The Death Card

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The Death Card

Post by p3ntacle » Sat Aug 09, 2008 12:28 am

I have been constantly getting this card for the past month...both on the internet and in my own Rider Waite Deck. The other day I drew the single card reading: DEATH.
I did a reading for my father, he drew death too...yes I am planning on moving out, but is this an omen??? I am worried someone might die.

- You see yourself as an Integrator.
Card Name: Death
Rebirth, Transformation, Ending, Complete Change, Renewal, Life Cycle, Transformations.
This is the beginning of a new life. You have to start from scratch. You won't get anything easily. Do not give up hope nor wallow in self pity. Give up old habits that you don't like and start a new life. There may be a lot of changes in your life.

Can anyone point out how I might be getting so many negative readings lately? I am getting many swords, reversals, grief, and predictions of money gain.


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Post by singerofpeace » Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:13 am

Many times, I think that the Death card represents a need for acceptance of an end, so that the new beginning can come about.  Perhaps your repeated drawing of it shows a period of stagnant, unacceptance, from you and/or the people around you.  Once the endings are accepted, maybe the negative readings will stop, and the positive things will start :)

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Post by chrisdee » Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:02 pm

Im not sure I understand what you are saying, are you saying that you live with your father and are planning on moveing out of the home and drawing The Death card for both of you?

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Post by sarablinx » Sat Aug 16, 2008 6:18 am

It probably just means that it is the beginning of a new phase in both your life and his, i mean since you moving out obviously affects him too...

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Post by bellevalentine » Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:05 am

Death card is not literal meaning, its change, beginning, leaving it behind.  Moving Forward! Good luck with your move!

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Post by magickpunk » Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:15 pm

I think we often forget that the Death card is named Death.  While I agree that much of what can be read from or into this card deals with change and new beginnings it's not bad to think of this card as pointing to the end of something.

Does the card mean physical death?  Not always, and probably not 99% of the time.  However, the end of something is, if you work it right, the beginning of something else.

When I started working with a Tarot I got this card at least four times a week for two weeks.  I was terrified!  What is happening?  Why am I ending things so much?  Why does this Death card keep popping up every time I ask a question or do a general reading?

The answer:  I'm changing things.  I was, and am, going from a life of blissful ignorance to one of illuminated intelligence.  I'm not worried I might die.  I know I will.  If the Death card means physical death only, then it's a wasted card in my book.  We are all going to die.  But, if it means the death of something in ourselves I'm rather excited about that.  There's an awful lot I'd like to 'die' in me and with the help of Tarot I can start the process of creating the new things to replace them.

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:34 am

Look at the keywords you have written down. Read what you have written. You are moving out. You are ending a phase in your life, you are transforming your life from what it is now. Keywords: Rebirth, Transformation, Ending, Complete Change, Renewal, Life Cycle, Transformations.

This is a form of rebirth for you and your father. This is the ending to a phase of your life and his. This is going to be a complete change for both of you. You both will have the opportunity for renewal in both of your lives. The life cycle is changing for you both. There will be all sorts of transformations. The card is not a negative card but one full of insight and one that stops us from becoming stagnant and dormant. Look at the positive aspects of the card, feel the positive energies in the card and then look at the card again. What do you feel now? These things are both new and exciting and on another level change is a bit scary for some. Think of yourself and your father as catapilliars, which in time turn to beautiful butterflies and are able to fly. That is a transformation, a renewal and so on. I hope this helps.

Gentle Hugs,


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Thoughts on the Death card

Post by VirtualBabe » Sat Aug 23, 2008 11:22 pm

In many cultures (Including my own, the western judeao-christian culture) death is not seen as the end of existence, but as a transition from one form of existence to a higher one.  Think of it like this, A caterpiller could be seen to die as it enters it's coccoon, because what leaves the coccoon is a butterfly.  The caterpiller is a lowly creature of the earth, and it's whole world is the leaf on which it was born and it eats.  The butterfly however is a beautiful, free creature of the air, and her world is wherever her wings can take her.  (Yes I just noticed that I've made the same point as the poster above me).  Another example of this type of "death" would be the foetus, which dies at it enters the birth canal, because what emerges is no longer a foetus but a baby.  This baby is already much less dependant on her mother then she was as a foetus, and her world in immesurably larger then it was before.  

I myself have seen the death card in a reading I was given.  In my case it was a clear reference to my own transition from the man society said I was "supposed" to be to the woman I truly am.

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Sun Aug 24, 2008 1:21 am

Thank you for sharing with us about your transformation.

Gentle Hugs,


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