Scariest cards!

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Which is the scariest Major Arcana, the one you dislike or hate the most in a reading?

Hanged Man
The Tower
The Hierophant
The Devil
The Chariot
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The Fool
The Magician
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None of the above
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Post by pirbid » Mon Dec 15, 2008 7:07 pm

RoseRed wrote:My friend used to do tarot for me and he was brilliant but the tower card would always come up in my spread, he used to right freak out! Saying that that it was basically the "sh*t has hit the fan" "Run for your lives" kinda thing.
But then we figured out that I, yes me, was actually the Tower card. The tower card actually represented me?! Not sure if anyone has come across that before or its total hogwash but thought it would be interesting info to share.
:) Yes, RoseRed, it is also my case, as I believe I wrote a few months ago elsewhere in the forum. The Tower keeps turning up for me till it has become a trusted friend. It used to come up specially in times of big change -I moved countries 4 times and now live back in my own but on an island a thousand miles away from my family town-. But not only that: I spent ten years living at the top of a tower and have worked in one for the last 12, nearly.

But really, I believe the Tower really is me, with my fiery temper and my tendency to "blow my top" so easily. So I just use the decks where the Tower looks prettiest, like the Ancestral Path's, for example  :smt003

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Scariest cards

Post by Jeanius » Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:29 pm

The cards are such beautiful art works. I do not at this time have a scariest card. They all have positive aspects too.

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Post by lilanarchy » Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:21 pm

i've always disliked the tower because every time it shows up something does come undone...either a relationship or losing my appt job or car. it has never brought me a good sign unless inverted

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The Tower Card

Post by Nanna » Mon May 11, 2009 9:55 pm

I picked the Tower Card as the scariest because it is a fortellance that I am going to go through a hugh change and I am not going to like it. The last time I picked it my husband died and I lost everything ie: my house, my credit, my livelihood, my business. However, I have also learn so, so much that college couldn't teach me. I had become complacent and ungrateful in life. I had become fat with riches and not helping the world with anything better. Yes, it hurts to go through surgery and healing. :smt009

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Post by pirbid » Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:13 am

I see when I first wrote on this thread I did not really give my scariest card  :smt003  I agree with those who dislike the Hyerophant because I associate it with stagnant morals and constricting rules, while I like to explore new paths, when possible.

But I believe the Devil is the scariest card for me: it usually calls my attention to those things I most dislike about myself and would love to keep forever hidden from the world -trying to change them seems like too much of a chore, probably  :smt003 -, specially those habits that tend to control me, and not the other way around. I hate being a slave to myself!

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Post by cedars » Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:36 am

True about the Devil and even better when you know who and what is controlling you. You then have the free will to change it or if push comes to shove, the Tower will intervene and make you change them.

So, you can see now what is my scariest card :)

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Post by pirbid » Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:58 am

:) Oh, no, you too...

I really cannot see what all the fuss is about with the Tower. This card has been my best friend for as long as I have been playing with decks. I am sure I am not the only one to appreciate it on those times you know you badly need a radical change, only circumstances and commitments absolutely forbid it. Or, in fewer words, this card has always come to my rescue whenever I needed to make a clean break and start over. And, oh, look at how beautiful the card is...


I specially like the middle one, from the Ancient Path Tarot. The first is a fairly classical rendering from the Medieval Scapini. And the last is from the Spiral deck.

Ok, I confess, after looking at the Guilded, Fantasy, Robin Wood's and, of course, our dear Rider, that usually illustrators do not aim for beauty in this card. But I find it so invigorating, such a release, as during a thunderstorm! Of course, I know many people are horrified at thunderstorms. I must be biased in some way  :smt003

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Post by cedars » Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:02 am

It's probably because you get a lot of tropical storms where you are, Pirbid.

And, as usual, the array of your differentl deck of cards which you so kindly display on the site is wonderful.

I have to confess I am still with the RW deck - the Original and the Universal.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:41 pm

Have you looked at the Pamel Colman Smith Commemorative deck?  That is near perfect I think :)

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Post by cedars » Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:54 pm

Oh really? I will search for it.
Thanks Cassie.

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Post by Kaperuzita » Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:00 pm

I would say the Tower too, specially in the Thoth deck.However, I would have to clarify that scary is not necessarily bad. The thing that this is the light of God coming to rock you off your feet and destroy your old beliefs. It's like you've been blindfolded for a long time and then somebody uncovers your eyes on a beautiful shiny day. So, this can be scary in terms that it changes your world, whether you like it or not xD.

Here's the card from the Thoth deck:
539ac29b-9983-4604-af52-7df3829cf2cc.jpg (40.4 KiB) Viewed 4026 times

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Post by cedars » Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:53 pm

Thanks for posting the picture Kaperuzita; it makes a lot of sense.

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Post by Kaperuzita » Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:53 pm

Scary, isn't it? xD

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Post by sweetsunray » Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:35 pm

Hmmm, I used to be scared of the death and tower card, but not anymore, because I've long learned to see things giong wrong in life as oportunities for the strongest learning, and I'm from nature not a person who likes to have things stay as they were... When I see the tower I think of the feeling of electricity that rushes over my spine when the light bulb of insight comes after the tower struck. Same goes for death. It helps that I see those cards often nowaydays when I'm looking forward to changes in my life.

For the same reason I never saw something scary in the fool, although I drew it as a center card yesterday for a reading for myself, and admittedly I have this uncomfortable feeling the past 2 days where I tell myself "I must be a fool." That the fool was lying there didn't sooth that self-perception. But no, I still don't fear the fool.

The Hierophant wasn't my friend for a long time, because I used to not understand what the hell he's trying to tell me. But I'm starting to fgure him out more and more, although he can be annoying still. After all, he tells me that I'm seeking meaning in something, which I usually already know, and yet doesn't tell me what the meaning is. Aaaagh. Frustrating, but not scary.

I don't understand why people see the hanged man as something scary... It's such a spiritual card imo. Yes it's a passive one, but it is the image of catharsis, and in a way very active... the acceptance and finding peace within is an active choice, and a beautiful process where one can accept how they are without caring that the world thinks he's got it upsde down. Maybe I like it for the same reasons I like the tower or death.

I don't mind seeing the Devil... It tells me straightforwardly that your desires are a bad advizer. At least you know what to do with them then.

The Chariot makes me the most uncomfortable of those named in the list: though it means succes and victory, it reveals that a contradictory situation is held under control with pure willpower. I'd prefer to see situations as they ought, integrated and understood, rather than forced or controlled. The succes comes with a bitter taste imo, and will come to bite you later on anyhow.

The other cards I don't like to see are minors: 9 of swords (depression), 8 of swords (blocks and outside interference for similarly no reason), 2 of swords (forced balance, but not really), 7 of pentacles (hoping for a harvest, and it usually doesn't come), 4 of pentacles (holding on tightly to that which you must let go), 2 of pentacles (looks ok, but for some reason things never turn out ok whenever I saw it)

And of those I think I fear the 9 of swords the most: shame, agony, sorrow, and not finding a way out because of depression.

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Post by cedars » Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:54 pm

Very well put Sweetsunray..... In fact the so-called undesirable cards usually end up being good for us, but always in hindsight.. we never know what is the good that will come out of them when we initially see them hence we call them scary.

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