Number 8

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Number 8

Post by Abhishek » Tue May 17, 2005 5:02 am

Number 8

Focused on the material world, this number produces many powerful, confident and materially successful people. Usually very independent, forceful and competitive, you will find the number 8 involved in practical, down to earth affairs with little time for dreams and visions. To carve a satisfying niche for themselves, they use their ambitions, organizational ability and efficient approach, mainly focused towards money, power and control. They are well equipped for competition both in the business world and other competitive fields of endeavor.

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Post by swetha » Tue May 17, 2005 7:28 am

Eight is the number of power.

However, you are too stubborn.

You can be the strength of any organization.

Money and power will attract you.

Business will be attractive to you.

At the same time you tend to have a tender heart.

You may find you have a weakness in your bowel.

Famous Number Eight : Elizabeth Taylor and Boris Yeltsin.

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Post by Deborah » Fri Jun 03, 2005 8:44 pm

this number comes from your birth number

i dont think this is me..
Im too simple ..too soft ..too emotional ...

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Post by AMANUSH-FORCE » Tue Aug 16, 2005 2:11 pm

Number 8 is destructive number ,isn't it ????????

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Post by mbs730 » Tue Aug 16, 2005 6:38 pm

8 is a karmic number, no middle ground, either success or failure, and those who are born on the 8th of a month face that often

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Post by auraca » Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:38 am

8 The Entrepreneur. Worldly success, but ups and downs in the search for balance. People with this number are intense and deep, with great willpower and individuality. They can be rebellious and keep their deep feelings hidden under a cold exterior.

The number 8 relates to Uranus, originality in thought, inspiration and innovation.

If your Life-Path number is EIGHT, the pursuit of money and status will be the most prominent for you. Those with a Life-Path number of EIGHT are often the most powerful, confident and materially successful people there are.

EIGHT personalities tend to be independent, competitive, practical and forceful when it's necessary. Managing business, yourself and your environment will all come fairly easy. With an EIGHT Life-Path you are endowed with tremendous potential for conceiving far reaching ideas and further, with the tenacity to follow through on them. Key qualities/words for an EIGHT Life-Path are practical endeavors, status orientated, power seeking and high material goals.

It is common for EIGHTS to find they have little or no time for dreams and visions. They are more likely to be concerned with the down to earth affairs that are going on. This can add strain to relationships if others aren't aware or accepting of your nature. An EIGHT can also become so preoccupied with the making of money that the family, the home and their own peace of mind becomes neglected. Taking appropriate time to allow for all things that are important can be a challenge but is also vital to the happiness of an EIGHT.

The life purpose for an EIGHT is to acquire money and to learn the power that comes with proper manipulation. It was once thought that the number EIGHT was one of 'bad luck'. This is hardly the case. Luck has nothing to do with it for an EIGHT. Ingenuity, balance and hard work bring rewards.

It's important for all EIGHTS to refrain from obsessive pursuits or from neglect of life's other pleasures. It can be a challenge to find the right balance between ambition and relationships. However, careful planning and determination can keep life in harmony.

You are on Earth to experience success. No matter how great or small, the satisfaction you derive form achieving your goals is enough to keep you expanding. Your natural ability to make decisions makes you a good leader who is not afraid to seize an opportunity that may present itself. The danger is not to allow an egotistical approach to cloud your true intentions. Achieve your aims and do your life’s work by remaining true to who you are. Success is not about being better than anyone; it is about reaching the goals you have set for yourself and enjoying the rewards that result from it. Success may also not necessarily be about money. More often than not it is about being who you intend to be and achieving inner peace.

The qualities of the number eight include regeneration, stability, new life, eternity, and the cycle of time. According to the ancient Greeks, eight represented justice because each time it was halved; it would continually result in two equal parts: the eight halves to four, the four to two, and the two to one. Eight also signifies equilibrium and balance not only because of its behavior when halved but also because its very appearance consists of two equal circles adjoining along a vertical axis. Eight is a number that indicates materialism and worldly interests for those who are influenced by it. People under the influence of the number eight tend to exhibit extremes in terms of their material success, either possessing a great deal of good fortune or none at all. However, another of the characteristics of eights is tenacity and the willingness to keep trying, which, in the positive sense, can lead to success for those whose luck isn’t the best, but in the negative sense can lead to hardheadedness and the continuance of difficulties because of an unwillingness to move on to better things.

If the full birth date adds down to 8 - They must learn to be authoritative, determined, in control, successful, persevering, thorough, philosophical, leaders. They must learn NOT to be hungry for power, money or material possessions, fatalistic, domineering, oppressive, scheming, bullying, and misunderstood.

If their birth day is 8, 17, or 26 (adding down to 8): They have a deep, intense personality and will often exhibit maturity beyond their biological years. They are basically serious-minded and philosophical in their approach to life. They are not afraid to get involved in work or projects that may require personal sacrifice.

You have a talent for business, and a good sense of money. Your approach to business is original, creative and daring. You have sound judgment and need the freedom to exercise it, lest you become bitter and tyrannical elsewhere in your life.

It is advisable to avoid partnerships wherever possible. You are highly competitive and close partnerships -- especially when power is divided equally -- can lead you to indulge in intrigues and manipulation.

You are efficient and can handle large projects. If you do not already run your department or own business, you are destined for such a position. You can manage large groups of people and guide them along the lines of your vision.
You are a realist, self-confident, practical, ambitious and goal-oriented. Others respect you and your judgment. They know that you can be depended upon, you come through.

You enjoy a challenge. The expectations of others stimulate you, especially if they doubt you can pull it off. You tend to be dramatic with money. You have a need for status and may show off the fruits of your labor with an impressive car or house.

You are proud of your family and like to be complemented. You have strong character, but may be domineering and bossy. You have little patience with weakness, be it your own or someone else's. You do not express your feelings much.

You must develop the qualities of perseverance and survival. You will meet many obstacles, which must be viewed as challenges that in fact make you stronger. Your attitude toward the difficulties in life will be the difference between success and failure.

The full birth name denotes natural talent, skills and abilities, regardless of education or training. If their birth name adds down to 8: They are determined, powerful, faithful, consistent, practical, capable with money and finance, authoritative, strong-willed, and loyal. They are also misunderstood, cruel, greedy, morbid, destructive, revengeful, and hateful. The vowels in their full name denotes likes and dislikes as well as deep inner needs, desires, and wants.
The consonants in the full name denotes the first impression made on people.
If the family name adds down to 8: The family members tend to look older than they really are. Temperamentally, they are conservative, traditional, solid and not afraid to work hard for what they want out of life.

The first name indicates the key to the personality apart from the rest of the family. If the first name adds down to 8: They are philosophical and mature, determined, with an intense with a desire to endure, religious, with a desire for truth. The first letter of the first name denotes point of view, the foundations of the first name. The first vowel in the first name indicates how this individual acts instinctively, under pressure.

Full Birth date plus the present year is the theme for the year in question. If these add down to 8: The theme for this year is achievement, career, major moves, power, and recognition. This is a 'power year' - the chance to do and achieve something big in life, to develop maturity and a deeper sense of faith in themselves. This is also a time concerning past debts and karmic issues.

The focus this year is on MONEY POWER and BUSINESS. You can seek a new business or career if the old one does not work. Pay and collect debts. Focus on you increase business like...and practical. You can get recognition for your prior years of hard work. Push your goals. Make important contacts.

POWER, executive, professional, strength, money PROBLEM SOLVER, organizer, achiever, judgment The number 8 symbolizes the principle of domination, control, and achievement. It is the executive decision-maker. The 8 tends to be rather formal, stern, and hard-headed. More comfortable in the realm of material, tangible facts, the 8 will be truly exceptional as soon as it develops its spiritual connection and intuition. A natural leader with a good grasp of how to accomplish any goal, it must learn compassion.

Gifts: Decisiveness, courage, focus, delegation.

Challenges: Belligerence, manipulation, anger, judgment.

Personal Goal: To exercise control over environment, to achieve power and status.

Fears: Loss of prestige, being at the mercy of circumstances or of others less capable.

Succeeds as: Any type of professional, business owner, publisher, contractor, engineer, financial analyst, judge.

The life path color associated with number eight is Pink. Potential: Financial and material success. This delicate-looking color frequently appears as the ground color of determined, stubborn people. They set their sights high and then go after their goals with unwavering determination. It is not surprising that they are often found in positions of power and responsibility. However, deep down, they are modest and unassuming people who enjoy a quiet life. They are also loving, gentle and kind, and are usually happiest when surrounded by their loved ones.

Pink also seen as Magenta, have in innate unwillingness to conform to the expectations and norms set by society. They seek to express their individuality by using, with great creativity and flair, everything at their disposal. Their single greatest challenge is to recognize and understand the difference between commitment and entrapment. They revitalize our concepts of creativity through new perspectives, new vistas and through the exploration of new points of departure from the mundane.

If your house number adds down to EIGHT: Residents in this house are striving for wealth but also need to work hard for balance in their lives. Many children arrive unexpectedly in this house.

The tarot card associated with the number EIGHT is the ADJUSTMENT/JUSTICE

Instinct: Perceptive will, finding harmony by mastering reality.

Goal: Taking responsibility for oneself, self-realization, objectivity.

Guiding Principle: Justice and order. Mediator function between idealistic expectations and earthly feasibility.

Light: Balance, fairness, discernment, greatest possible objectivity, reasonable decisions.

Shadow: Self-righteousness, hypocrisy.

Quality: Fairness, law, structure.

Astrological Correspondence: Leo

Basic Card Symbols: A woman with a lemniscates hovering over her head, and a lion.

Keywords: balance, rules, detachment, karma.

Basic Tarot Story
The Fool, victorious over his enemies, is feeling arrogant, powerful, even vengeful. There is a hot passion in him that he can barely control. It is in this state that he comes across a maiden struggling with a lion. Running to help, he arrives in time to see her gently but firmly shut the lion's mouth! In fact, the beast, which seemed so wild and fierce a moment ago, is now completely at her command.

Amazed, the Fool asks her, "How did you do that?" One hand on the lion's mane, she answers, "Will power. Any beast, no matter how wild, will back down before a superior will." At that moment, the Maiden meets the Fool's eyes; though sanity and young, her look is knowing, and filled with great power. "Likewise," she says to him, "there are many unworthy impulses inside us. It is not wrong to have them. But it is wrong to let them control us. We are human, not beast, and we can command such energy, use them for higher purposes." His rage quieted, the Fool nods, enlightened, and walks away knowing that it wasn't only the lion that was tamed this day by a Maiden's pure and innocent strength.

Description: Based on the realization that life is ultimately fair and just, the Justice card symbolizes balance, harmony, and fairness in our lives. She represents the choices we make, and reminds us to base them on planning, reflection, rationality, and a weighing of options between the sword and the scales. In love relationships this is reflected by honesty, respect, and loyalty, in professional life by essential values like professionalism, respect for established processes and procedures and adherence to reporting systems. In negative situations this card can resemble imbalance, coldness, and a destructive streak impeding relationships.

Like its ruling sign Leo, this is a card of courage and energy. It represents both the Lion's hot, roaring energy, and the Maiden's steadfast will. The innocent Maiden is unafraid, undaunted, and indomitable. In some cards she opens the lion's mouth, in others she shuts it. Either way, she proves that inner strength is more powerful than raw physical strength. That force can be controlled and used to score a victory is very close to the message of the Chariot, which might be why, in some decks, it is Justice that is card 8 instead of Strength. This card assures the Querent that they can control not only the situation, but themselves. It is a card about anger and impulse management, about creative answers, leadership and maintaining one's personal honor. It can also stand for a steadfast friend.

Wang in the 'Kabalistic Tarot' likens to the Strength card, at one point, to a Vestal Virgin tending a sacred flame. And this, I think, is one of the best interpretations. Fire is a fearful thing, hot, burning, all too easily able to spark out of control. But somewhere along the way, we lost our fear - but not our respect - for fire. And with will and intelligence, we made it our tool. And I think it worth understanding and saying to the Querent, that as with fire or taming a lion, you might get burned or scratched a few time by that which you're trying to control, be it a situation, a person or your own unworthy impulses. The important message of the strength card is not to give up. To have the courage to keep at it till you succeed and to have the faith and optimism that you will succeed.

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Number 8

Post by Gillian » Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:48 am

Can anyone advise the apparently avid following many Asians have for the number 8. It is said to be an exceptionally lucky number.
I recall reading an article on this but never found the book again.
It told how many Asian mothers arranged for the birth of their babies on 8/8/1988, and where the birth date was calculated anywhere up to two weeks after, they arranged caesarian deliveries on the special date, because it contained 4 of the auspicious number.
Would "fudging" the birth date negate the luck?


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Re: Number 8

Post by auraca » Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:29 pm

Gillian wrote:Can anyone advise the apparently avid following many Asians have for the number 8. It is said to be an exceptionally lucky number.
I recall reading an article on this but never found the book again.
It told how many Asian mothers arranged for the birth of their babies on 8/8/1988, and where the birth date was calculated anywhere up to two weeks after, they arranged caesarian deliveries on the special date, because it contained 4 of the auspicious number.
Would "fudging" the birth date negate the luck?

Technically the birth-date in mention would be a 6 life path not an 8. And fudging the birth date could possibly lead to some major confusion for the person because they would be vibrating at a different number than what they believe their number to be.

There was a similar situation with people getting married on 09/09/1999... but of course not to many did the math... it adds down to one - not that that is a bad thing... one is a good date for a anniversary date.

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