbolizes the principle of enlightenment. It colors everything with drama, a visionary outlook, artistic sensitivity, and a sparkling quality. It is not truly practical, but its contribution is its unique perspective and philosophy which instigates new consciousness. Its energy is very high-strung, intense, mercurial, polarized (off an on), and subtle.

Gifts: Revealing higher truths, transformation, poetic interpretation, romance.

Challenges: Illusion, isolation, allergies, over-stimulation.

Personal Goal: Living the dream.

Fears: Drudgery, restriction, ugliness, boredom.

Succeeds as: Media star, poet, inventor, psychologist, minister, designer, society figure, beauty queen, occultist.

The life path color associated with number eleven is Silver.  Potential:  Idealism.  It is unusual to find silver as the ground color, though it is frequently seen as one of the other colors in auras.  People who have it as their ground color are full of great ideas, yet sadly, most of them are impractical.  These people often lack motivation and become dreamers, rather than doers.  Once they become motivated and find an idea that is worth pursuing, their progress can be a joy to behold.

Crystals are natural healers, utilizing energy to transform light into healing rays, becoming a medium or conduit through which healing passes. They are able to increase their personal, physical power to the point where they are able to cleanse minds and souls so that physical healing can follow. Their greatest challenge is learning how to cope with their gift of healing, and how to be themselves, since their natural inclination is to hide or protect themselves, by taking on other colorations, cluttering their energy field and potentially harming themselves.

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Post by ArcherOne » Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:01 pm

I almost never reduce an 11 to a 2...

The best SIMPLE description of an 11 is the "double one" or the "double sun"... I once read the term "the illuminator" attached to 11 and have found that to be very accurate.

One thing I see quite frequently with 11's is that they may have several persons trying to "drain" their energy.  11's tend to be quite attractive and often they seem to attract the wrong type of attention... sort of a parasitic attention by people trying to sap them.  I always caution 11's to watch out for that.

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Post by reichild » Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:41 pm

OMG thank you so much enchantedelf for all that info on 11's it has been the most informative i have read (on 11) yet. I have several 11's in my numerology and this describes me well also my son and daughter we are all 29/11's

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Number 11

Post by rhondamarie » Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:24 pm

My full name adds to 11. I recently read this:
"Let us create illumination of all that is before us. There is a path beyond what we know today"    and this....
The 11 lives in 2 worlds. On practical days, it vibrates with the 2. On days that is senses its' full nature, it is of an energy that translates a world beyond. Therefore, the 11 energy is: aware/six-sensed/creative/discerning/dreamy/inspiring/intense.
I think that this is good description. I am a mental health counselor but didn't know numerology until I started working in the field. I have told people many times that there is, in fact, a future that they may not yet see, but can believe in. Nothing lasts forever, things are constantly changing, and there are universal truths that are more valuable than any of our petty thoughts and wishes in this world.   :smt002 I try to live my life remembering that.

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Re: Archer--11's

Post by rhondamarie » Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:31 pm

Yes, for me, I think it is true that allowing others too much intrusion into your time can end up draining you.  I prefer to avoid bars because I find many people there to be annoying  but also because often some unbalanced person will just sit down and start telling me tons of personal information. I might as well be working.  I think 11's need to be able to be in a nature setting frequently so we can appreciate beauty and have time to dream.

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Post by ashLhynne » Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:27 am

wow,its my first time to know about the meaning of number 11.this is a good topic.but does it imply with everything? like for example when u add up the number of letters of your name,does that count?

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Post by rhondamarie » Mon Apr 02, 2007 4:28 pm

Yes, if all the letters in your name add up to 11, don't reduce it to a 2. This is also true if your letters add up to 22, which is also considered a master number. The number of your full birth name is called your expression number (also sometimes called your destiny number). Your expression number refers to your potential in this lifetime; your talents, your attitudes, etc.

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Post by Sorrow » Sun Apr 15, 2007 5:58 pm

I need info about 22 master number.

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Post by enchantedelf » Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:34 pm

I started a new thread for 22

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Post by erinbeth » Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:47 pm

it's crazy how dead on that is.

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I see 11 everywhere!!

Post by larieger » Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:18 am

Several months ago I started seeing 11 everywhere. I have been in a time of great change in my life for the past 6 months. I feel that I am having a spiritual awakening and am coming in contact with my spiritual guide. I have started a new relationship recently also and for the first time ever I feel as if i found the one. Alot of people I tell about my number experience think its crazy (i understand bec unless it has happened to you it sounds a little crazy) but she didn't. She is now seeing 11 more than I am. We have both seen this as a positive sign that represents the good of our relationship because it will pop up at just the rite time. I started seeing 22 alot more recently and now see 33 and 44. Last night I was doing research on this and stumbled across an article that said that when 11 is seen in the beginning of a relationship that's it is a warning telling you there is something being hidden. My main question for you is what you feel that the 11 is really meaning?

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Post by Charlesman » Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:58 pm

I still have my doubts regarding master numbers - especially the number eleven.

It seems odd to me that the 'master' vibration - in the case of 11/2 - is more common than the 'basic' vibration. (The following numbers ultimately reduce to 2: 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, 92, 101, 110, 119, 128, etc.) The only numbers which would not have master number-potential are 2 and 20 - the rest all become 11. Of course, being an '11' personality, and a person that believes the meaning of life in all aspects is evolution, and that spiritual evolution is key to all other kinds of evolution - I can hardly complain if this is indeed the case - that a great many people have the potential for enlightenment.

Secondly, I refuse to accept any kind of imbalance when it comes to universal law - if there are 9 basic vibrations, then there are either 9 master vibrations (11/2, 22/4, 33/6, 44/8, 55/1, 66/3, 77/5, 88/7, and 99/9) - or none at all - I currently consider my destiny number to be 77/5.

I own a book, which I have yet to read, but which I have briefly skimmed through, touching this very subject - theorizing that more master vibrations become 'active' as our world progresses - it should be noted that Pythagoras, who, as far as I know, initially developed numerology, and who only considered 11, 22, and 33 to be master numbers, coincidentally had a hard-on for triangles.

Some food for thought, if nothing else.



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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:32 am

nice observations Charlesman. Can u provide any ebook on this subject?

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Post by Charlesman » Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:29 am

Thank you. :)

I'm afraid I cannot provide any ebooks - I typically buy my books off amazon, preferring a paperbook over an e-book, so I haven't really gained access to any ftp sites or communities which share such things. The book I was referring to is 'Master Numbers - Cycles of Divine Order' - by Faith Javane - however you are going to have to acquire it on your own, somehow.  :smt003


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