Drafts for the Reading Forum guidelines

For Tarot discussions and general questions.

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Do you agree to update the guidelines for the Tarot Reading Forum?

Poll ended at Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:18 pm

I would change the draft(s). Please post your recommended changes in this same thread.
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Drafts for the Reading Forum guidelines

Post by pirbid » Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:18 pm

Ok, I will try to group all ideas given on the 'To Speak or not to Speak' thread on interesting things to be included/excluded from both the seeker's and the reader's guidelines in the Tarot Reading Forum.
I ask you all to peruse them (once more!) and make sure all we discussed is reflected in them. Then submit your votes, please!

Welcome to the Mystic Board Tarot Reading Forum
By following these few points we can all help to make this forum better

1. Please do not ask for multiple readings in several forums and/or too frequently, this abuses the goodwill of our readers and may also be confusing for you. Your posts could be locked and any more requests moved to the thread jail. One reading every 3 months or so is considered more than enough, since each reading will usually cover at least that long. Note that we have ways of finding out if one person is posting several requests under different identities.

2. Please do not request readings by PM, it is invasive and puts too much pressure on certain readers. However, you can request a specific reader in your post. That reader will be glad to be sought after and will get to you as soon as possible. Apart from our featured reader, there are others who also give them, if a bit less frequently. You can ask in general so that the first available reader will answer, maybe getting faster results. Or you can browse through previous readings and see which style you like best.

3. You must be over 18 to request a reading, since it is illegal in many countries to give readings to underage people. For that same reason, you could be refused a reading if readers suspect you may be lying about your age.

4. Please do not ask for readings for others or third party readings, since readers need a person's explicit permission to delve into personal matters and post them on a public board. It doesn't matter if that person gave you permission: they must sign in and ask for themselves.

5. Please word your question carefully, think about the content and take responsibility for it. Questions that are deemed to be offensive, unsuitable or life threatening will be removed. Please do not ask about health, pregnancy, baby's gender, etc, as these will also be locked or removed. Only a qualified medical practitioner is able to diagnose or prescribe, so for subjects such as these please refer to your own doctor.

6. Please post some feedback. All our readers very kindly give their time and energy freely, so if you are lucky enough to receive a reading please take a moment to give some feedback and perhaps a kind word or thanks too. This will be very much appreciated and helps all our readers to improve their services and encourage them to continue to spend their time here.

7. Some wise words from the site's wise grandpa, Rhutobello: A READING CAN'T GIVE YOU ANYTHING....A READING CAN'T take anything away from You! Meaning that unless you take an active role in your life, good things are unlikely to happen, no matter what a reading tells you.

Not got a reading yet?

1) You may not be contributing in any way to the forum. You need not be an expert to take part in general discussions on the board or refer the site to your friends and family, nor to ask / answer / share generic questions about the subject you are interested in. Jumping in with a reading request as your first post is a little impolite and does not allow you to get the feeling of the community.

2) You may have posted your request in the wrong forum so your post might have been locked and sent to "Thread Jail".

3) Your information may be incomplete/ incorrect. Look around for the kind of info required for a reading: some forums expect you to give at least name, gender and date of birth, though not all, and not if you don't want to.

4) Yes and No questions, as well as very specific issues, are very hard to answer successfully through a Tarot layout or spread.

5) The cards will usually point to the area that needs attention, even if your question was about something else. For example, you may be asking about love, but if most cards regard economic matters, that is the info you will get.

6) The readers may be busy for the time being. Do have patience, your requests will be answered as and when readers are up to it. Some readers are more inspired by certain requests, and each reader will first answer those they feel a link to. Please do not send requests via PM as this is not very polite; instead be patient and check that your request is complete.

We have free Tarot Reading Software available for your use and it can be downloaded here
http://mysticboard.org/di ... tware.html
We are also running a free Learn Tarot Course here http://mysticboard.org/viewforum.php?f=81

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

The Tarot Community at Mystic Board
To all our Readers,

1. Everyone is welcome to give FREE readings here at Mystic Board. However, any unauthorized advertising or soliciting will be removed and may lead to a ban.
It would be nice for you to say hello and introduce yourself, so that we can get to know each other, understand who the reading came from, and how it was given. We also ask that you name the deck used, spread and its place titles, as this allows everyone to benefit from the reading.
We are pleased to present our 'Featured Reader', so that people know a little more about one of the hardest working contributors to this forum.

2. Readings only available to seekers 18 and over, as underage readings are illegal in some countries  

3. Before posting a reading, please check to see if a reading has already been given. Keep in mind that giving another may be confusing to the seeker, and make the original reader feel unwanted, or their reading ignored/ usurped. But in some cases we might feel the need to add something of value: if that is the case, by all means do so, though it would be nice to begin your post with a polite word to the original reader.
Otherwise, rather than doubling up, it is best to fill in a request that has '0' answers so far. Once you decide to answer a certain request, it may be a good idea to post your intentions of answering that request, so other readers can leave you to it, and the querent knows there is someone looking into it.
If you realize another reading has been given after yours, check the date and time, as it is possible both were being written and posted more or less simultaneously, so that no meddling was intended.

4. Please note there is a different forum for each type of reading. Try to ensure that the seeker gets the kind of reading they require and expect,  in the right forum, as readings posted in the wrong forum may be moved, or removed altogether. These are our reading forums so far: Tarot, Numerology, Western Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Palmistry, Runes, Psychic, and Picture reading forums.

5. For fairness sake, we request readers to check the number of posts a querent has made before answering their request. This can be done by clicking on the posters' name in the left hand box and then clicking on the link there to 'Find all posts by...'  If they don't contribute to the community, specially if they are all reading requests, please think carefully and use your judgment before giving them another reading, as this helps neither the seeker nor the community.
However, giving a reading to a first post request is up to the reader. Many people are in need of help and guidance, and will greatly benefit from a reading at this time, then go on to be valued members of our community. We ask you to be welcoming, understanding, compassionate, kind and gentle with all our members, but especially the new ones. You can always choose not to read.
Also bear in mind that most querents are one timers and will disappear after they get a reading, or worse, not even return to read your reading and give thanks or feedback.
We recommend not to give querents more than one reading a month, as some types of reading need only be given every six months or even once in a lifetime!

6. Please do not overload yourself or feel guilty if unable to cope with piling requests: no need to answer them all! We do not want any of our readers to burn out and refuse to read in the future. This is a place for you to come relax, enjoy, have fun, make friends and have a good laugh. So do exactly that, and answer only those requests that call to you.

7. If you get pestered for readings via PM, ask them to post their request in the appropriate forum. If it keeps happening, contact a mod or admin who will deal with this.
Also, if you notice a problem with a request, a reading or any other post, please do not respond to it yourself, but use the REPORT AS INAPPROPRIATE POST link on the left hand side of the post: the first available mod or admin will review the post and deal with your query.

We really appreciate all the hard work, time and effort that goes into giving readings and would like to say a huge thank-you to everyone that offers their time and energy in this way: THANK YOU ALL!   :)
Last edited by pirbid on Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by AyeCantSeeYou » Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:33 pm

It looks good to me and makes sense.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Sat Jan 16, 2010 7:03 pm

One reading every 3 months or so is considered more than enough, since each reading will usually cover at least that long
3 months is a long time and will seriously cut down on repeats, it may also be very hard to check if you have to trawl back through 3 months worth of requests to see if someone has posted. Also most readings do not cover the future so situations can change and I usually say no more than one reading a month.

Is it me or does the English on this now seem overly long and complicated? Will anyone bother to read it all?  Maybe snappier short bullet points in bold might be clearer? With a short explanation why after it?
At the top it says one reading every 3 months then lower down one every month or 6 months or once a lifetime. Every six months or once a lifetime  I would imagine relates to Akashic readings not Tarot because of the different nature of the information. I would suggest a clearer once a month reading? Is it still up to the readers? if so then far easier to montior once a month, I have spent ages looking to see if a member has had a reading sometimes.

Cassie x

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Post by pirbid » Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:04 pm

Cascade of Light wrote:3 months is a long time and will seriously cut down on repeats, it may also be very hard to check if you have to trawl back through 3 months worth of requests to see if someone has posted. Also most readings do not cover the future so situations can change and I usually say no more than one reading a month.
It's good to see these questions now that the original guidelines are still up. If you compare them, you will see I have left the periods mentioned just as they were in Gem's stickies. 3 months is what was always posted for seekers: did it really cut on repeats? isn't that the point?
At the top it says one reading every 3 months then lower down one every month or 6 months or once a lifetime. Every six months or once a lifetime  I would imagine relates to Akashic readings not Tarot because of the different nature of the information. I would suggest a clearer once a month reading? Is it still up to the readers? if so then far easier to monitor once a month, I have spent ages looking to see if a member has had a reading sometimes.
The top are the seekers guidelines, and only 3 months are mentioned.
The reader's guidelines 'recommend' not to give more than one a month, so it leaves it up to the reader. 6 months and a lifetime are just examples: should we delete them for clarity? I know nothing about Akashic readings, but I do know of some Tarot spreads that aren't given more than once a year, like the Tree of Life.
Is it me or does the English on this now seem overly long and complicated? Will anyone bother to read it all?  Maybe snappier short bullet points in bold might be clearer? With a short explanation why after it?

Cassie x
You may be right, since English is not my first language. You are very welcome to post a snappier version: I imagine you don't have a language problem.
However, I believe Gem was also an English speaker, and I don't see these new posts being any longer than the previous ones. If anything, the reader's guidelines are a bit shorter now.
It was my initial intention to make it all shorter and to the point, but then we had to include all POVs we have been discussing, explanations included. That is why I used the red bits, for those who prefer not to read so much.
As to whether anyone will bother reading them at all, I guess they will be read by as many people as the previous ones. Which is to say, not nearly enough. But the problem is most never bother clicking on the stickies at all, so length is probably not an issue.

This poll will be up for a week, so I expect others to comment on the changes you propose: if we all agree to just mention a one month period in both guidelines, then so be it.
And I am sure it gives you enough time to write a shorter, understandable version of all points, if you like. I'm afraid this is as short as I can make it myself, and I really have tried. But I cannot leave out anything we agreed to include.

I will await opinions on this  :)

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Post by Cascade of Light » Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:34 pm

Pirbid I am sorry if you have taken my words the wrong way, I have read the guidelines many times and have never seen any three month guideline? I still feel it is too long. Also the guidelines seem to have been read thousands of times, why are they now being changed?

Cassie x

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Post by cedars » Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:46 pm


First of all, I don't see much (or anything at all) wrong with your English. We have to remember not all MB members are native English speakers/writers and by that I do not mean your English is in any elementary. On the contrary!! Gem's English was not of Oxford standard either.

In the Psychic forum the rule is once a month between each reading (that is what EOT promotes and I don't see much wrong with it). I think we can simplify the 'rule' for tarot as well to make it once a month, perhaps. However, I will be the first to decline a reading right on the 30th day from the previous reading if and when I see that the querent is leading his/her life primarily based on the readings given to them.

Whilst it is true that not many read or some even ignore these guidelines, but it is said that rules were there to be broken - simple fact of human behaviour. It is then up to us how we handle those instances. We still need to have guidelines if for nothing else but to refer members to them when they 'misbehave'.

I proposed long time ago in the Readers' forum to remove Gem's guidelines, no matter how good a job she did in the past. In fact, would it be better to have the author's name as Moderator or Admin. rather than the ID of the person posting it? That way it gives more of a clout to the Guidelines rather than point fingers at the person who wrote it.

I don't have much to comment about your write-up, Pirbid.

Thank you for all your efforts so far.


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Post by pirbid » Sun Jan 17, 2010 8:29 pm

Cascade of Light wrote:Pirbid I am sorry if you have taken my words the wrong way
I was a bit miffed (LOL), after all the work, but I am ready to review the whole thing if everyone agrees. This is the reason I asked for input, including yours. Otherwise I wouldn't have bothered. Negative input is probably more useful, since it makes us think twice about things.
I have read the guidelines many times and have never seen any three month guideline?

True: I have gone over it and realize it is true. Either I picked it up in one of the forums where we discussed it, or I just dreamed it. I propose not to give any period, or give a 'recommended' 1 month 'abstinence' in both guidelines.
I still feel it is too long.

I am posting a shorter version of both in my next post. I am also substituting red for bold. If anyone feels I have left out anything vital, please let me know. Now is the time to get it right.
Also the guidelines seem to have been read thousands of times, why are they now being changed?
We believe they are not read nearly enough. I thought it was time to update and include things regulars felt important. But I will try to accommodate both: snappiness and important points. Let's see how it turns out.
I first picked up the idea to update them in one of the forums and made it mine, since we were having some very strange petitions in the Reading forum, and some readers (including me) were getting a funny feeling about them.
I proposed long time ago in the Readers' forum to remove Gem's guidelines, no matter how good a job she did in the past. In fact, would it be better to have the author's name as Moderator or Admin. rather than the ID of the person posting it? That way it gives more of a clout to the Guidelines rather than point fingers at the person who wrote it.
Cedars, I think this might be a good idea. Rhuto, can it be done? If I post it, my nick will appear as poster. My first idea was to change the content and not Gem's name. Can you change the poster's name to something more official /impersonal /long lasting?

AyeCantSeeYou, Cedars and others, thank you so much for your unwavering support, even if, As You Can See  :smt002 , some criticism is sometimes good for my ego  :smt003

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Post by pirbid » Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:55 pm

Welcome to the Mystic Board Tarot Reading Forum
By following these few points we can all help make this forum better.

1. Please do not ask for readings in several forums or too frequently, as it abuses our readers' goodwill and may be confusing for you.

2. Please do not request readings by PM: you can request a specific reader, like our featured reader, or no one in particular.

3. You must be over 18 to request a reading: in many countries it is illegal to give readings to underage people.

4. Please do not request any readings for others, even if they gave you permission. They must sign in and ask for themselves.

5. Please word your question carefully. Questions deemed offensive, unsuitable or threatening will be removed, like those about health, pregnancy, baby's gender, etc. Only a qualified medical practitioner is able to diagnose or prescribe.

6. Please post some feedback: it will be much appreciated, help our readers improve, and encourage them to continue.

7. Wise words from our site's grandpa, Rhutobello: A READING CAN'T GIVE YOU ANYTHING....A READING CAN'T TAKE ANYTHING FROM YOU! Unless you take an active role in your life, things are unlikely to happen, no matter what a reading tells you.

Got no reading yet?

1) You may not be contributing to the forum. A reading request as your first post prevents you from getting the feeling of the community.

2) You may have posted in the wrong forum, so your post might have been locked and sent to "Thread Jail".

3) Your information may be incomplete/ incorrect. Some readings require that you give at least name, gender and date of birth (optional), and a line or two on why you are seeking guidance.

4) Yes and No questions, or very specific issues, are sometimes harder to answer successfully through a Tarot spread.

5) Readers may be busy right now. Be patient and check that your request is complete/ correct/ in the right forum.

We have free Tarot Reading Software available for your use here http://mysticboard.org/di ... tware.html
A free Tarot tutorial is also available here http://mysticboard.org/viewforum.php?f=81

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

The Tarot Community at Mystic Board
To all our Readers,

1. Everyone is welcome to give FREE readings. Any unauthorized advertising or soliciting will be removed and may lead to a ban.

2. Please introduce yourself and name the deck, spread and place titles used. Meet our 'Featured Reader', one of the best contributors to this forum.

3. Readings only available to seekers 18 and over: readings for underage people are illegal in some countries  

4. Please check if a reading has already been given: a new one may confuse the seeker, and make the first reader feel ignored/ usurped. If you feel the need to add something of value, please begin your post with a polite word to the original reader.
If another reading has been given after yours, check date and time, as both could have been written and posted simultaneously, no meddling intended.

5. Please post your intentions of answering a certain request, so that other readers can leave you to it, and the querent feels seen to.

6. Please note there is a different forum for each type of reading. Readings posted in the wrong forum may be moved or removed. Our reading forums so far: Tarot, Numerology, Western Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Palmistry, Runes, Psychic, and Picture reading forums.

7. Check the posts a querent has made before answering a request, by clicking on the posters' name in the left hand box and then on the link to 'Find all posts by...'  If they are recent reading requests, please use your judgment before giving another: it helps neither seeker nor community.

8. Reading for a first post request is up to the reader: some need help and guidance, and will greatly benefit from it.
Be welcoming, understanding, and gentle, especially with new members, even though many may not return to read it, nor give thanks or feedback.

9. We do not advise giving querents more than one reading a month, but it is your decision.

10. Answer only those requests that call to you: do not feel guilty if unable to cope with piling requests. Relax, have fun, make friends.

12. If pestered for readings via PM, ask them to post in the appropriate forum. If it keeps happening, contact a mod or admin.

13. If you notice a problem with a request, reading or any post, please do not respond to it yourself: use the REPORT AS INAPPROPRIATE POST link on the left hand side of the post; the first available mod or admin will review it and deal with it.

We really appreciate all the hard work, time and effort readings mean: THANK YOU ALL! :)
I am sorry to have to ask you all to review the above drafts yet again :smt087 , but now we are in it, might as well do it right. Tell me if it looks any better, if the English used is more understandable, and if I have kept all important points discussed.

Big hugsss and thanksss to all!  :)

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Post by cedars » Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:58 pm

There was not much wrong with the first version and nothing was wrong with the English.

If you wish to proceed with this latest revised one, you have my approval for it.

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Post by pirbid » Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:17 pm

:) Thank you!

See you all tomorrow... :smt015

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Post by AyeCantSeeYou » Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:37 pm

The last one is much shorter, to the point, and doesn't take very long at all to read. Nothing stood out that needs more explaining. I say use it.

Great job on it, Pirbid!

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Post by Payewacker » Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:18 am

Hi Pirbid,

Yip, 100%

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Post by suzisco » Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:47 am

Nicely put :)

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Post by pirbid » Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:15 pm

:) That's great. I can post it as soon as the poll week is over, then.

Thank you, guys  :smt020

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Post by pirbid » Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:22 pm

:) Since the poll time ends tomorrow, I have posted the final drafts as they will finally be seen, in case you want to have a look and suggest any last minute changes. Gem's will also be up till tomorrow, in case you want to compare them.
Nearly done, now, thanks to all of us  :smt002


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