Yes/No Questions and Readings

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Yes/No Questions and Readings

Post by Kaperuzita » Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:10 pm

I know some tarot readers simply refuse to give yes/no answers as they see the Tarot as a guide and not an oracle. However, I've also heard of tarot readers who can give accurate dates (day included) for specific events. So, I ask you, do you answer yes/no questions? If so, what spread do you use? I've been read yes/no questions with both a single card spread and also with the regular three card spreads.

Please, comments, comments, comments, I think this is an interesting question both for readers and querents!

Warm regards to all of you in Mystic Board  :)

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Post by cedars » Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:04 pm

Good question Kaperuzita

I tend not to do yes/no questions... but the cards have a way of giving that answer. HOWEVER, there different layouts for the yes/no question. I would say if I HAD to do one, I would pick three cards and if the two out of three were positive cards..... long shot eh?.... then I would say it was a Yes and vice versa.

Since I dont do reversed cards (unless they showed up out of the blue) the above is the only way that I would do Yes/No.

I would like to know about the one card too.

The ideal tool for yes/no answers is the pendulum..... but, then again...... one has to be totally detached and blank mind while asking the question.

My views.


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Post by Kaperuzita » Wed Jul 22, 2009 2:38 am

I do the same. I draw three cards and see how positive they are. I do work with reversals but in the view that they show a blockage. In that case I interpret both the cards as upward and with the block. Since maybe, even if the block wasn't there, there are still bad cards :P

I found a method in an Spanish forum, so I'll translate it to share some views. You have to draw 9 cards, using only the major arcana mentioned below. You read the 5th card (right in the middle) , this is the answer. The other 8 cards are used to give a more comprehensive answer. The cards are:

Meaning YES: The Magician, the Sun and the World.
Meaning NO: Death, the Hangman, and the Devil.
Mening MAYBE: the Moon, the Hermit, and the High Priestess.

I've never used the method above so, if anyone tries it, let me know how it works xD. I think the one-card method is similar to this, you interpret the card in its general meaning.

Then, there is another method I used when I was starting and then I quit because it's not very insightful. For this, you need to use reversals. You draw 5 cards. The first 2 are the past, the card in the middle is the present, and the last three are the future. If there are more upwards cards, the answer is yes; if there are more reversed, the answer is no. NOTE that the "present" card equals 2 so, you can have a tie and then the answer is MAYBE.

I had bookmarked another method thinking about this topic but I'll translate it tomorrow because it's getting late here :P

Thx for the interest Cedars!

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Post by Payewacker » Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:38 am

Hi Kaperuzita,

This is a controvercial subject which has surfaced a few times already. Personally, I refuse to do yes or no answers with Tarot, although it can be done.

A very real situation cropped up when i was asked to do a reading. Now, doing the reading was a "general" one, and not to indicate a specific course of action, etc. But, halfway through and in 7th position CC the Page of Cups upright--the posibbility of a birth? WHOOOOOW, this man is 62 years old? So, i read the card more in "context" to his age and added there may be a birth in the family? This was not good enough for him and he insisted on knowing yes or no.

How do you stick your neck out here or, are you putting your credentials on a block?-----Eunechee style :smt005 . I didn't give him a yes or no from the Tarot, but pulled out my Runes, they tend to be very accurate in this sense. He drew one, it was reversed so---no!!!

He was amased, his daughter went to a pshycic in JHB, and she said--- a child on the way? They were awaiting the result, ------no child on the way, was the final result.

As for using the Tarot as an Oracle, I do it often, even with my Runes as well. My question is always--"What would be the highlight of my day", the low events is what i don't want to know about, these you handle with the highlight in your mind, it works very well.

Predicting dates, i've done it before and must say, i was accurate. Let me tell you one thing? Once you do that, you pinch pennies, until that day arrives, make no mistake. I've allocated my cards to every week in the year, in doing that you can also fairly accurately predict to within a week, even a year from now. I feel, give more than a day. But, when doing this, you have to keep in mind that the querant will change their life, by the mere fact of the reading. You may then, find yourself out on a limb.

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Post by cedars » Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:07 am

Controversial subjects are good... and Timing subjects are even better.

We all have various ideas about timing and each one does it in their own way... and once you do something (timing in this case) your way, then it is best to stick to it, as deliberating on other means or methods will only confuse you as a reader.

A topic worth considering by a separate thread I think.

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:27 am

Yea....I think that we our self might use the yes/no option for our own decisions....because we are the one who must take the responsibility for it.

To agree to give another person a yes/no answer on a difficult subject (one that can tip both ways) is from our side a 50-50 % chance to have right, and that is the same as we have equal chance to get it wrong.

Take 10 easy questions that can be answered with yes/no....if you get less then 7 right "answers", well then it is not good enough.

By refuse to give a yes/no reading, you force the seeker to evaluate all sides of the question (which we never can) and make a decision that he/she will know are their own, and no blame or transfer of guilt can be done.

That is my 2 cent :)

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Post by Airgon » Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:36 am

Horary Astrology routinely gives yes or no. In laymans
terms there is strong yes, weak yes, maybe, weak no and
strong no.

This reflects the mechanism used in astology of aspects.
Once one can locate the planet or planets ruling the concern
and person asking ( querant ) and the item being asked about
( quesited ) then its a matter of seeing what kind of aspects
exist between the ruling planets.

For example "Does my husband love me ?"  
the person asking is the first house ( querant ) and the person
being  asked about - the husband - is the 7th house - quesited.
We take the rulers of the houses say Jupiter for first and say
Mercury for 7th house ( husband and see what aspect exists
between Jupiter and Mercury.

If the aspect is supportive - say an applying trine - then yes - if a
applying square then a no. This is an exeptionally simple and
controlled view of a small part of Horary but demonstrates the
ease of answering yes or no questions.

The only real problem occurs when the Horary Practitioner
cannot identify which planet rules the issue or if the planets
involved do not make an aspect. In this case more scholarship
is required to ascertain the answer but usually the answer
resolves to  "maybe".

The advantage of Horary is that it is relatively fast, describes
the situation being asked about in archetypal generalities
and suggests solutions appropriate to the matter being asked.
In addition, timing can be done using the Moon if there is an
aspect between the Moon and the pertinent planets but this
is non-trivial and many times the natal chart is preferred
for actual dating. Get the dinvined answer from horary and
timing from natal progressions is usually a good first approach.

Advanced practitioners can even find lost objects or pets etc
by locating the direction and distance to the item.

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:48 am

again :

Take 10 easy questions that can be answered with yes/no....if you get less then 7 right "answers", well then it is not good enough.

and I will be surprised if one over time managed to make a difference.

Just look at the big companies, every edge they could get to improve their chances for right decisions would be used, because it will have a great impact on their bottom line.

If any tool, that be psychic, astrology or Tarot could show that they could increase the chance to get it right, then it would have been incorporated in the education of leaders everywhere.

Of course there are leaders (and others) who have strong belief in  this kind of "help", but since none have them have proven to do a better job then others, (maybe more the other way since we have a lot more bad leaders then good ones) it has not won the respect from the least i the west.

I still feel that yes/no questions are evaluating questions, and the final decision shall be made from this....if you aren't able to choose, then a flip of a card is as good as looking in the sky, or throwing the dice :)

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Post by Payewacker » Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:09 pm

Hi Rhuto,
I agree with your opinion, the example of the husband loving the wife.

The answer may be yes, absolutely, but why then does he treat her like ****, he hates what she does?

As I said, the chances for a 62 year old to have a kid, is very slim, but, with +++++possible. Consider, this person has four kids and 10 grand children of who five may be "available" for procreation. What is the chance that within a year, we may find three pregnancies?---very likely?----

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Post by lemonpip » Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:57 pm

no no,

taro, no left, no right ,no stryt  is baisiekel ryde. no, or yes, is lyk pafemint.  stryt line. wen ryde bisiekel u seet wel. wen hit pafement u see what you seet. so no hit pafement!

sunlight 2 u

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Post by Payewacker » Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:10 pm

Hi Guys,

:smt005  :smt005  :smt005 , very interesting but how true!!! My goodness at best i hope she stays, the flavour is just so relaxing?  :smt005  :smt005
At least let's try to dechipher the lingo!!!!! :smt005

Cedars, i agree with you on the timing issue and will post a thread now, or if you have already done so, great.

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Post by Kaperuzita » Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:22 am

I think it's easier to tell the querent to re-phrase the question. For example, instead of asking "will I get this job?" they can ask "How are my chances of getting this job?" then, ,you can do extra question asking the cards for advice.

My goodness at best i hope she stays, the flavour is just so relaxing?
 :smt005  LOL!! that was so funny!!

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Post by Cascade of Light » Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:09 am

lemonpip wrote:no no,

taro, no left, no right ,no stryt  is baisiekel ryde. no, or yes, is lyk pafemint.  stryt line. wen ryde bisiekel u seet wel. wen hit pafement u see what you seet. so no hit pafement!

sunlight 2 u
I don't agree; there is a left, right and sideways with Tarot. No two decks read alike and no two readers. Even the strictest traditional Golden Dawn Tarot had movement and interpretation. Tarot isn't like a pavement it's like a piece of string, malleable and changeable and with the ability to tie knots in oneself lol.  :smt005

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Post by Cascade of Light » Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:13 am

Kaperuzita wrote:I think it's easier to tell the querent to re-phrase the question. For example, instead of asking "will I get this job?" they can ask "How are my chances of getting this job?" then, ,you can do extra question asking the cards for advice.
I agree I rarely ever do a yes or no reading. They are pretty pointless and not very empowering. In fact I would change your question too, and try and get the best information possible. Perhaps "How can I improve my chances of getting this job?" or "What do I need to be aware of when searching for a new job?"  those kind of things but it's far easier in person with the spoken word as it is so quick and easy to change the wording of the question. People never seem to mind as they get a instant fix of information and the answers they want there and then. Especially as what the seeker really wants to know is not if they have the job yes or no but how they can get that job or another.

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Post by Payewacker » Thu Jul 23, 2009 6:14 pm

Hi Guys,

I agree with both of you. Cascade, I think LP is trying to say something along those lines.  :smt005 Let's hope she understands a bit better or have her son intepret properly and decode the message?

Blessed be :smt004

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